9 years ago*

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What gun should I get? (Based on info provided in previous thread)

View Results
Sig Sauer P228 (m11-a1) - 9mm
Sig Sauer P229 - .40 S&W
Five-SeveN - 5.7
CZ 75 SP-01 - 9mm
Beretta 92 FS compact - 9mm
Kimber Pro Carry II - .45 ACP
H&K USP compact - .45 ACP
H&K P2000 - .357 sig or .40 S&W
Springfield XD(M) compact - .40 S&W or .45 ACP
You don't need to carry a gun

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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No no, he meant you don't need just ONE gun.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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Haha, I like you.

9 years ago

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Why get a gun when you can tape a sausage to the inside leg of tight pants?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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it's not about being insecure. he is not upset because he doesn't have a big-fat-sausage sized d. it's just a way to intimidate your foe. and in case you didn't get it, it was a joke. using an avatar that you're holding two guns on the other hand...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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taping a sausage is attacking others? what the f-?

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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if you mean where i said using an avatar that you hold two guns reflects insecurity, i still think like that and i don't see how this is an attack or an insult. if you were referring to something else, please enlighten me.

9 years ago

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HAHAHA. :D sorry about that but your insecurity is really funny. i wouldn't interpret it like that in a million years. chill out dude.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i see. that's a cultural thing i couldn't possibly comprehend then. sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9 years ago

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I would personally go for a shotgun disguised as a super soaker.

9 years ago*

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That looks dangerous...

9 years ago

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sausages taped to one's leg were most common murder weapon in Texas in 2007 and 2012

9 years ago

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i see. poor 'muricans. :/

9 years ago

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Obesity is a really big problem.

9 years ago

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Hey I've heard of Sig Sauer before! That's the gun the bodyguard in Artemis Fowl carries.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't know much about most of these specific models, but Sigs have too much trigger travel for my taste. The only other models I recognize are the H&K USP and Springfield XD. I've fired the former and it's decent but nothing to brag about. Never used a Springfield but I know people that really like theirs. I personally love 1911s and although they're not practical to carry, you might consider a compact 1911. Oh, and CZs are nice.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I didn't mean to imply that the USP was of poor quality, I just prefer the feel of other handguns. I'm not sure of the practicality of carrying a compact 1911, I'm just a fan of the design. Do you prefer carrying DA or SA uncocked and having to set the hammer manually?

9 years ago

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One of us!

9 years ago

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I thought hollow point bullets were forbidden ?

edit : all right, just read up on that, it's forbidden on international warfare, but it's the most commonly used type of bullet because it reduces risk of hitting bystanders because of ricochet or because of traversing the target.

9 years ago*

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I wish we were allowed guns in Australia :C It must be so cool.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, mass stabbings are also possible too. Not an NRA member by a long shot, hehe, but killers will kill with anything at hand. If not a gun, a knife, a box cutter, pencil, gun powder/bombs, chlorine gas, propane, gasoline... I could continue.

9 years ago

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the difference is you have a better chance of surviving from those other "weapons"

9 years ago

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"cool" yeah great reason

9 years ago

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It would just feel badass carrying a firearm. Maybe IDK...

9 years ago

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Guns are for protection, not to be "cool". That very sort of thinking is why gun violence is a problem in the United States: people think owning and carrying a gun is something to boost their masculinity and intimidation factor. In reality, a gun is a weapon and there is nothing prideful about owning something which can harm or kill another living creature. It's there for utility and defense, not to make you some macho man.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's also pretty "fun" to kick the nerd at school until he has brain damage, but unqualified and undefined "fun" doesn't really justify it at all. If you prefer to have "fun" playing with your toys, then perhaps you should rent a gun at your local shooting range.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you purchase a gun and your sole purpose for doing so is to play with your deadly weapon at a shooting range, then your purchase should only be for that.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No, seriously, why the fuck do you even want to have a concealed weapon anyways? Are you expecting someone to mug you? What, are you going to flash your gun and hope they pussy out? What if they make a move on you? Shoot them? I know for a fact that some states don't allow 'self-defence murder' so this whole thread is just turning out to be a joke.

Even common sense dictates that the average person would not be emotionally or psychologically stable after murdering someone unless they were somehow under the impression that it was a 'good' thing(could still cause issues) or they had done it before. This thread is really blooming the true colours.

