I gave away Serious Sam Compete, excited to be jumping up in level. I even kept some P aside for entering giveaways after I leveled, opting to miss out of a few lower level ones.

Turns out it was in a bundle, so I only went from 1.2 to 1.8 (instead of to 3).

It would be nice to know what effect a game has on your level or, at very least, a notice that it's already been in a bundle.

7 years ago

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You can always check the list here:

7 years ago

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Hmm, this list isn't linked anywhere beside forums, or am I blind?

7 years ago

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It's in the FAQ at the part that explains player levels and CV

7 years ago

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So, still hidden, but not that bad. Thanks.

7 years ago

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To be honest, I just googled it because I never remember where it's actually linked. Only needed it once or twice I think.

7 years ago

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General rule: if it is 85% or more on Steam, then it will be on the bundle list eventually due to regional pricing.

7 years ago

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You can always check https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games to see what is bundled and not. Also I suggest Enhanced Steam add-on for your browser. It gives you info on whether a game has been in a bundle(not always counted as bundled on SG though so check the list above anyway), lowest historical and current price for a game etc.

Also since the list is not updated automatically but manually updated by 2(?) people that feature would give greatly inaccurate information for games in newer bundles, price glitches or insanely low regional pricing.

7 years ago

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I was going to do the giveaway either way, so there was no real investment. It's just a user experience (UX) thing.

The list isn't exactly easy to find if you don't know where to look. Even making it more prominently located would help new users... But it be trivial to get it to check and see if the game has been bundled when creating the giveaway.

7 years ago

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The list isn't exactly easy to find if you don't know where to look.

I'll agree and then some on this. I struggled to find it at first as well, after the first few times i just bookmarked it and saved myself the trouble.

I'm gonna mention Enhanced Steam again, it's extremely handy, not only for seeing bundled stuff etc but to make sure you have as much info as possible before making a purchase. I'm attaching a screenshot of what it looks like below, showing Current lowest, historical lowest prices, If the game has been bundled(and if you click Info when, where and for how much) and regional current prices on mouseover. Imo the best add-on you can have if you're buying Steam games.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Ah, so it's not only me who gets the original prices covered up by the discount tag. It's pretty annoying if you ask me.

7 years ago

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It is :\
At least I always manage to catch a glimpse of it before it gets all distorted lol. but in this case the benefits certainly beat the cost :P

7 years ago

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its Steam Enhanced 100% legit?can i get Ban if i install it?

7 years ago

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Yes it is legit and no you can't get banned for it.

7 years ago

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I use this

7 years ago

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Yea it wouldn't hurt to see the CV you will receive while making the Ga,it would be a nice feature but i guess its not all that hard to check prior to creating one.

7 years ago

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We used to have an asterisk "*" next to the game name in the list to indicate their bundle status. However, it got removed with SG V2.0, no idea why. I found it useful.

7 years ago

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I'm assuming you bought the pack on sale for $10, right? Then there should be no issue. You got the pack for 90% off, so what if you don't get full credit? Now, I could see getting pissed if you paid the full $100 and only got partial CV q:

Easy way to avoid that: never buy a game for retail price, because there's a 99% chance it was bundled at one point, or will be bundled... or at the very least, has been/will be on sale for over 75% off on a Steam sale. And I can guarantee one of the above will happen right after you buy a game full priced, and have over 2 hours of game time, which will prevent you from getting a refund for the lower price. Never fails :D

7 years ago

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My issue isn't with not getting the CV because of how much was spent; it was that the list is buried and there's no other indication that a game has been bundled before. The way I see it, the 15% of the $100 is better than the 100% of the $10. Like I said initially, that's really just a UX issue....especially If what eeev said is true; it's really odd that there -isn't- some feature to denote it.

7 years ago

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Well, you can always check to see if it was bundled here. But yeah, it would be nice if it would tell you when you go to create the giveaway too. I think that SG also counts a game as bundled if it gets a large discount, so the Serious Sam pack would be considered bundled by that standard, knocking off 15% CV. Plus, since it appears the games were in fact bundled at one point, I believe that also knocks off another 15%, so if I'm not wrong, you only received 30% of the $10 discounted price O.o

7 years ago

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It gives it based off of the full price, but when it's bundled, it's not 15% off; you get 15% of the value, at least according to the FAQ. The math -and the links I've found showing what it roughly costs to hit a level- seem to support the 15% flat value; I seemed to earn $15 worth, not $3.

Regardless... it'd be nice to know.

7 years ago

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There is no dual reduction. If it's on the list, then you get 15% of it's retail value in CV.

7 years ago

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It would be nice to know what effect a game has on your level or, at very least, a notice that it's already been in a bundle.

It would also be nice if people gave away games just to give them away.

7 years ago

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See above where I said:

I was going to do the giveaway either way, so there was no real investment. It's just a user experience (UX) thing.

7 years ago

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CV is a fun extra, not a focal point. I understand why the asterisk from v1 was removed, such a notifier could discourage some folks from gifting at all.

7 years ago

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Actually, from what I've seen, it's a focal mechanic of the site; at one point, there were about 3 pages where there weren't any available giveaways. And yes, I know you can hide ones you don't qualify for; I just wanted to see how many I'm -not- qualifying for.

7 years ago

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Here you go: https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/giveaways

Scroll down to "per level"

7 years ago

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There's an extension that does a great job of telling you which games have been bundled, which games have achievements, trading cards, etc. I can't tell you exactly which one it is, but it might be Extended Steam. (I have too many extensions for my own good). Can someone here confirm a correct link?

7 years ago

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if the site tells people they will get X cv and then the game gets bundled (because sometimes retroactive bundling happens), users will get even more angry at sg because they were "tricked" and numbers were wrong.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's a fair point. It'd still be nice to know if it already -has- been.

7 years ago

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i'm sure there is a script for it. if not, make it or ask someone else to make it.
it shouldn't be a basic feature on the site in my opinion..

on another note, i see you are "new" here.
Welcome!. i guess you read the FAQ, but here, read this. got everything you mind wonder about SG:

7 years ago

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