Have you ever thought of playing a giveaway game?
Tired of trains and puzzles?
Not enough touhou in your life?

We come to the rescue!

Welcome to La Cirno de Mayo, another event organized by Touhou Giveaways. This time you'll need less clicking and more logical thinking. You'll need to make hard choices, choose right paths, and play with RNGesus for your giveaways.

Game description:

  • Event will be organized on our website and our system, to prevent abuse and cheating. You'll need to sign in with steam, and we'll also check your SG profile.
  • Every player starts with fixed number of giveaway choices. The higher your level on SG is, the more giveaways you'll be able to enter!
  • All giveaways are L1+, which means that everyone who contributed something to the community can join the fun. If you haven't yet, you still have 4 days, more than enough to make your first giveaway!
  • During your playthrough you'll be able to choose between taking and skipping every giveaway.
  • Game requires logical thinking, you don't know what giveaways are in the pool, you don't know if next giveaway will be better or worse than your current one, you don't know if you own it already or not. All you know is the game title, and current number of entries. Perhaps it's better to spend your choice on a giveaway with less number of entries instead?
  • Game finishes when player spends all his choices, or when he runs out of giveaways to choose from.
  • After finish of the game, you'll need to make your hardest decision, see yourself what it will be!
  • Event starts on 9 October 20:00 and ends on 11 October 23:59 (CEST).


  • Open Touhou Giveaways event website
  • You'll be redirected to sign in with steam to tell our website who you are. As you should know already, this is completely safe and is just used to tell us your steamID (so we know who you are).
  • Our system will automatically ask SG in your name for your SG level, which will be used to calculate how many giveaways you can enter.
  • "Play" button will be activated at 20:00 CEST

Play fair, don't be greedy, and don't leak giveaway links. We store all your choices in our database and we can easily spot any entrants that weren't allowed by our game to join particular giveaway. In such case you should be aware of the blacklist for all our future events, and report to SG, as well as reroll request for any winner who didn't obtain giveaway link fairly (under giveaway leaked reason). Appreciate our time and ideas put into this mini-game, so we'll be encouraged to organize more of these in the future!

There are currently 58 unique giveaways to choose from, all thanks to Touhou Giveaways group members. We focus on quality, not quantity.

We feel that it's crucial to give something back to the community, and so we organize various different events from time to time, in a bit more unique form.

Official event song

You won't be able to join the event if you were kicked out of our group, or if you're on my personal blacklist. I did a massive cleanup and amnesty lately, so if you're still there it means that you either blacklisted me first, or you were kicked out of the group and you're on our shame wall. In first case, I encourage everyone to bury the hatchet, as I don't want to restrict anybody from joining the event, but I also wouldn't feel right that people who blacklisted me are participating in my own idea. Let me know if you changed your mind, because I have no hard feelings towards anybody.

Mandatory giveaway for blacklist checking

413 users registered for our event in total. 19 of them were unfortunately not allowed to participate due to not meeting L1+ requirement. 35 users didn't complete their journey, or forgot to play (sadly). That gives us 359 users that participated and did complete the game (either by taking giveaways, or the box). Average level per user was 3.98.

There were 58 total, unique giveaways to choose from, provided by 29 contributors.

Every user was given $giveawaysCount X $yourLevel / 15 maximum choices, with level and final result rounded down. This means that L1 user had 3 choices, L2 user had 7 choices and so on.

Top 10 popular games were:

Game Entries
Fairy Fencer F 113
Valkyria Chroniclesโ„ข 96
Child of Light 71
War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR 60
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition 56
Iron Fisticle 52
Destiny Warriors RPG 42
Advent Rising 38
Skullgirls 38
Deep Under the Sky 31

Games for choosing were coming in fixed order based on giveawayIDs, this for sure will be improved in our future events, and randomized, to add even better effect.

After choosing the box, this video was played. However, box wasn't totally empty, as it always included $giveawaysCount X $yourLevel / 30 giveaways. Giveaways you got from the box weren't totally random, as our website was giving you always giveaways with least number of entries at the time of rolling, this way we were able to "boost" unpopular bundle giveaways and assure all our contributors to get 5+ entries in them, giving CV in return. So the giveaways you actually got were those who got least entries, but not everyone got the same ones. Smart trick, isn't it?

Average level of people who played safe was 4.27, average of those who gambled was 4.26. I expected a bit different results (mostly low level users gambling). You got me here. It looks like it was nearly 50/50. And in fact, 194 users played it safe, while 165 gambled and opened the box. So not a big difference.

There was 1 cheater who made it to our official touhou blacklist and public shame list. Hope it was worth it! Due to no calling out rule, details of that user will not be posted, but you know how to find our group on steam if you're interested. P.S. A leaker also was found, and blacklisted as well. Shame on you guys. Edit: cheater was already suspended, we'll see about the leaker.

I'd like to say big thank you to all of my Touhou Giveaways group members, who contributed those awesome giveaways: Narayan, The Wizzard, Spanky Pie, Per3zat, xKomachi, Sviat, Archi, Mole, Tatatofly, keohookalani, leniu, Drusilla, Madumius, FakeNameOF, CoolDarkDragon, Venom Dosh, dufftech, Akasuna, gangstazgirl (Nโ˜†G), morphicmetal, Efrye, LosingStreak, Emma Stoned, ใ€ŒCristi075ใ€, Squire Zed, Skatrzoo, Blood Ravens, Rock Lobster, Asimmacaky

Hope you had a great time and you'll join us in our future events! Psst, We're recruiting

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8 years ago*

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Hi, can my giveaways be shared group giveaways. If yes, then I would like to join

8 years ago

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Sorry but we're not recruiting at the moment.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by JustArchi.