Ever heard of PTSD? Yes, it's a real thing that can gasp actually come from the murder of someone! You've been treating the contents of this thread like a joke and it's sickening.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Your ignorance is fucking hilarious. Are you trying to imply that EVERY state would allow you to murder someone as 'self defence'? It would be self defence if he had attempted murder on you first. Somebody mugging you and then moving towards you because you pulled a gun out on him isn't indicative of 'I'm going to die'. It's indicative of 'I pulled a gun on him and that's a higher act of aggression'.

Anyways, I don't care about the States one way or the other. If they've changed drastically in the last few years where every state allows for murder as a self-defence, then that's just another reason to make fun of the states and, of course, you.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wow, you're so cool pew pew pew ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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:clap: :clap:

9 years ago

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Real men use fists

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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For defense. I don't believe that there are people armed to teeth actively hunting you. Even if we assume, for the argument's sake, that someone will try to rob you - is it really wise to get into a shootout for let's say 300 bucks? To me a gun was always in the way. Additionally you have to be careful with it and shit. Not worth it. Where I live even using martial arts is considered "deadly weapon" by the law. People don't carry guns and we have like 5 gun related murders per year. I'm really not sure why you want to carry a gun, maybe you think it's cool. To me carrying a gun is basically admitting that I believe in all that mass media bullshit about high crime and poor black teenagers running and gunning white folks.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you don't care for other people's opinions why even bother posting here? And why in the poll there is "no gun" option? Now you're saying me that whatever we propose you will do what you please and don't even take into consideration what you've red here. Because "we don't know what's best for you". Or maybe we do and you don't?

I just wanted to point out, that carrying a gun doesn't make you a man and probably you don't really need it in the first place. You just want it. And you're right - it's just my opinion. You can ignore it or think about it. In the end it's your life.

9 years ago

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Where I live, high crime, muggings, daylight robberies ( a lot of these committed by teenagers) and etc are not mass media bullshit, it's pretty depressing feeling tense whenever walking around your own neighbourhood, and I don't even live on the "bad" neighbourhoods, relatively far from them, in fact.

In my country carrying a firearm is strictly prohibited, and beside all the danger,I still think legalization would only bring more problems. I do carry a butterfly knife though.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yea, sure, I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just adding something to the conversation for no particular reason.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Indeed we do.

9 years ago

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Where are you from? It sounds a lot like where I live.

9 years ago

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A tropical hell-hole called Brazil

9 years ago

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I think the 5 users who voted that you dont need a gun dont live in the US.
With the recent rash of home invasions and all the muggings that happen here all people should carry a gun to let the criminals know that this might be thier last robbery if they meet the wrong person.
This is just my opinion, but I have been raised around guns my whole life and I believe that being prepared and able to defend myself is better than being a statistic in the morgue.

9 years ago

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The vote is for "you don't need to CARRY a gun." Home burglary is different than having a weapon on your person in "the hot Texas sun."

I do respect your position, though I do not personally subscribe to it.

While in my part of the Lone Star State burglary is the #1 crime of choice, I still have yet to purchase a firearm for the purpose of carrying it around.

Congrats on getting your concealed carry license air1, but I respectfully would not recommend taking advantage of it very often.

I am not prepared to lay out a case for my opinion, so I'll just say that if you do get a handgun, I'm partial to Beretta.

EDIT: SwagYoloBlazeIt420? And the crossed arms? Seriously?

On second thought--don't get a gun.

9 years ago*

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Now think about how criminals got their guns ;) I live in Europe and gun violence is no where near a serious issue. Although I could get you a gun in less than 3 hours on the black market. If you are raised around guns you are more likely to use it whether you are a rightful person or a criminal.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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But why do you see yourself confronted with he question "which gun should I get to carry for self defense". I never even have this question in my mind around here. And no I'm not living in a small peaceful village or something like that

9 years ago

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The type of crime you're describing is probably as low as it's been in decades.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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5-7 ! It's my favorite gun in csgo

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Its so nice to know that when considering a weapon for 'defence', the lethality of the weapon is an inportant factor.

