"Dies ist ein 11.09.2002 Simulator, in dem sie die Rolle eines al Quaida Mitarbeiters übernehmen und das Flugzeug in die Twin Towers fliegen."

Edit: one of the developers pulled his name from the developers section:

Edit2: NSFW Comments made by the developer

1 decade ago*

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Oh someone making a game(or atleast trying to look like they are making) on something which I dont approve of.Report,report report ! (Upvoted xD)

1 decade ago

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Downvoted and reported. Saw the same two "devs" have another slenderman knockoff on greenlight as well. Went ahead and downvoted that as well.

1 decade ago

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Wonder what the dlc will be like?

1 decade ago

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Thus so far "Freedom of Speech". I see many hatefull things in the world that people are ok with it because they say its freedom of speech. So I guess in that logic, that this is ok.

1 decade ago

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Its fine by me, anyone can express themselves in any way they see fit.

Just as others are able to mock and deride them for their stupid opinion.

But this is probably against Valve rules, somehow, so free speech need not apply.

1 decade ago

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Free speech means you can say what you want even if it offends the majority of people, that being said a company or person has the right to not participate or condone any form of free speech that they do not agree with.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't think it will be removed by Valva since it isn't express hate to a group of people nor a countty.

If Valve deletes this then they must also delete certain games where you shoot innocent people in an airport. Or where you get halucinations about how you try to kill J.F Kennedy.

1 decade ago

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I don't see why this is distasteful, while war games set back in Korea, Vietnam, WW2 and more recent Desert Storm are okay.

1 decade ago

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Nah, im not talking about killing people, that happens everywhere, anytime. Im talking about the way the game lets you kill people. It would be the same if there was an game about gassing jews. that would not be accepted right?

1 decade ago

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All wargames are the same in my opinion and this one is no different I'd say. What's wrong being a sniper and kill (virtual) people from half a mile distance in a war the US has fought, or dropping weapons of mass destruction somewhere in the same war (Desert Storm and drones used). Playing a terrorist to blow up something on US soil is much like the earlier mentioned games and I will support this one one Steam while being a pacifist at nature (not playing ANY wargames myself).

1 decade ago

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One of a kind pacifist then, in a bad way

1 decade ago

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Oh, now it's about killing US citizens it's bad while killing Charly, nazis and whatever (US) 'bad guys' makes it okay...

1 decade ago

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Funny that people think Nazi killing is ok/good since a lot of people where forced into the military doing what Hitler commanded them.

1 decade ago

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never said that, thats what youre making otu of it

1 decade ago

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But generally the feeling seems to be that USA citizens have some more value than those in Middle-East or somewhere else.

1 decade ago

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If you don't/can't see the difference, I feel sorry for you.

1 decade ago

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On the contrary - looks like you can't/won't see the difference... But well, that's what you get when patriotism is pored into every citizen from the day they're born...

Also, loot at Dooder39's and Ekaros' comments who actually see the difference...

1 decade ago

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I can see a difference in the goal of those games.
On the one side you're fighting military with military,
on the other your goal is directly to fight innocent unarmed people.

Regarding war games at all, which is kind of off-topic, i agree with you: the only differences are time and place of the gameplay.

1 decade ago

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Dont people have to pay 100 dollars to get on greenlight?

I mean, sure id probably troll alot more if I had unlimited funds, but damn.

1 decade ago

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They have an actual horror game on greenlight though and you only need to pay once to upload whatever games you want.

