Just imagine of every person on the internet who said dumb thing would've been arrested.
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If you manage to exist in America without knowing about Sandy Hook, you're either from 2567 or 1886 and have time travelled here or you're a moron.
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How is sarcasm about making tactless stupid jokes? :/
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This is the internet, we constantly find jokes like this school shootings or about other hard stuff. Not saying it's fun, but it's really retarded to put this guy in jail for just a comment.
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I was referring to this stupid paragraph. ""Justin was the kind of kid who didn't read the newspaper. He didn't watch television. He wasn't aware of current events. These kids, they don't realize what they're doing. They don't understand the implications. They don't understand public space,” said Jack Carter."
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If you can go two entire months without knowing about twenty first grader children being slaughtered in their own school, then you have a level of disconnect from reality that is epic in level, especially in America. People in bloody Iraq heard about it on the day. If you also have more important things in your live than caring about that tragedy, then you better fucking cure cancer right the fuck now or you have your priorities well the fuck out of order.
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Because you better have a damn good reason for ignoring something like this. Think about it. The guy is on Facebook. How many bullshit "1 like = 1 prayer" shit do people create daily? Every page spammed condolences, every friend mentioned it at some point. All it takes is one person to start something viral and this is very much something that would go viral, not only on the internet, but real life too. How do you go for two months without no-one in your circle of friends mentioning it at least once?
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Although I agree with you, it's not like we can do something about that....
It's like the saying of it's no use crying over spilled milk, but people think it's different because it has to do with human lives...
I didn't know of that until now, but it's not because im disconnected from reality. I just came to the conclusion that society is something I shouldn't even care about anymore (or at least not more than I need to for survivavility(?)). If I can help I will, but in this case no one can...
Edit: What I meant to say with that last part is that I (and no one for that matter) has to obligatorily(?) help society. Less to be informed about what's happening. I mean it's useful and all but not really necessary... Especially with how media only lets you hear what they want you to hear
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Actually, there is something people can do, but no-one's willing to fucking talk about it. Mental health. America is in dire need of proper mental healthcare. If people are willing to stand up and talk about it, tragedies like this can be averted, at least to an extent. Gun control is another thing, but that's even more emotionally charged. Your profile says you're from Mexico, so no, you personally cannot do anything about this particular tragedy, but you have plenty of shit to deal with in your own country. One person can make a difference. You can help.
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If you don't care even a little about the murder of twenty children, you're kind of a sociopath.
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I understand taking precautions and preventing any future issues, but isn't that JUST A BIT overreacting? Is everyone like that over there?
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Reminds me of the time I joked about blowing up the world with nukes and ended up spending the next few months trying (and mostly failing) to convince the police I wasn't going to go on a school shooting. That was not a fun time, I must say.
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Your grandpa will have to repopulate the internet.
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If only all of those kids who raped my mom (and all of yours) could get 8 years in prison.
lol jk
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That's why MOBAs generally have the worst infected communities, people is just sick and retarded
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Just like that one article on Yahoo. There was some Kraft commercial with a naked guy (thought his junk was covered by a blanket) and all the soccer moms rioted and made it national news. Now if they replace the guy with a half naked girl there would be no riot whatsoever.
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yeah .____.
EDIR: Imagine if he didn't say JK, he probably could've faced a lifetime.
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