Its nice to live in New Zealand. Far less gun nuts. I'm one of those people that think there needs to be far stronger gun control in places like America, given the kinds of people that can all too easily get a weapon right now.

If nothing else, people do not need an armory of assault rifles and the like to defend their home.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Then get something that can put a guy down. You don't nessesarily need to kill them.

I've seen a good video on guns in America recently, and if I still had it in my browser history, I'd try to find it. Not even sure of a method to search YouTube history and scrolling would take quite a while.

But in simple terms, it pointed out that much of America is crazy when it comes to guns. Say, home defense. You either keep it locked up as you should, and probably won't have it in a real emergency, or you risk the hazards of a gun at easy access (I've heard that people in that situation are more likely to shoot someone they know than someone who would harm their family, but didn't check stats for that). Heavier laws on guns, sure, you won't have one. Good chance that the guy breaking in won't either. You know, like most countries with heavier gun laws. There would also be the advantage of less gun massacres in the news.

Edit - I could always try Google, they are magic like that.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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So, basically, "We can't easily fix it, so we will just accept it and have a news worthy massacre every few months, and then blame everything except guns", am I right? Because its ****ing stupid.

The fact that stuff keeps happening is all the more reason to do so. Stop selling them, start hunting them down. Is it easy? No. But its a much better solution than hoping crazy people stop shooting up schools and malls.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And I've already pointed out why that its a bad thing you guys are gun nuts. Because people there are ****ing nuts, and its proven every time more children are killed. The fact idiots think guns should be kept, and continually made easy to get is why the problem persists.

But go ahead, try to convince me that you need to carry a tool designed to kill everywhere. Those bolded words are why I will never believe that it should be kept.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And its too &&&&ing bad, considering people there think more guns is an answer.

9 years ago

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I don't think more guns is the answer and I live in the U.S. Honestly, I hate how powerful the NRA has gotten and there are a lot of people in my state that think the same way. More guns is just going to increase gun violence and casualties since not everyone who buys a gun goes through the proper training for guns. I also hate how cops are trained that they should shoot to kill rather than detain.

This gun craze has only resulted in innocent people being gunned down. (I saw a video of a kid holding something that was very obviously just a bb gun get shot by two cops.)

So yeah, I agree that more guns is a problem.

9 years ago

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If more guns = more death, then Wyoming should be high on the gun murder rate list, as it is the state with highest gun ownership. That's not the case, though. It has less gun murders that than the average in the US. Which is the case with few other states with high gun ownership. And that trend is not unique in the US. The Nordic countries are some of the most peaceful countries in the world, yet they have lots of guns there. The problem is somewhere else

9 years ago

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Wyoming does have high gun ownership, and it also has a high death rate due to firearms. Murder is not the only thing that guns can do. There are also firearm accidents that occur since not everyone who buys a gun is trained how to properly use and maintain one. Suicides also factor in and there have been studies that show that a depressed person is more likely to commit suicide if a gun is within grasp. My evidence regarding Wyoming's death rate due to firearms can be found here and here. Here is an article with links to evidence that more guns has contributed to increased rape, murder, robbery, and aggravated assault. However, you do have a good point about the Nordic countries. While the Nordic country with the most guns does not have half the amount of guns as the United States, they still do have a decent amount of guns. (More information on that here.)

Now here are some humorous gifs to lighten the mood a bit since I do not actually want to get into a huge argument.

View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
9 years ago

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This gun craze has only resulted in innocent people being gunned down. (I saw a video of a kid holding something that was very obviously just a bb gun get shot by two cops.)

I admit that I was pretty outraged when that happened, but then I realized it's hard to tell real guns from fake guns apart. So It sucks that that shit happens and I'm not really sure how to solve it other than banning guns outright (impossible given the porosity of the US's southern border).

9 years ago

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As an aside, I live in Texas myself and have lived in the literal ghettos and slums. It may be nice to have a gun for home protection, and at times I've felt like it would be safer to carry a gun, but I decided not to. Instead, I carried around a pocket knife. I've considered getting a firearm myself, but solely for self-protection. I'd much rather have a nonlethal alternative, though.

But his "reasoning" is definitely bullshit. Even in gun-toting Texas, I've never felt compelled to buy a gun or wishing I had one. I simply didn't walk down dangerous streets and I kept inside my house. When you live in the slums, the best way to keep out of trouble is to not go outside.