1 decade ago

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Aha, i see this now.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It seems I've managed to slip under their radar with my subliminal messages. ;)

"Dis Original and Wonderful creatioN deserVes tO be immorTalized on stEam"

1 decade ago

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We have games about WW1/WW2, the Vietnam war, the modern war in Afghanistan (and subsequently the Taliban), serial killing, invading modern countries and nuclear attacks against modern real world cities all of which show relatively little concern for those being killed or presenting an accurate and un-romanticized depiction of war. A 9/11 game is just considered worse because it is seen as more controversial and it is more of an open wound. I would argue that there are more people in North America who have been personally effected or know someone personally effected by war than 9/11 simply because the number of people alive who have served in the armed forces or immigrated from a country that suffered its effects. Pretty much any game about this or other subjects such as Columbine are almost inherently distasteful because almost no one making or buying such a game about 9/11 would want it to be any other way. If it is a joke then it is even worse, if it isn't then it knows it has a niche(unfortunately). If it actually attempted to approach the subject matter with some thought, understanding and tact then I don't think a game that has scenes of 9/11 (even flying the plane) should be banned because it is within free speech. Video games should be allowed to tackle tough and complex subject matter, but it is also within Steam's rights to ban a game that they are not comfortable with. Personally I don't think it should be published in any form simply because it would do more harm than good especially because it would further degrade the video game industries public image and would have no real benefit to anyone.

1 decade ago

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The key difference here is war is war. Those were entire countries that went into battle. This was an act of terror. The war games don't have you (besides that dumb level in MW2) going and recreating the concentration camps of WW2 or killing kids in Vietnam do they? No they don't. This is VERY different then your examples.

1 decade ago

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War is war? and entire countries going to battle..? Re-read history and opinions. It's mostly only a couple of power mungers with pretty weapons (READ: presidents and a couple of politicians) who start a war rather than a whole country. In most cases the general population of a country doesn't even approve of a war. But hey, we're a democracy and we have voted for our representatives to start the war...

1 decade ago

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One of the devs removed himself from the page. MiCReiT is in the screenshot and an announcement, and I saw him in the 'created by' section. I refreshed the page, and he's gone.

1 decade ago

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The screenshot never forgets, lol.

1 decade ago

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CAreful, namecalling istn't allowed and you should be supsended

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i dont think you know how name calling works and the purpose of it. he is discussing who was a developer of a game and it is not name calling or calling out.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Oh man, I missed that? I was waiting the moment a game on greenlight would have malware.

1 decade ago

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Still better than Woodcutter Simulator.

1 decade ago

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Instead of cutting wood, you get to cut concrete, glass and steel and even *****. Is that so much better ?

1 decade ago

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You're cutting at least three more types of stuff. Yes, it's pretty much better in every way.

1 decade ago

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In C&C Red Alert 2 you can destroy the World Trade Center towers to get bonus money.

1 decade ago

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It did come out before the incident, though.

1 decade ago

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Quite poor production quality, though I don't see how it's any worse than those war simulators that Americans mass produce.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The main difference is the direction of aggressiveness :)
It's not US attacking whoever but whoever attacking US.

1 decade ago

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It is different. In games such as CoD, you aren't sent out to kill innocent unarmed people. They always give you a reason, albeit shitty one, for killing them. The only scene that doesn't fit this that I can think is the airport scene in MW2, in where you are playing as the enemy and it is meant to disgust you, not play for enjoyment. Plus, games such as a CoD don't depict actual events.

1 decade ago

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not funny, i'd rather play pooping simulator

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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not enough poop

1 decade ago

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haha, +1

1 decade ago

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He loves me if you read the comment section youll understand :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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well i know "fick dich du arsh" means "love you, you lovely person" but no idea about the rest.

1 decade ago

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Im dutch, i can read all his shit :D

1 decade ago

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I'm not angry or upset, so much as confused by the fact that they spent 100$ on this sad attempt at trolling. I suppose it's their money to waste. And I've seen people waste cash on much weirder. Still, I give 'em a 0/10 for originality.

Also, why does it seem like every single game that's made to offend is such a piece of shit? I saw one a while back that looked worse than some of the half-done custom Doom levels that I used to play.

1 decade ago

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Some people should never exist.

