Every once in awhile I have friends who want me to join them in some random F2P game I don't often because I don't usually have interest in the game, and it's free. I guess you could say I'd feel almost guilty playing free games when I already have a huge backlog of paid games on PC, and my PS3 as well (even my Vita list is growing a little).

Anyone else have this 'problem'?

9 years ago

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Would you/Do you play Free/F2P games even if you have a backlog?

View Results
Yes. Quite Often.
Maybe sometimes.
No. Almost never.

It depends on whether I'm actually interested in the game or not.

9 years ago

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^ Pretty much this. It's more about the game, however being free-to-play already raises a flag about DLC and P2W concerns. For me to play a F2P game, it has to be very worthwhile!

9 years ago

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when i read the title i guessed you were going to talk about Free 2 Play mechanics and i was going to reply about my paid backlog which is what you actually said.

9 years ago

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Welp, there's Dota, but most of my friends only play CS:GO on Steam. Ironically, I don't have it.

9 years ago

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Why is that ironic?

9 years ago

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Because I have 100+ games, they have an average of 5.

9 years ago

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That is not how irony works...

9 years ago

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I think that's exactly how it works

9 years ago

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Not the best irony example.

9 years ago

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My friends like this crappy F2P CS:S ripoff called Combat Arms. I tried it, and it's shit compared to CS:GO or any CS game for that matter. However, I don't play the game because of the annoying microtransactions and overall mediocre gameplay.

9 years ago

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Just because the game is free it doesn't mean it is gonna be there forever. Infinite Crisis is shutting down for example. The games you have in your backlog are not gonna go away, however. So, I say play whatever you feel like playing at the moment.

9 years ago

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That's true, but could be said for paid online multiplayer games as well. :p

9 years ago

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Except they are free. Basically what I'm saying is: you probably shouldn't buy more games if you already have a backlog, because why should you invest money in something you might not play? The free to play games on the other hand - you don't lose anything by playing, and if you end up liking it - the better for you.

I mean, what you are doing is more like this: "I bought a lot of movies to watch, but there is a different one playing on TV right now - I might like it, but I won't watch it because I already bought some movies". If the movie on TV seems interesting, why not watch it for a bit and see if you like it? It's not that you are paying for it.

I mean, the main criteria for playing a game should be "Will I enjoy playing it?". The game being free to play doesn't matter - for me at least.

9 years ago

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Yes, sometimes. Warframe is one of my mostly played games.

9 years ago

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Same here.

9 years ago

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I enjoy TF2 more than i do CS Go but thats my opinion ofcourse :)

Some free to play games can quite suprise u though for me that was when i quit WOW and started playing league of legends for example [but only if ur into these kind of games. As for a replacement MMO i have been enyoing Tera thusfar [lvl 30 atm]

9 years ago*

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TF2, Magicka WW - of course, if game is interesting I will play. Btw you can spend money almost everywhere in free games. :-)

9 years ago

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Yes, I do ignore most F2P just because they are free.
I have hundreds of unplayed(I think, I'm not sure) games in my backlog, I have no time to "waste" on F2Ps. That's what I think in most cases.

9 years ago

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That's how I look at it.

The game everyone wants me to play is LoL, but I don't want to learn how to play it, and then slowly get good enough to actually play with them.
Also have some who want me to play Runescape. I've sunk literally hundreds of days into that grind fest game years ago, and don't want to be sucked back in it. lol

9 years ago

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It's ironically the sole one i still play, albeit quite rarely. My last time playing it must have been about a week ago, and the last before that... maybe 2 weeks... :P

I don't join any new F2P games honestly, had a friend wanting me to try Dota, another wanted me to try Strife, etc.
And all the hours i have on TF2 are all from idle maps, i never actually spent an hour playing it.

Sole reason i still rarely play LoL is because i started since Season 2, which was quite a few years ago and despite playing it very rarely now, i must have clocked a total of over 4,000 hours on it since i started... at least.
I would seriously not recommend someone with a big backlog to start LoL now, but that's just my opinion. :)

It's hard for me to even have the will to go back to play a single match in it at times and sometimes the longer the time i go without playing it, the harder it is to go back. On some rare occasions it does give me an added itch for it though, so dunno.

Problem is, it has an extremely high (and constantly increasing) skill cap, especially given the fact they keep adding new champions to it, revamping some of them, adding new items, etc... not to mention the insane grind just to get the levels, runes, champions, etc., etc., etc., for someone just starting out.

