What are the things that make you angry while playing games?

We all have those table flipping moments when we are just
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ UGGHHHHHH
For me it would be challenges that are too challenging (FFX 200 lightning bolts anyone?) and of course PLOTHOLES. I mean, Heavy Rain is probably one of my favourite games ever but there are too many things that just don't add up, you know.

The ones in the poll are just few of the many options but there would be many more: poor story, bad endings, crappy sound quality when they talk and you can't hear them over the sound of the soundtrack, bad dubbing etc.


Lv.1+ giveaway of a game that makes me angry.

-Sorry for my crappy English-

8 years ago

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What makes YOU angry?

View Results
Unclear instructions
Puzzles that make no sense
Challenges that are TOO challenging
Graphics in which they clearly put no effort
The game fanbase
I never get angry, I'm a spiritual human being and I love the whole world and all its inhabitants
Steamed vegetables (a.k.a. I don't really care/just here for the gibs)

CTDs mainly.
Unskippable cutscenes (esp when you've already watched them before)
Games where the Escape key instantly quits or exits to the main menu rather than pausing the game.

8 years ago

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Just a few ... no particular order.

  1. Crappy AI Companions/Enemies
  2. Poor Optimization (when a game should run at 60+ FPS but can barely manage 20! D;)
  3. Dying ... when it's not my fault.
  4. When you can physically see, or can infer with a high probability of being right, where they left out parts of the story/world so they could make DLC out of it.
  5. When I can't hear what the hell is going on because the background noise/music is too damn loud.
8 years ago

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First thing I thought of outside distractions like the doorbell going or someone calling me when engrossed in some single player goodness. Only really applies to single player stuff as I don't mind distraction (such as friends talking) in MP.

8 years ago*

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Russians in CSGO competitive

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Puzzles that make no sense

Deponia :/

8 years ago

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Finally someone! I love you. There are so so so so many people who like the game and I'm just sitting here like ??? why? These puzzles don't even make any sense at all!

8 years ago

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Yay! :D
Seriously, I had a bad experience with some of the Deponia puzzles and I'm afraid of trying other Daedalic games because of this :(

8 years ago

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If you didn't like the first Deponia, don't play the others. The puzzles won't get better :(

As for other Daedalic games, they mostly have the same solving intuition as Deponia but with a lot less weirdness...

8 years ago

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Well, I can recommend Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes and The Breakout. I played them in German though so I don't know if they are as funny in English. The puzzles make way more sense though and I absolutely loved the black humour in these games.

8 years ago

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I still thought Edna & Harvey suffered a bit from the good old "guess what the developers were thinking" syndrome, but at least you had less things to work with than Deponia and The Whispered World, so there were less frustration to be had.

8 years ago

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I said that because I had to use guides for both, Deponia and The Whispered World, while I don't recall using guides for the other two games. I'd just occasionally google for the solution of a certain puzzle if I got stuck.

8 years ago*

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It's quite possible that the hints were better in the games original language (or I might just have been a bit daft ;) ), because I had issues with Edna & Harvey: The Breakout.

Oh, and if you like German style adventure games, you might want to click this link

8 years ago

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Yeah, it's hard to translate jokes most of the time. Whether it's German - English, or English - German. The example I always use to illustrate that is from Ice Age 4, when a big crab suddenly shows up out of nowhere and someone says "holy crab / crap" but in German this pun won't work and it's literally just "holy crab" which, quite frankly, isn't funny at all.
Sorry, that got a bit off-topic there, I think. Anyway.

I already own the game, otherwise I would have entered, thank you :)

8 years ago

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It's a point 'n' click set on a totally alien world. They are not supposed to make sense.
Plus they are rather tame. Try Gabriel Knight 3 or old Sierra games once. Or my favourite, the second Discworld point 'n' click. That could make a brain explode.

8 years ago

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Well, Amanita Design games are set in some weird worlds (Samorost, Machinarium, Botanicula) and the puzzles make perfect sense. I'm not saying Deponia is bad, it's just that some puzzles are really bad :p.

8 years ago

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although overall I like the game, that definitely was a problem with some of the puzzles. like seriously, there was a part where three workers had hats that corresponded to buildings in the city and that's how you needed to know which houses to blow up :|

I played Ben There, Dan That and I feel like that was even worse

8 years ago

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I feel like Ben There, Dan That intentionally made their puzzles illogical though ... kind've just fits the nature of the game. xD

8 years ago

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I solved that randomly at first try

The Red God showed me the path

8 years ago

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I hate point-and-click
But I'm loving deponia, I'm playing the last chapter atm.
There is nothing casual, you can find all the hints you need speaking with npcs or looking at items.

well, tbh I've skipped a lot of skippable puzzles because i'm not a smart man, but almost everything is ok

8 years ago

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I used to hate point-and-click adv games too, but then I played Machinarium and I discovered a new world of games :D
Blackwell series, Resonance, Amanita Design games (Machinarium, Botanicula, Samorost), Hidden Object Games, The Cat Lady, TellTale games (BTTF, Hector, TWD, Puzzle Agent, etc) and many others :D
I really wanted to love Deponia but the puzzles of the first one were too weird for me. The story wasn't bad and the graphics were nice so I might play the rest of the series some time in the future :)

8 years ago

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+1 for The Cat Lady was awesome

8 years ago

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unstable frame rates
season passes
bad ports
single player games with pointless multiplayer modes shoehorned in

8 years ago*

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Do you mean.....