1 decade ago

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I just wonder how this got onto steam and how it's still up. I'm not angry just confused. Obviously these people don't care for what happened on 9/11 or care for America, fine. That's fine, but to do this? No. That's taking it too far.

1 decade ago

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Pre-order now and receive the burning pentagon DLC!

1 decade ago

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Anthrax letters DLC sounds way better.

1 decade ago

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Guys, it now says "this is an april fools' joke"... and "but this game will be published anyway"

1 decade ago

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I love how everyone's getting so butthurt about it. When in reality like noone who wasn't directly affected by it gives really a flying fuck about it.

Just be honest to yourself. Would you really react the same way if it was some game depicting the massacre of some Afghan/Iran/Irak people`by the Americans? Be really honest, I bet the game would go unnoticed, maybe mentioned once or twice, but nothing more. But hey, it's 'MURRICA.

Just before the shitstorm starts: I don't approve of what happened, but seriously guys, the focus on this needs to stop, it's getting ridiculous.

1 decade ago

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i thought this community was way better than others but i lost my last crumb of faith in humanity thanks to people like you.

1 decade ago

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Now that's just irrational. Because I have another view than you? Well, you shouldn't leave your house then, the world is full of evil people like me. How dare I post my point of view on a forum? About a videogame? That is obviously not legit?
I'm a truly horrible person at heart.

1 decade ago

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well, you are a truly horrible person. keep enjoying people's misery and/or encouraging who does.

1 decade ago

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Well, that's a slight misinterpretation. He clearly said he doesn't approve of such things, he was just saying that 9/11 is over-sensitized.

1 decade ago

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encouraging still counts.
edit: "Would you really react the same way if it was some game depicting the massacre of some Afghan/Iran/Irak people`by the Americans?"

1 decade ago

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See: wikileaks videos.
They got a bit of attention, but they didn't bring nearly the emotional response 9/11 does in Americans.
The game is still fucked up, but while the way he put it was crude, it wasn't absolutely false.

1 decade ago

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i can't talk for others, but i never supported what the usa did at afghanistan, iraq or whatever. i even broke my friendship with a friend because she was mildly supporting the invasion of iraq. what do you want me to do to stop this pissing contest about "what if those are the ones who died"?

1 decade ago

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A lot of Americans didn't support US actions in the middle east. My point is that people have gotten death threats over things related to 9/11, whereas with all the shit America did in the middle east, people have gotten severe complaints.

1 decade ago

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so? this is a reason not to take "games" like this down from steam? it is not even a game most probably. just a sick joke. freedom of speech you say? i like how "devs" delete comments.

1 decade ago

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We seem to have been arguing two different topics. The game should be removed from greenlight as soon as a Valve employee can do so. I never even mentioned freedom of speech.

1 decade ago

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problem solved then.

1 decade ago

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Reading comprehension. You miss it.

1 decade ago

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There are games where you kill pakistani,jews,americans,british, games where you bomb villages, kill villages, kill people in the most gruesome way..
I'm not saying this should be accepted, but that everything should be taken with due respect. Those game depict real life events and people getting killed as well( see medal of honor et similia)

1 decade ago

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Of course there are. I was just pointing the different reactions out to them, contrasting this game (which is so crudely made, it is obvious it was made to provoce, in which it succeeded).
Doesn't mean that one life/event has less value than another.

1 decade ago

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I see it like a troll attempt. Just downvote and move on, because getting angry just gives them more fuel( see some of the comments the authors made..)

1 decade ago

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I'm not angry, I don't see any point in getting angry. I am just baffled I'm getting labeled as s truly horrible person here, that's all

1 decade ago

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I was talking more about the general consensus in this thread, wasn't directed to you personally.

1 decade ago

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I love people having sooo high moral concerns that they feel sooooo better than others with different opinions. Particularly when they won 2 times the same game against the rules, and never contribute a single game to the community.

