Hi SG.
Yesterday I had to delete 113 members from my Whitelist and now I need new members :)

With that being said, I ask you for help: Please recommend new users for my Whitelist to me!
I am looking for users who are here for at least six months, gift (way) more than they win in Real CV, gift consistently, don't abuse the system, are no cheaters/scammers/bad persons in general and are a boon to our community.
We have a lot of users who unselfishly give away way more than they win and with my WL I'd like to help to even the odds and raise their chances to win something.


  • You can not recommend yourself, obviously.
  • Not everyone who gets recommended will be added automatically, I will decide on a case-by-case basis.
  • I will not discuss recommended members to avoid any drama within this thread.
  • Users must be active.

Alright, now show me your hidden gems of Steamgifts ;)

1 month ago

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I recommend the person below!

1 month ago

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Oh thank you❤

1 month ago

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seems like you have a huge fanbase :o
Lucky you!

View attached image.
1 month ago

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What about person above you?

1 month ago

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That would be even better.

1 month ago

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Since "This account is using by 3 siblings.", technically, you are three different persons and one could recommend the other.

1 month ago

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Wow i didn't think like that. That was clever. 🤯

1 month ago

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Do you have Kappaking on your WL? I always recommend Kappaking for WL :)

1 month ago

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Thank you for recommending Kappa :)

1 month ago

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I have most of them on my whitelist so i agree :)

1 month ago

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Thank you.
Most of them I know, but I also found two new ones for my WL :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I should have read the end of the thread, WL recruitment is closed now, sorry for being late

Maybe other people than me still find this thread and the users mentioned therein helpful for their own WL, so no worries, you helped :)

1 month ago

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Thank you.
Do you know why Nigelt74s GAs are all private? Or Nigel, if you read this, could you please give more details? :) Some I could link to trains within the forums, but not all of them.

1 month ago

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Wiggle is one of my favorite SG enigmas. 2590 games given away, 0 giveaways entered. Will anyone ever give away something that Wiggle decides to enter?! 😄

1 month ago

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Have a look at her: https://www.steamgifts.com/user/CupcakeDollykins
She's a real gem

1 month ago

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Sure is!!

1 month ago

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Wow! Seems on a break, but steam says 0 games owned 0_0 (nothing bad about that, just surprising )

1 month ago

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Game details are hidden on Steam, she owns games :)

1 month ago

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That's comforting, but also makes less of mysterious;)

1 month ago

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thanks for liking me

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thank you very much for nominating me

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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All hail the king.

1 month ago

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I went down a crazy rabbit hole

1 month ago

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So did I now. The lore for SG is deep. There is a treasure full of memes in those old threads, as the one below.

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Shoutout to bambi350.

1 month ago

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https://www.steamgifts.com/user/axolotlprime - Group GAs are for PA, PAGYWOSG and U-7
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/fluff77ball - Group GAs are for PA and PM
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/MrOuiOui - Some private groups GAs that you might consider "circle jerk" but many public ones too
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/MountainWulf - Group GAs are for PA
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/Yukiin - Group GAs are for PA and U-7

PA = Playing Appreciated (1000 members)
PM = Playing Matters (140 members)
PAGYWOSG = Play a Game You Won on SG (220 members)
U-7 = Unlucky-7 (600 members)

1 month ago

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Thank you.
Some of those were new to me and were added :) The info regarding group GAs was very helpful and made life easier, thanks again

1 month ago

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Once again, thank you very much! :)
I found some new ones I didn't know of

1 month ago

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Wow wasn't expecting to see my name here but it made my day, thanks you :-) Very kind of you to mention me.
"Somewhat inactive" sees fair indeed, life gets busy and since I'm in a bit of an emulator phase at the moment (Pokémon Red! Link's Awakening! Secret of Mana '93!), I do tend to spend less time in steam-related circles... But I'll be back at some point, nobody ever really leaves SG, do they?

1 month ago

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These three without thinking:

If you want me to think, send $5 to Evergreen Terrace 742, Springfield.

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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These are some huge big or even infinite ratios I've found, tho most decide to not enter any giveaway. Up to your discretion to add to your whitelist or not, but they are in mine. Not because of their ratio, but because what they do and the interactions (many or few) I've had with them.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Not to interfere but just so you know i doubt pkeod would ever wanna win someting
because it's a game studio (faeverse)

1 month ago

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Thank you for accepting my digital money and for recommending more people :)

1 month ago

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So, this is separate from your whitelist recruitment thread, but your requirements will still be taken from the recruitment thread?
These are mostly old users so you may already have them on your WL.

1 month ago

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Yes, this is different from the recruitment thread. I want to fill up my WL back again and this rather quick. This thread will get closed as soon as no more recommendations are coming in. And I'm a little more forgiving regarding the recommendations in this thread.

Thank you.

1 month ago

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kokkol got suspended by the looks of it for why I don't know

1 month ago

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Yes, it was for some hidden Steam-Library issues, but it's fixed, now. :) Anyway, I'll be back to send some extra giveaway, by now.

Here's one...

1 month ago*

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They’re not suspended at the moment though, are you talking about in the past?
I’ve been suspended a few times, basically for bad behaviour (not for giveaway malpractice though). Sometimes I fail to resist the urge to be an absolute asshole, but I’m trying to be good now.

1 month ago

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I thought they were earlier today but see they are back now

1 month ago

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Thank you.
I would take a hard and long look at the last one.. xD

1 month ago

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I hope you will take it into account and possibly add him. XD
Er hat es wirklich verdient.