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8 years ago

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When save files get corrupted and I need to start all over again.

8 years ago

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This, multiple auto-saves is always nice to have ;p

8 years ago

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or there is no auto save and the game crashes when you haven't save in the last hour or so.

8 years ago

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Random CTD, and your last save is from some hours ago.

8 years ago

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Lag and framerate issues mostly.

8 years ago

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Mostly things like game breaking bugs and corrupted save files

8 years ago

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when playing games right?
not in the game?
i need to take a crap when playing games.
because i usually end up shitting my self.
and my room become stinks

8 years ago

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For me, the worst thing is long, difficult sequences that you have to repeat every time you fail. Games with certain save checkpoints can have this. Throw in a 10 minute grind to get there (you can't just replay the hard thing you just failed at, you have to suffer through the tedious parts to get there each time) and a few cutscenes that you can't skip and have to rewatch every time.

Oh, and after you're done with that particular difficult thing, after a 15 minute struggle for the 20th time in a row, the game doesn't save right away, you have to reach the next area, but of course you make a silly mistake and slip down to some insta-death spikes, fail a time limit, or something else, so you have to do it all over again, one more time. Yay.

8 years ago

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This sounds exactly like hell to me D:

8 years ago

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This is common game design from the early to mid 2000s, when consoles introduced auto saves to remove the player-made save features, but they didn't have enough experience to know where to put the auto save points.
And of course, with games that didn't even had saving just levels. One of my most vivid memories is tied to the Italian Job PC game adaptation. No saving, somewhat long trial and error timed missions, unskippable cut scenes, and cop cars that vastly outclassed any mission car.

8 years ago

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yes, i really hate the unskipable cutscene. i remember watching a 15min one in ff7 5 time cause it was before a boss fight.

8 years ago*

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From my post:
"and a few cutscenes that you can't skip and have to rewatch every time"

8 years ago

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Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers!

8 years ago

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Puzzles that have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the story and are just placed there for the sake of having a puzzle.

8 years ago

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Trying to rush through a section taking unnecessary risks and promptly screwing up rather than taking my time and playing it safe. I tend to get annoyed with myself instead of the game.

But dodgy hit detection has been known to aggravate! Swear it never hit me, grrrararararfggghghgharghhhh etc....

8 years ago

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I do that too!
"Look at me! I'm so fast! Swishing through this level like a pro! Nothing can hurt me!"....and 10 seconds later I'm dead.

8 years ago

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Due to recent events (I've been playing Final Fantasy IV): having to battle multiple bosses in a row without having any chance of healing yourself between battles, therefore losing the battle and often an hour of your progress as well.

I love Final Fantasy, but.. CAN YOU NOT.

8 years ago*

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This is my biggest pet peeve in FF and rpgs in general.

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8 years ago

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If you want to hear a bad Final Fantasy memory where much more than an hours progress was lost, I managed to save over a 200+ hour save of Final Fantasy X with a 2 hour save (my sister's save). I was like 13 at the time and stormed out of the house (fortunately I was the one who did it and not my sister).

Sad part is I never even beat the game, I had all the ultimate weapons and was working on filling in all those "Empty Nodes" in the sphere grids with those fillers you could win at the monster arena ._.

At least this taught me to always keep two saves of important games.

8 years ago

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That's why I tend to save on a different slot every time!

8 years ago

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I'm so sorry for your loss! Seriously though, I know what you mean, I've had something like that happen to me too. Different game though.
I always keep two saves if the game allows it; I'd go crazy if I ever lost my progress due to my clumsiness ever again.

8 years ago

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Cheating bosses.

8 years ago

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I was playing Dark Souls and was about 2 hours into it. There was a neutral NPC whom I attacked just for the lolz. He was strong and unbeatable at that point so I died fighting him. And where does the game reloads? Right at the point where that NPC is already triggered to attack me. I only had the autosave file which was putting me into a fight that was not supposed to be started. Never played Dark Souls again :P

8 years ago

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Sounds kind've like that was your fault though. xD

8 years ago

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When I want to take a screenshot, the game back to main menu. (may happen in many RPG maker game XD)

8 years ago

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Lag, or bad loading times.

Nonsensical puzzles bother me too.

8 years ago

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Tedious/boring gameplay, a stupid/cliché story, and game-breaking bugs.
I also hate it when games run poorly on my computer. Most of the time it my my computer's fault though.

8 years ago

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So you don't like any Bethesda-made game then? :D

8 years ago

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Cliche story you say? You gonna love Dying Light .. as long as you play the game " Take a shot when cliche happens" .

8 years ago

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I hate when you play multiplayer games and you fail because of elements outside of the game itself - lags, your teammates afking, leaving the game, ... At first I thought I just hate losing, but that's not really so much about losing but more about losing because of something out of your control.

I don't really get angry with singleplayer games.

8 years ago

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I'm furious when my character I'm playing dies and I know what caused that. I also hate QTEs.

8 years ago

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My "other" is sucking at games in general. I usually blame it on the game but 99% of the time it's related to me not being good at the game.

8 years ago

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Same, I just have a problem to admit it haha.
Happy cake day, by the way!

8 years ago

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Bugs are the worst in my opinion just not as common as the other options probably.
If the game is multiplayer then it is other people that make me angry :D

8 years ago

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