Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur and founder of Space X, Tesla and Paypal, has told an interviewer there is only a “one in billions” chance that we’re not living in a computer simulation.

Speaking at San Francisco’s Code Conference this week, Musk said that he has had “so many simulation discussions it’s crazy”, and that it got to the point where “every conversation [he had] was the AI/simulation conversation”.

He also claimed that, if we’re not living in a simulation, we could be approaching the end of the world.

Putting forward what he described as the “strongest argument” for consensus reality being in a simulation, Musky said: “Forty years ago we had Pong. Like, two rectangles and a dot. That was what games were.

“Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously, and it's getting better every year. Soon we'll have virtual reality, augmented reality.


7 years ago

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Wow, and nobody posted this yet? Y'all slacking.

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7 years ago

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If I had that much influence I would also make up stuff just to see what kind of junk people believe.

7 years ago

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+1 Sometimes I think he's just trolling

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Wot. Never heard of that, interesting. Not the thing itself, rather that how some people think. Thanks!

7 years ago

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It's a 3 year old article that talks about the singularity and mentions Elon Musk by name as believing in it happening. This was the first I've heard of it. It is amazing that this is something people actually believe in. I love how something as ephemeral as our thoughts could have real world implications, it's kinda mind blowing if you really think about it.

7 years ago

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You bastard, you've doomed SG! At least I won't be on your conscience, I'd already read this a while back. On a related note, this is one of the reasons religion can be so compelling.

7 years ago

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Just by having these thoughts we have doomed us all! HAHAHAHA

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Am i the only one who thought thirteenth floor instead of matrix after reading elon musk's quote?

7 years ago

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my brother loves that movie. I've never gotten around to seeing it but he told me the whole plot.

7 years ago

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it's good but i don't like the action-y ending
but if you have been spoiled i can not guarantee watching it would be fun.

7 years ago

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I watched it not long ago but for some reason I forgot everything about it, I mean everything even the ending, it's strange because I always remember at least some parts of any movie I watch but from this one, nothing.

7 years ago

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Sounds a bit baudrillardish

Meanwhile in.... MACHINES

7 years ago

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Oh look, an actually possible theory explained with a really bad example :/

7 years ago

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Shit, he knows.

7 years ago

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Old quote is old - and Elon is super egotistical if he thinks that just because he, personally, is running a lot of simulations and talks to a lot of people about simulations that we all must be living inside of one. I mean that would be like a doctor thinking that because everyone he sees has viruses and he talks about viruses a lot that we all must be viruses.... or a teacher thinking we all must be students... or a carpenter thinking we're all just nails.

It's really dumb.

7 years ago

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Well, another human went mad from the fear of death. Nothing new.

7 years ago

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lmao +1

7 years ago

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And we give him a soapbox because he's got a lot of money. Anyhow, I've considered the "is life a simulation" question to some extent, and the answer I came up with is that if so we'd probably never know or be able to change anything about it, therefore I'll continue to live my life as if it isn't a simulation.

7 years ago

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What if you knew it was a simulation? It doesn't change anything. You still suffer and live like it is the only reality you have till it ends. After that, we don't know...
Maybe you start as a new character, or everything ends or maybe wake up to the reality?

7 years ago

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Tom Cruise is a scientologist, yet we laugh about him. Now, suddenly, everyone gives legitimacy to Elon Musk because "he dat science dude!".

Well, as long as you're rich and look like you know stuff, you can say anything. Like Bill Nye with him talking about anything outside of his engineering doctorate.

Next, let's give the stage to Ben Carson when he says that the moon's made of cheese.

7 years ago

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well this is nothing new.. I think same theory was explained several times since the first Matrix movie. (end of 90s)
I wonder how many of you are NPCs :D

Also, why does he think games indistinguishable from reality means the end of the world?

7 years ago

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Me! I'm an NPC. Nice to meet you.

7 years ago

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someone better check what that guy is smoking or drinking or whatever.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Tesla's battery tech... hax.

Also, here's one of my favorite old stories from the internet, on this topic.

7 years ago

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“Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously, and it's getting better every year. Soon we'll have virtual reality, augmented reality."

Yeah, but however realistic it gets I'll still get chat messages popping up from people trying to sell me Minecraft accounts or informing me of CS:GO raffles. "Good deal you will profit!"

Or failing that at least some messages about needing DLC or microtransactions to progress - otherwise who the hell is paying for this shit? I don't believe crap about humans hooked into a giant VR game being the most efficient form of energy production in a post-apocalyptic scenario...

7 years ago

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This just made me think of this snippet from one of Alan Watt's lectures

A Fantasy of Reproduction

7 years ago

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He might be right. I'm feeling glitches around all the time. Maybe the simulation is falling soon \o/

gets kidnaped by special agents to be silenced

7 years ago

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he's so cool, i believe everything he says! ❤️💚💜💙💛

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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TL;DR he has been watching the new season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. while imbibing various chemicals and simply forgot to turn his On-Demand channel off.

7 years ago

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