1 decade ago

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i made a ticket about it to explain myself about that incident. if you are bugged about it, report me. maybe i'll get a second suspension for it. and please don't forget to submit a ticket to get me banned. if they don't ban me, at least add me to your blacklist (if you have one) pretty please.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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seriously, a ticket and blacklist will be more useful.

1 decade ago

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You still had faith in humanity, Banana? I lost all mine long ago.

1 decade ago

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If you lost someone in 9/11, I think you'd be pretty butthurt about it too. People are not upset because the mighty murica was attacked. People are upset because this is trivializing a tragic event. As a human being, I'd expect you to understand that.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I said "who wasn't directly affected by it". With this I mean the people who lost someone in this event. I never approved nor will I ever approve of things like this, because it honestly is just sad that humans kill each other, not only destroying the lifes of the innocent people, but also of those who were related to them, friends with them.

I'm not saying we should just shrug it off and say "lel whatever man", but there has to come a time when people need to stop trying to emotionaly drain those events to promote their stuff or gain any form of advantage from it. Because this is the problem. Every single horrible event that has happened in the past century loses it's emotional and therefore educational aspect, because it's getting utilized by humanity. Fuck, I don't know how to properly explain what I mean as english is my third language.

You can think of me whatever you want, you can disagree with me, you can hate me, you can even say I am a truly horrible person at heart, but I honestly think dishonoring the memories of all the people that lost their lives in such an event to promote war/patriotism, to gain an advantage in politics is at the bottom more heartless than anything I ever said.

1 decade ago

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From a native English speaker, you're doing fine. It's a matter of emotion.

1 decade ago

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I think you're getting too far into this now. I never assumed you were approving what happened, and I'm sure you're a perfectly reasonable person just voicing their opinion. But how do any of the comments here "promote their stuff"? I highly doubt there are many people on this forum looking to promote war/patriotism or even gain an advantage in politics. I just don't see how an angry opinion of 9/11 can be seen as "dishonoring the memories". You're kind of coming off as one of those radical conspiracy theorists who creates problems where there are none to begin with. People have perfectly justified reasons to be upset with this topic and I don't think you or I should suspect them as having ulterior motives.

You probably don't like America, fair enough. But even if this happened in any other country, I don't think that would change anyone's reaction. Certainly not mine.

1 decade ago

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Bah, it's just really frustrating trying to explain what I mean when it's not your first language. You didn't understand me right and I don't know how to voice it properly what I mean. I am neither radical and especially not a conspiracy enthusiast. And I don't have anything against America, no country is perfect. Not the one I currently live in, nor the country I originally come from. I just don't know how to explain what I mean, so I won't even try anymore, it's frustrating to me honestly lol.

1 decade ago

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I'm just responding to what I'm reading :P Sorry if I misunderstood you.

1 decade ago

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+1 Got to agree with that.

1 decade ago

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I try viewing things from other perspectives, so I can understand your point of view. But as Steam users, by a vast majority, are American, this game is despised. To my knowledge there are no games where you massacre middle eastern citizens, though. And if there is, a lot of the people who hate the idea of this game would also hate the idea of that game. What games there are, that involve killing middle eastern citizens, they are almost always made up terrorist groups.

My point of view:

I think people who makes these types of games are just looking for any sort of attention. I, personally, don't think it's right for them to make these games, whether it be 9/11 or some massacre in another country, but who is going to stop them if they're determined.

(Side Note: You can massacre people in GTA, which is based in America, full of Americans. Oddly enough, people are OK with that, it seems. Suppose it's probably because massacring people in it is purely by the will of the player. Also GTA isn't based on real events.*)
1 decade ago

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+1 to almost everything you said but you forgot to mention gta isn't based on real events.

1 decade ago

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Fixed. But either way, you can still massacre.

1 decade ago

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Everyone is directly affected by this. Do you think NSA/Snowden or let alone the mass surveillance of public places would be the same without this ever happened?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wow, I really don't know how some people live with themselves.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by GamesPlaying.