9 years ago

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While I avoid paid games that go free (Forge, Aerena) I do enjoy a lot of Free to Play games like Dota, League, a little Magicka Wizard Wars, and for a while Unturned. You might find getting into League easier if you spend the time in Dota. Apparently I'm not the worst my friend has seen even as difficult champions. :P

But yes, in general I personally avoid F2P stuff. Mostly based around my interest in them and their payment models/incentives. Heroes of the Storm is basically designed around getting bored/casual League players over to it to grind and buy skins. I'm definitely going to avoid that one. But the new Unreal Tournament will be fun when it's complete.

And NEVER go back to Runescape. EVER. Burn that game. (/(ノಠ益ಠ))ノ彡┻━┻

9 years ago

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Only those that interest me. Which is maybe like 1% of them.

9 years ago

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Nope I have a wide variety of games:
Completely F2P
F2P with cash shop
Mixed F2P/P2P
Subscription based.

So no, I don't understand your prejudice unless P2W irks you (it does for me). I prefer honest and fair, integer monetization a la DOTA2/Unreal Engine 4.

9 years ago

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B2P = Great majority of the games on Steam, and in the end it turns out to be the best model imo.

9 years ago

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Team Fortress 2 is still by far my favorite game.

9 years ago

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I'm spoiled by Dota 2 and PoE so I usually can't stand F2P models in games.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I played Warframe 200 hours..

9 years ago

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I will admit, I did have slight interest in Hero's of the Storm, although I don't think I will ever play it. But there's a good chance I will play Overwatch if it's free to play when it comes out. Game looks too fun.

9 years ago

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I hate Blizzard and most of the games I played by them, but Overwatch looks interesting, hopefully it's not as casual as most of their games.

9 years ago

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I like HoTS but is so grindy, it makes me wanna quit sometimes, storing money to buy a hero takes years ... other than that is a good game, but is getting some bad community coming from other MOBAS so maybe sometimes u gonna have toxic people, other than that try to play often with friends and u gonna have fun , i like the fact that they force the game to be Objective oriented, not just farming for 30 minutes in your lane.

9 years ago

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I agree with all you said. I play HotS because a couple RL friends dragged me into it so I can avoid the toxic element a bit by playing with them. Doing league games also helps a little it seems. And yes, it's definitely grindy if you don't buy the hero packs they offer... it's Blizzard, that's about as F2P as they get :P

9 years ago

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I dont mind about the Grind element, but is REALLY grindy, they need to tweak up the money that u win per match and the game will be GOOD, other than that the game is pretty much forcing you to waste real money on it :/ thing that i find really annoying.

9 years ago

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I literally got bored when I couldn't play any of the fun heroes because they costs like 10,000 gold or something.Back to DotA.

9 years ago

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Yeah, that is the element that i find annoying , it is grindy to get the money or to level up levels to get the money :/ they give you almost no money ... that will be my only complaining about the game, other than that the game is pretty decent and good .

9 years ago

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I've played a lot of Hearthstone and been trying out Heroes of the Storm a little. However on Steam I've played Solforge because I got a card pack for it in a humble bundle but apart from that I've not really touched F2P.

9 years ago

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Yes I don't mind playing f2p games even if I have a huge backlog, but usually I avoid them 'cause often they are microtransaction ridden and almost "force" you to pay for stuff if you don't want to waste hundreds of hours to get the items/equip/levels/etc ^^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well yeah, my top 3 played games are F2P...

9 years ago

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Only TF2 in rare ocations but only because was not f2p when released and i still think this way.

9 years ago

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I don't ignore a game because it's free. I'll play a game if I think it'll be interesting and fun. Usually with a free game there's no risk involved. You get the game and can try it out, if it ends up not interesting you, uninstall. A free game does not mean it'll be a bad game. As others have pointed out, DOTA2, TF2, LoL, Hearthstone, they're all very popular free games that many people find fun and play more than their paid games (Granted, you can put money into each of those games too, but there's no need to).

I also have a backlog that I occasionally get the chance to knock several games out. Free games don't detract from that, but they certainly don't help, so I understand wanting to avoid them for those reasons. I say just play what you enjoy, free or not.

9 years ago

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Yep, exactly!

9 years ago

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Rift was good. I played it for awhile, before and after it went F2P. I've never played it through Steam though.

I also played TF2 at one point.

9 years ago

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I wanted to play Rift until I've read that a lot of content is behind a paywall. And when I checked the prices for it's DLC's on steam I decided I'll never even bother giving it a try.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Dota 2 and TF2 won't give you any headstart even if you pay 1000000 USD.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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TF2 is one of my all-time favorites. :)

9 years ago

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