His argument consists of "U DONT LIB HEER". No shit, but the reasoning still holds. Unless you actively seek trouble and walk the slums at night, you probably don't need a gun and never will.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Then do it without a gun if you're so big and tough. He didn't assume where you live, he stated where he lives, and i'm sorry...if someone lives in the ghettos of texas and doesn't need a gun, then honestly? It doesn't matter where you live, even the ghetto...your points are invalid.

If you constantly keep finding yourself in situations where you need a gun, then you are putting yourself into those situations purposely, or are engaging in illegal activities...either way, you are the type of person who shouldn't have a gun.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Defend yourself agaisnt what?! Maybe you should consider moving to a place where you don't need a weapon to survive a trip back from the grocery store.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Insurance against what? My health insurance pays if I'm sick, or need glasses, or to get my teeth fixed. Or if I travel to Texas and get randomly shot in the ribs by a drunk cowboy who has every right to carry a gun...

9 years ago

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Not a masculinity contest that I'm aware of. You're the one going "I go where the **** I feel like"(Just as long as I have a gun handy, because I clearly like going places where guns are like totally for realsies needed)...And yea, your points are invalid. People walk the streets all the time without needing to whip out a gun....The fact that you have found yourself in a situation 3 times where you needed a gun tells me you are just as bad as the criminals...NO normal person needs draw a gun that often going about their daily business. I know cops and soldiers in warzones who never had to draw a gun 3 times in a week. Yet somehow you keep finding yourself in those situations.

I'm not sure if you are full of it, an instigator or a criminal....Either way, yea your points are invalid and i'm done with this thread.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yea, cause having a gun handy while getting boozed up is really mature and responsible..you sure proved me wrong...apparently you are exactly the kind of person we want to have a gun...If your place is as bad as you claim, maybe, save your bullet money and get a house outside of Baghdad. Maybe you should worry about getting out of diapers before worrying about guns and giving ACTUAL responsible gun owners a bad name kid.

9 years ago

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So, basically, you're saying that pretty much ANYONE can access, and use, guns but you have to get through all kinds of 'red tape" to own/drive a car?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Which means that basically any kid anywhere in those states where laws are lax can pick up a gun and kill someone...nice

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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How about the 5-year-olds who shoot their 9-month-old baby brothers? Or the 2-year-olds who shoot their mothers dead in Walmart?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What about Adam Lanza?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't need to, they garner enough publicity on their own...but all you gun nuts seem to forget them as soon as they happen just so you can cling to your outdated "right" rather than look at your responsibility to your children to educate them better...on EVERYTHING, that is, not just on gun safety...there's a reason the US is the butt of so many jokes among the rest of the world's population...

9 years ago

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Tell me something though, how many high school shootings have occurred in your wonderful country, that have been perpetrated by "law abiding gun owners" or their children?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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My point is that, no matter what laws you Americans put in place, no matter how stringent your checks and balances are, the fact that it's harder to legally get behind the wheel of a death machine car than it is to get your hands on a firearm will ALWAYS be fucking ridiculous and you will ALWAYS blame the people who manage to see their way to getting their hands on guns they shouldn't have and end up killing people who had no need to die...you NEED to blame the idiots who keep gun laws lax and refuse to give up something they think is a "basic human right"

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Then you're one of the idiots carrying the blame for all the shootings...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It is...I and many others

9 years ago

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Remember when I told you to get a 5.7 in your previous thread? I meant it :p

9 years ago

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I see a severe lack of Glock 19 in this poll.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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While the 43 is sexy, if I need to rely on 7 rounds to save my life it sure as hell isn't going to be 9mm.

Also, I'm loving the comments in this thread. I've noticed that SG is anti-firearm so it's always fun seeing the community's different opinions clash.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You should be more concerned about shot placement and the ability to quickly follow up with more rounds down range. Stopping power is nice, but shot placement is key. My first vote is for the Glock 19, but from your options I would go with the P228. It's a lightweight, compact 9mm with a good magazine capacity. All the specialty ammo and larger calibers are just going to get pricey with range time, even with shit Wolf Ammo.

