Wow, I almost can't believe it's that time already but guess what... I've been on Steamgifts for almost one year now, and what a year it's been. I gave out a lot of games, encountered many insightful people and managed to double my wishlist in the process.

So to celebrate, it's time for - you guessed it - a cakeday train. There are 10 carriages waiting for you, worth a total of 148P. The train will run until 04:00 CET on May 18th, which is when I will clock in exactly one year on SG.

There is a Level 5+ requirement to enter, but since the train will be running for another week, people who are a bit below the marker still have time to reach it and enter the GAs.

I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in the community here - puzzle and train creators, deal scouts, 'veterans' and 'newbies' alike. The world may seem like a strange place sometimes, for many different reasons - some on the outside, some within - but I have always believed that games can be a powerful tool for human communication. I'm happy the SG community has proved me right many many more times than the other way around!

Before we get to the best part, here are some stats from the past (almost) one year, because why not:

  • I have entered 8,093 giveaways over 357 days, averaging 22.67 per day
  • I have won 103 giveaways so far, averaging 0.27 per day
  • The above adds up to an overall success ratio of around 1.27%
  • I have sent 552 individual keys, including the ones from GAs yet to finish
  • On average, I have given out 5.36 keys for each one I have won
  • I am currently at contributor level 6.25+

I have won more than 100 giveaways, but only a select few of them have been from my wishlist so far. Lately I joined a few nice groups and got added by some generous people, so things are looking up for the future :)

If you haven't fallen asleep yet, it's time to board the train!

Good luck to everyone :)

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7 years ago*

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Wow! Happy Cake Day mate! :)

7 years ago

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Yay, icon is finally here!

7 years ago

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The train has now reached its last stop, and keys have been sent out to the 10 lucky winners. A big thank you to everyone for your nice comments and wishes, and for being part of this community.

Perhaps some of you are on my whitelist?

7 years ago

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