I was COD BO2 on PS3 just now, and i killed this kid, and he's like F*** YOU on the mic like crazy, just muted him, but why do his parents allow him to have a mic? or at least where did he learn to swear, and isnt Cod an 18+ game?

1 decade ago*

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School, movies and INTERNET....

1 decade ago

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Other kids,

I learnt all about sex/swearing/slang from other children when I was younger,

1 decade ago

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I learned every cuss word I know now by 2nd grade

the shortest most milktoast kid in the school taught us all.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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It's basically a language nowadays. Hard to avoid such things, or can we?

1 decade ago

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People who do that make me want to drive over to their house, and beat the crap out of them. They think that swearing is cool, so they just f*ck people off all the time for no reason.

1 decade ago

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Its so sad becouse owmost all games now have some raging kids.. that are yelling, screaming with words like faggot, noob, f**c and all kinds of offensive words. when i want to play game i dont wanna listen to some raging kids D:

1 decade ago

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(would be a better subject title)

1 decade ago

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School, parents, family, peopel on the street, neighbors.. You name it.

In our case, it is myu little sisters who, bit by bit, made that my mother started swearing :p

1 decade ago

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Where? In school from other kids. That was in my case.

1 decade ago

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In the nursery school / elementary school...unfortunately

1 decade ago

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Obviously when they were in the navy, obviously

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately, It's what society has become.

1 decade ago

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I think that some parents of kids like these are exactly like them(but in different things) also wherever you look around people have bad habits and kids learn fast what they shouldn't.

1 decade ago

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The way I figure it, is my kids can say whatever they want so long as they understand the meaning and consequence. What I do pay more attention to is what my kids actually do. These online shooters where kids come to rebel against their parents and defeat their opponents with their cracking voices, horrible heckling, and teabagging are not a fair representation of the whole. It's more the bottom of the barrel so to speak. I also find 'allow' to be a somewhat misguided term. I'm not denying that there are horrible parents out there, hell, mine were some of the worst. Opportunities are often too abundant for a parent to cover all the angles with success. From all I've observed in all these years, no matter what or how many measures we put into place, and no matter how attentive a parent may be, there will always be kids getting through the cracks and providing the world with a grand display of their cumulative idiocy. Rejoice in the fact that they are not your personal responsibility and you likely had a better upbringing than them. Pity them for they must act as they do in order to feel any semblance of importance or place in the world. They might never amount to anything anyway but that lucky kill they finally get will probably be the highlight of their week. Certain titles carry an amount of negativity with them for fair reason, and you accept all that comes with it when you play.

1 decade ago

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I grown around kids who knew how to swear. The reason they know how to swear is because well imagine this there is 30 childrens in a class all of their parents know how to swear but only one of them saids it in front of their children. He starts saying it in school everyone else thinks his cool and starts to say it as well. There is how children know how to swear. School.

1 decade ago

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Second and first hand information: My mother is a teacher and says that kids in 1-st and 2-nd grade(7-8 years old) have started swearing a lot and have become very violent in the past few years. There are also a lot of spoiled kids with equally spoiled parents. My sister's kid learned the word "idiot"(and wouldn't stop repeating it) from his peers in kindergarten and he's only 4 years old. The other kids obviously learned it from their parents.
So basically, kids learn to swear far before they have any access to the Internet. They learn it from their parents and peers. By the time they reach video games, it's just a question of whether they have matured or have been taught to not use them. Quite sad really.

1 decade ago

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Who the fuck knows ? also BO2...

1 decade ago

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I'm sorry, why do you even ask that? Today's third graders swear like sailors. Ain't nothing new here.

1 decade ago

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Bloody ell' mate, I was swearing when I was in diapers YARRR!

But seriously now - when I go to school I hear first graders swearing in words I have never heard before. When I was in that age worst I said was "shit" or something like that. Of course - now I swear more but atleast I know how to use these words not like those... little people... who doesn't have any respect against older people and who think they are cool because they could get on boat and become sailors right now with the words they are using. YARR!

1 decade ago

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tv, school, internet, everywhere nowadays. get with the program.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I used to swear quite a lot when I was a teen, but I don't really remember swearing before then. As I've gotten older I swear less, but that's probably due to both maturing and having kids. Once my kids came along I had to start adjusting my swears etc. fuck = fudge. My general daily curse words consist of "bum" "poo" and "damn". Unfortunately my 6yo has started saying "damn it" when she messes something up but if that's the worst she comes out with then I'm happy. Still waiting for far worse words to find their way back from the school-ground. I do however hear quite a few parents in my area swearing in front of their children, either from general conversation with a friend, arguments with their other half, or calling their child a little shit or something. I don't live in the best of areas :(

1 decade ago

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Kids these days, have to be a fool these days, to want to go to school these days..

1 decade ago

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Sad but true, a lot of them learn that from their parents. The ones that don't learn from their parents learn from kids at school.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ZekentJR.