What was required to get your CC? Have you taken a defensive shooting course? If not I would highly recommend looking into one and investing in it. It will help ingrain into when it is and isn't necessary to draw your weapon. From what I've gathered you've been in some sketchy situations, but believe me when I say that taking another life is no joke. You need to be absolutely sure when you draw your weapon, and you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences that come with ending the life of another person.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't mean to insult your intelligence or your skill, but there's a huge difference between shooting paper and shooting humans. Being at the range is fun, it's cathartic. Being in a fight for your life is anything but. You will have the stress of an intense situation and adrenaline flowing and thoughts of injury and death are at the back of your mind.

At any rate, get what you feel comfortable with and what you can afford.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You do you, man.

9 years ago

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Well, here you can't even have a gun to defend your homestead. Heard about a guy who got constantly harassed, his shop vandalized. Once bandits broke to his house(shop was in the same building), he killed one with a shotgun. Went to prison for that. Our law doesn't promote defending oneself. You best slit your own throat and spare criminals the trouble(huge exaggeration, but it honestly feels like that sometimes). And anyone who ever speaks agains letting citizens carry means of protection lives in a fairy tale, has never seen what people are capable of/been in a tight situation.

Rant over. Get a good one, that can stop thugs permanently. Although I sincerely hope you won't have to use it :)

9 years ago

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If someone breaks in your house and YOU are charged for killing them, you probably should move out of your country or get a better lawyer. It's basic self defence, if you're outside and someone throws a punch at you, you are allowed to punch back. If I'm watching a movie on my couch and someone randomly shows up in my living room, he can either run or apologize and/or wait for the police (he might just got in accidentally if you live in an apartment building and left the door unlocked), but if he makes one more step towards me, that wasn't me killing him, that was my instinct to stay alive.

PS: I also heard of guy who had a break in and is now in prison for life. I think this is what happens if you don't get a lawyer. When someone dies, you should get a lawyer.

9 years ago

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A brain.

9 years ago

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Do you often find yourself in a situation when you need a gun? I recommend to have a good understanding of the scenarios you're gonna use it in. Will you try to intimidate your attackers or shoot immediately? What will be your signal to get the gun out (and especially to pull the trigger) - when some suspicious people approach you on a dark street, when they yell something insulting as you pass by, when they grab your arm and ask if you can spare a dollar or when they have a gun pointed at you?

Also I must note that guns often give a false sense of self-confidence, make people careless. In self-defense, the best way to win a fight is to avoid it, or use hit-and-run tactics (remember, the goal is not to defeat the enemy or defend your pride, the goal is to stay alive and preferrably unhurt). That's why I'll recommend a can of strong pepper spray/gas in most situations - it's easy to aim, cheap, reliable and doesn't require maintenance (just check the expiration date and replace it when time comes).

If you really need a gun, buy a weak one - lightweight, low caliber, small magazine just so you don't get overconfident. And get A LOT of training on how to use and maintain it. Go to the shooting range regularly, try to recreate some common scenarios with paintball guns, etc. Also a good advice for your first gun would be to buy something that's really cheap/on sale and save some money for your next purchase, when you'll fully understand what you need your gun to be.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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So, you've found yourself in the last 5 months having a weapon drawn on you? I think instead of a gun, you should prob hang out in different locations.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So you had a gun pointed directly at you three times in the past five months?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I knew a guy who had his house burgled. He and his wife were away at the time and found out long after the perpetrators were gone. It was seriously dangerous shit though. There was a police presence and all.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the answer, it looks like you take a responsible approach. Could you elaborate on that situations? I think it would be useful for everyone in this thread to know some common scenarios. Also, it's good to know that you've still managed to get out of them alive (and healthy enough to use a computer).

I must admit I haven't heard or "Cooper's Color Codes" code before. After a quick google search they seem reasonable, but my main question remains: when should one go from Orange to Red? (i.e. start shooting)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I think he also wanted to hear about the three situations (at least I do!).

9 years ago

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From what I understand from his past comments, it's not his first gun, just his first gun he'll be carrying around as a concealed weapon.

9 years ago

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Sounds like real life GTA, some random hobo asks for money and he "shoots immediately to the center of mass until threat stops"

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You make it sound like everyone everywhere is coming for you and the only way to survive is carry a gun with you at all times...