1 month ago

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Dir ist schon aufgefallen, dass du mir mein eigenes Profil verlinkt hast, oder? :)
Ansonsten raffe ich es nicht.. xD

1 month ago

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Das war so gewollt XD, du solltest dich auf deine eigene Liste setzen...weil du ein guter bist, der alle Vorrausetzungen erfüllt.

Deswegen nominiere ich dich selbst, da oben nicht geschrieben steht, das man den Ersteller des Beitrags nicht auswählen darf. XD

1 month ago*

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Dann stand ich volle Lotte auf dem Schlauch, sorry =)
Und danke für deine Worte!

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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Thanks a lot Shurraxxo, but actually i ended up on his blacklist xD

1 month ago

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Ich auch
Wir sind einfach überqualifiziert XD

1 month ago*

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Anscheinend! :D
Naja, von meiner wirst du so schnell nicht mehr loskommen ^^

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I only ever comment if I have something to add to the conversation. Consequently, my interactions are fairly limited, but I have met some incredible people along the journey, and I’m proud to call some of them my friends. Here are my recommendations.

Simply lovely people who also happen to continuously make the Epic Games Store thread better.

Kind, generous souls who each gifted me one of my most favorite games of all time.

SteamGifts OG and the creator of the Unlucky7 group, one of the greatest initiatives on this site.

Another OG whose puzzle threads I’m always happy to see.

And finally,

One of the most generous users I’ve seen.

1 month ago

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Thank you for adding something to the conversation ;) It suits you :)

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thank you

1 month ago

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Some users registered less than 2 years ago
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/Vasharal (mostly group GA but open to all, has often brought the forum to life)
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/PoeticKatana (often mentioned)

and many registered long time ago but they are no more new, if i would just recommend one it would be obviously
for her colossal and constant work

1 month ago*

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Thank you :)
Do you happen to have any idea what Galianes private GAs are for?

1 month ago

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I've absolutely no idea, just the numbers didn't look anormal some have even a high number of entries so i didn't look any further.
Probably a contributive big thread ?

edit : thanks @poetickatana that's good to know !

1 month ago*

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The ones ending on Mar 10 were for this collaborative train in the Cozy Corner

The ones ending on Sep 28 were probably for Community Train 9.0

I'm not sure about the Lego Hobbit ones.

+1 for galiane. She's very sweet. I had the pleasure of granting her her first win space cat on SG :)

1 month ago

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Ah, the good, old community train in September :)
Thank you for your answer, it helped to make a decision

1 month ago

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Thank you for your answer :)

1 month ago

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Thank you for the kind mention! 🥰

I haven't done it in a while now. But it's very kind of you to remember my old stuff.

1 month ago*

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You did so much, how can anyone forget it/you? :)

1 month ago

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I was early in my days on Steamgifts. I am still around and I read the stuff posted here, I just don't ask questions as much. I feel I grew out of it. But I love the community and I might make some more stuff in the future. I'll just have to think about it. I guess the only person that forgot was me.

1 month ago

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TBH most of my WL is kind of a reminder of people I like for a reason or another, your reasons for whitelisting may be different.
So I'd go with people, who are (for example) into the monthly backlog-reducing events at PAGYWOSG, so your giveaways will go to someone who'll play them for sure :P


1 month ago

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I think everyone here at SG has slightly different reasons for whitelisting than all other users. This is what makes it interesting, isn't it?
Thank you :)

1 month ago

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Thank you :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thank you. All three already are on my WL :)

But you are missing. Would you be so kind and tell me what your private GAs are for? It seems like all are for certain events/puzzles you're hosting within the forums, am I right?

1 month ago

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Expected them to be there, but just in case!

Almost all my private GAs are from puzzles (not hard, I don't have the hability to do so) or community events, so they are "public" for the people who is active on the discussion side of the site. Thanks for considering me 💖🦦

1 month ago*

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Thank you for your answer :)

1 month ago

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I would like to suggest 5 names:


Chris76de has already been nominated, but he and Aneve gave games directly in various threads (thus without gaining any cv) , and I talk about dozens of games. These 2 , for me are what SG should be.


How come our famous and yet humble fireball has not been nominated yet?


Both of these are really nice, and fun to read. This helps me to breathe after a rough day

1 month ago*

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I wanted to suggest you but some were faster than me, hope you still love me anyway

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1 month ago

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I don't see why not, this is not a popularity contest :)

Everyone manages his WL as he/she/they see fit. I very rarely particiapte in WL topics because personnally I add only people that I like (for various reasons). That (and I) may not fit in some others WL, and it's totally fine !

But here, this reminded me a bit about the lesser known heroes thread, and I wanted to give names that for me are what makes SG a nice place.

Totally subjective of course.

1 month ago*

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Thank you for your recommendations :)

1 month ago

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Thank you :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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no idea if these people have been mentioned but someone kindly nominated myself so I thought i'd pick out some people as well

https://www.steamgifts.com/user/AndyFrost - he helped me with my daily giveaways a lot back in the day

edit: saw I was on your black list and for whatever reason I was added I'M sorry

1 month ago

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Thank you very much.
And of course I do accept your appology :)

1 month ago

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also this person is a must have tbh

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thank you very much :)

1 month ago

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Thank you for your recommendations :)

1 month ago

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Don't mind me...I'm just passing through.

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1 month ago

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