I ordered an item last Thursday, and today (Monday) its still in packaging.

How long does Newegg take with their delivery service >.>

7 years ago

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that is wierd i get me stuff fast from them={

7 years ago

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mhhh, i suppose it really would depend on item ordered. most of the time pretty fast though, that sounds like it was something that they may be waiting on manufacturer? or maybe not an actual newegg item and its a shop thru newegg kinda item?

7 years ago

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personally im guessing gtx 1060/1080 and it was likely "Sold and Shipped by: Not Newegg" and they are waiting on a restock..

7 years ago

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Depending on the shipping option you used it can take 4-7 days to just ship. Usually, Newegg ships quick so if your order doesn't update it's status by this Thursday, try contacting them.

7 years ago

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Once in a while something will slip up, but I'm used to getting stuff from them at my day job (in downtown Manhattan) the day after I order. Doesn't always go that way, but it does often enough.

7 years ago

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My experience is that their status is not updated in real time and 3 business days is normal for many things unless you pay for expedited processing.

7 years ago

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They do say during checkout that it can take up to 2 days to process, but in my experience, most of my stuff shipped the next day, sometimes even the same day if I ordered it early. Now that they have more shipping centers around the country and I happen to live 200 miles from one, I get stuff from them next day with basic ground shipping. I ordered something from them once, I think was a GPU a couple of years ago. It shipped the same day I ordered it and arrived the next day.

Amazon also has a shipping center in the same city, and although I have Amazon Prime, they just ship it ground shipping and it arrives the next day.

7 years ago

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They usually take a day or two before shipping it out to me.

7 years ago

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I usually get my newegg packages really fast. There are some days that happens though, I had a case ordered and it came two weeks later. I guess just patience is all I can suggest.

7 years ago

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Around a week if I remember correctly. It depends where you live and what you order, I'm sure.

7 years ago

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How long does Newegg take with their delivery service >.>

In my experience, forever.

But that hyperbole aside, something like two weeks all told- about half a week to process, and a week and a half to ship [for their cheapest "Eggsaver" shipping method].
Mind you, I've only had a handful of purchases through newegg- but they've all been egg saver shipping, and all have taken a notably long time to arrive. Moreover, Egg Saver Shipping sorta has a reputation for lengthy delivery waits [the article linked actually primarily discusses packaging and tracking issues, but it's a bit better formatted in details than other pages on the topic], so it isn't just my limited (but consistent) experiences.

Their support is a pain to deal with, in my experience, as well- but otherwise, the products do eventually arrive, and in good condition.

I try not to use them, because they're a bit of a nuisance [though that's mostly due to their reliance on mail-processed refunds, which are a massive pain to go through- I've yet to have one from newegg that I didn't have to contact the retailer of the product at least two times about the matter before actually getting the refund], but I don't have a distinctly negative impression of the site, either- if you're willing to be patient and go through a bit of hassle, they do seem to come through in the end rather reliably, and often at prices that slightly undercut other sites (though that's typically due to the mail-processed refunds, so you're basically paying for your discount with stress and delay).

7 years ago*

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Closed 7 years ago by Kerros.