9 years ago

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Unless he lives in an abominable shithole (you know, some place inside particularly abominable the abominable shithole of Texas), his "you don't live here" argument is 100% bullshit. Native Texan here, not all of us are insane.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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"we have shooting murders pretty much everyday"
because every idiot can have a gun...

in germany we have 70! death through gun weapons in the whole year...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i don't want to be offensive but in your city dying people "because every idiot can have a gun".

and the best answer that you have is to buy a gun... so.. you know...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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your brain

9 years ago

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That's what I was talking about. Some Americans think that more guns can prevent gun crimes. Nice logic over there.
But I think they don't understand how peaceful a gun free country can be. I never heard of German cops shooting a child because it is carrying a toy gun. In fact if somebody approaches you with a gun here it is most likely a blank gun and you can laugh your ass off

9 years ago

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We had more then that in 2014 just in Amsterdam, in 2015 so far there is one shooting incident about every week.

9 years ago

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Personally, I'm all for gun ownership, and the use of it for defense in your home. Carrying a gun around though, seems like more risk and danger than it's worth. Not just for you, but others who maybe around. A shootout in public places seems like it should be something to avoid. That's just my opinion though.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yea, I get that...but bullets flying in public areas doesn't SEEM like a good idea, but i'm not texan, never even been there. So, I don't really know what i'm talking about really. Different areas have different mentalities.

9 years ago

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Be fancy, go for Smith&Wesson 642 Air Weight

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You don't need to buy a gun


9 years ago

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A Colt 1873 aka Colt Peacemaker, I'm a sucker for revolvers :p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I know but it's a beautiful gun :)

9 years ago

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Go for AK

9 years ago

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USA and their amazing laws :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I love this country, but god dammit this law is awful (imho)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well even if something is a part of a culture that does not mean it is justified. Take for example the bullfighting in Spain.
Sure it is a part of their culture but that does not mean it is not cruel.
Anyway I was just stating my opinion on the matter it's not up to me to decide if it is right or not :)
BTW I'd definitely go for 5-7, it's sexy as hell :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Whether people like something or not doesn't quite matter. I may for example like drugs and so may do tons of other people,
this doesn't mean drugs should be legal and easily accessed to everyone. Anyone hope you won't have to use your firearms :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That's not how it should work however. Anyway you have your opinion, I've got mine.
I can't find a single reason why should firearms be legal no matter how many reasoning I've read/heard
Have a nice day

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You just mentioned a perfect example of what I think.
Let's end this here I got bored typing and reading :)

9 years ago

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Implying laws are made objectively.
I bet you don't even know what a "drug" is.

9 years ago

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You got me

9 years ago

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Yes and I consider that ruling to be absurd and founded on a nonsensical exploitation of the term "militia". We are citizens, not some ragtag crew of freedom fighters. The second amendment is antiquated and hasn't had any justifiable purpose for the past two hundred years.

I'm pretty certain gun violence is a worthwhile problem to consider. Appeals to relative privation get us nowhere.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Probably never because the majority of this country is too busy buying metal penises to consider the propriety of their purchases. If that's the best you got, then you might as well step down now.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Your campaigning is pointless because you're beating a dead horse. You already have majority support among every hick and rifle owner south of the Mason–Dixon line. But yes, I refuse to vote for politicians who don't support gun control, and I sign petitions demanding stronger laws. It's probably futile, though, since we're a land of cowboys and tough guys who would rather eat a gun than let it be taken away.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So you shouldn't be held accountable for your purchase of a deadly weapon notorious as the primary tool of murder and suicide? Where is the reason in that? Gun owners are kept on file to ensure they are held accountable for their purchase. If they illicitly sell the weapon, the owner can be punished. If they abuse their rights or commit criminal misconduct, their license is revoked. I'm sorry, but there are already too many bitter psychopaths and mentally ill people purchasing firearms without any background checks. You are purchasing an extremely deadly weapon and you already can far more easily than in most countries on Earth. Your unwillingness to wait and undergo the appropriate procedures only suggests immaturity and impatience on your part, both of which indicates you are too irresponsible to own a firearm in the first place.

