I was COD BO2 on PS3 just now, and i killed this kid, and he's like F*** YOU on the mic like crazy, just muted him, but why do his parents allow him to have a mic? or at least where did he learn to swear, and isnt Cod an 18+ game?

1 decade ago*

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Children learn the foul language from all over, but it is the kids' parents who supervise them and teach them how to behave properly.

...or not.

I knew swear words my parents had never heard, before, but I never swore in front of adults or smaller kids. Not after my grandmother washed my mouth out with soap because I let something slip. As an adult, I don't need to swear because my vocabulary is large enough for me to express myself in other ways.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ZekentJR.