What are the things that make you angry while playing games?

We all have those table flipping moments when we are just
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ UGGHHHHHH
For me it would be challenges that are too challenging (FFX 200 lightning bolts anyone?) and of course PLOTHOLES. I mean, Heavy Rain is probably one of my favourite games ever but there are too many things that just don't add up, you know.

The ones in the poll are just few of the many options but there would be many more: poor story, bad endings, crappy sound quality when they talk and you can't hear them over the sound of the soundtrack, bad dubbing etc.


Lv.1+ giveaway of a game that makes me angry.

-Sorry for my crappy English-

8 years ago

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What makes YOU angry?

View Results
Unclear instructions
Puzzles that make no sense
Challenges that are TOO challenging
Graphics in which they clearly put no effort
The game fanbase
I never get angry, I'm a spiritual human being and I love the whole world and all its inhabitants
Steamed vegetables (a.k.a. I don't really care/just here for the gibs)


8 years ago

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simple,RNG :P

8 years ago

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Low FPS (Playing in slow motion or game freezes every three second)
When game doesn't allow you to do simple things (Can't cross a very tiny rock and you stuck there and get hit)

8 years ago

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Well, it's really not what You meant but it makes me angry while playing games.

Mother: "Carl, come and eat! We are having rice and chicken today!"
Me: "K."

I know that she wants to do what's best (And it's good) and that I won't have that kind of stuff in a few years which is sad. But still, it pisses me off because she always comes into my room when there's something weird happening in the game/anime and she might think that it's what I do all the time.

8 years ago

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"I swear, those tentacles have never been in this show before!"

8 years ago

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Same, but usually when watching TV shows!

8 years ago

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I like challenge and difficulty, but I hate if it is unfair. So I voted 'Challenges that are TOO challenging'

8 years ago

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I don't mind a little challenge, and certain games thrive because they are challenging, and I will not deny there is a time and place for a demanding game, the thing that annoys me most in games is big jumps in difficulty. We all know that one great game with an incredibly hard section somewhere in the middle that stops us from getting to the relatively easy part after that. Even when you do pass it (maybe cheating?) it will destroy any replay value the game has because the moment you start it you already dread that midsection that gave you so much trouble. Whenever the 'challenge' blocks out the 'fun', that game has lost.

A close second would be the shorthands that just show a complete lack of creativity on the part of the dev...
because really, zombies again?

8 years ago

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Mini Ninjas avalanche sledging level. Gave up the game after a couple hours of trying :(

8 years ago

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Gamebreaking bugs, crash to desktop and unbalanced, frustrating difficulty.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't say angry per se, but I certainly dislike poor controls schemes and/or games that don't allow you to rebind keys or that lack mouse support.

8 years ago

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Bad controls, or really bad user interface. I will tolerate just about anything else so long as the game isn't crashing.

8 years ago

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I hate those minimalist menus that only got icons. You don't know if you are clicking on "save game" or "quit and destroy the whole world"

8 years ago

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I guess "The games fanbase" would be closest.

But the thing that pisses me off the most... is playing someone online in a competitive game, and having them win out of sheer luck but thinking they won because they did well. It's infuriating.

Normally this isn't an issue, since most games have some semblance of balance and while they might get a lucky "kill", that's just one battle in the war. It usually evens out at the end of the game and the better player wins. I'm talking about the NHL games on console though. The games have so much "puck luck" built into them, that you can literally outplay someone the ENTIRE GAME, and still get blown out... just because the game decided his one lousy half-assed shot from the blue line should bounce off of three asses and go in, while the opposing AI goaltender stonewalls everything you try. ERG!

Then they have the nerve to shit talk afterwards, like they earned it. I still remember the one game I lost so unfairly and the guy was so bad, I actually accepted a rematch with him (I usually don't bother). I won the rematch 8-0 and he quit before I had the chance to bury him further. It felt SO GOOD... but just an ode to how little sense those NHL games make.

8 years ago*

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When I love a game, but I get rekt by P2W and have to stay in the match for another 30 min :O :(

Love-hate relationship with a dying game :V =/

8 years ago

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Bump for the last day to enter the giveaway!:)

8 years ago

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Last hours to enter Besiege!

8 years ago

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Unable to pause during cutscenes.
Unable to skip cutscenes.
No subtitle during cutscenes.
Quick Time Event immediately after a long unskippable cutscene (where if you fail the QTE you gotta rewatch the entire cutscene).
Super long unskippable end-game credits (Assassin's Creed... looking at you! =< )

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump for unfair RNG

8 years ago

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My own fuckups mainly...I'm doing that a lot in Binding of Isaac nowadays... >.>

8 years ago

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CS:GO (hackers) (Russians are funny)
LoL (noob team)

8 years ago

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  1. Landmines in Fallout 4.
  2. CS:GO's terrible engine/physics/players/hitbox/weapon behaviour/everything
  3. every LoL player*

Except maybe the retards that believe in elo-hell and buy my Diamond II accounts from ebay.
Which is why I also hate higher elo accounts, bad kidz buy them.
And I should hate myself for selling to them. But that makes me get moneyz for buying games and making gibs.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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