Your points about tax stamps on suppressors and private machine gun registration are vague and it's uncertain what you're trying to convey. On the matter of machine guns, people should not be allowed to own them privately anymore if the machine gun is operational. I am unfamiliar about this particular issue, however, so unless you clarify, I can't adequately respond.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If they infringed upon your rights, they would be prohibiting you from exercising them. They do not. They qualify your right so as to give it meaning. An unqualified right is an excuse for abuse.

What is your purpose for owning a suppressor? A suppressor is a weapon modification that conceals the muzzle flash and/or noise emitted from a gunshot. It can directly facilitate criminal activity by hiding illegal discharges. I'd rather owners of a weapon modification with zero civilian utility be placed on a registry to keep them accountable than allow any jackass purchase a suppressor and silently execute someone in a derelict alleyway with nobody calling the cops because nobody heard or saw the shot.

These registries do not infringe upon your rights or inhibit you from lawful conduct. They prevent criminal misconduct and abuse by holding owners accountable. If you refuse to be held accountable for the ownership of a deadly weapon and the modifications to apply to it, then you should not be allowed to own the weapon at all. A part of being a responsible adult (and gun owner) is accepting that one holds a great responsibility when owning a weapon. This responsibility is meaningless if it is not legally enforced. If you'd rather own a deadly weapon without the government holding you accountable, feel free to move to any Middle Eastern country and fend for yourself there. I hear you can purchase all the weapons (even military-grade ones!) there alongside any modifications you desire.

There is no purpose to own a machine gun as a civilian. If you do, comprehensive countermeasures should be taken to prevent abuse with owning a military-grade, rapidfiring weapon intended to mow down hundreds of oncoming soldiers. Otherwise, the gun should be rendered unoperational by means of soldering and welding. Maybe you're okay with anyone being able to own a machine gun, but I'd rather us not have the laws to goddamn lax as to be pointless and ineffectual at preventing any psychopath mass slaughtering a recess ground full of children. That irresponsible as a society and as a government, so I'll decline to subscribe to your literal insanity.

9 years ago

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You have no idea how suppressors work do you?.

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9 years ago

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Yes, I do know how they work and nothing I said indicated otherwise. Either explain your rationale or troll elsewhere.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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He wants to destroy historical artefacts and I bet he has no idea about how machine guns work either. It's pointless to argue with him since he is so eager to give opinions on stuff he does not even know a little bit about.

9 years ago

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I never said anything about destroying anything. I greatly respect historical artifacts and even said that soldering or welding a weapon to be unoperational should be optional. Even if that were to occur, however, that's not "destroying" anything. It's decommissioning it from use so as to prevent unlawful use of it.

How about you actually respond to my argument instead of being a whiny pissant who misrepresents their opponent?

9 years ago

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Sure thing bud.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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And in case you didn't read after the first fucking sentence:

I greatly respect historical artifacts and even said that soldering or welding a weapon to be unoperational should be optional. Even if that were to occur, however, that's not "destroying" anything. It's decommissioning it from use so as to prevent unlawful use of it.

2/10 troll.

9 years ago

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i read your post and i wanted to say go with a Glock and then i noticed your post about Glocks :D
if you don't have any problem with the ammunition type get a USP 45 Compact,you can basically carry it anywhere without problems.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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yes, but it need to be liquid bullet o

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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use your oven to melt them

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i have no oven, you can do it your self but remember to remove the head and throw away the part with the powder, or it can be dangerous ...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i was thinking about that, but i remembered a moment when i forget a spoon or a fork in the microwave, and short story, isn't a bright idea (of you have already did that you will see the pun :D) so if you never microwaved some metal, you will be able to see what happen :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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161(74%) pp don't live in Texas or near of it lol

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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There are no foreigners when a website is international... just saying.

9 years ago

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You can carry a gun if you want to since you have a permit so ignore everyone on here. I would say go with a smaller one that conceals easily because if you are going to shoot something it's probably going to die regardless of what type of gun you shoot it with.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Gotcha. I didn't mean it had to be a pocket pistol, I was assuming hip holstered. If you get some nasty ammo you can do real damage with most anything.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you shot someone with any of those bullets I'm sure it would be effective regardless of what shape they made on impact. Concealed carry weapons are also usually used at a close range which would only make my point even stronger. I'm no expert though so I'm not going to advise you on what to buy.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Swaggins.