Good thing there are filters and such before posting content on the storefront.

6 years ago

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Hentai rape? Holy fuck, that's not right. Steam should have at least SOME quality control. I'm 100% sure that sites like Polygon will pick on this.

6 years ago

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Yea, it's not ok. I guess we should report this since it's glorifying rape. But I dunno if this is even illegal in the States.

6 years ago*

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Is it? Have you played it?

I see that it's called Hentai Rape Puzzle, but that could just be a provocative name that has nothing to do with the actual game. There seems to be a glut of terrible games flooding Steam with names designed to draw attention but having nothing to do with the actual game.

I certainly hope the terrible title has nothing to do with the actual game. I'm not willing to buy it to find out.

6 years ago

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It's up to Valve to check the content and it's really sad how dependent they are on user reports for proper quality control. ;)

6 years ago*

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You can easily see the content by watching the clumsy assembly of the moronically simple first puzzle.

6 years ago

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But if the title is just sensationalist and trying to get you to buy it by lying to you, isn't that not much better?

6 years ago

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This doesn't "glorify" rape anymore than thousands of other games "glorify" murder. And what about several recent games (I know GTA V was one) that had you engaging in graphic torture?

6 years ago

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It's fiction. By that logic games like GTA glorify murder.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hi MarcioCavalcanti. :)
You're right, on first sight it seemed like an offense, but that's exactly what the dev intended it to be.
Then again I still think that the title and description are violating morality and fulfill the criteria of false advertising.
Why on earth is Valve allowing terms like snuff and rape in titles and descriptions which are otherwise prohibited and censored in the community domain?
I agree that content-wise the game apparently "only" delivers some sort of anime bondage and s/m pictures, so there's nothing to fuss about.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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I don't think glorification is what you think it is.
I don't think it's condoning anything per sé. But I haven't played it, so I can't say. Also, the condoning has to unjustified, so if they have some point for doing it, then it's also not glorification. Like murder in a game where you're in a war fighting others or driving too fast to get someone to the hospital. The act is wrong, but there's a reason.

Now, don't rape. I feel like I have to put this stupid disclaimer here for some dummy that wants to take things out of context.
If the game has a premise like "The world's losing its population, humanity's dying, men don't want to have sex with women, so women will rape men to get pregnant and continue the human race" then that isn't a good explanation, but it immediately shows it's not glorification. It's a bad reason, sure, but it's still not glorification.

Sorry, it's mainly just semantics, but the game's bad enough on its own that we don't need to give false descriptions to make it sound worse since it just fuels the fire for apologists.

6 years ago

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Yep it's all cool if you're blowing people's heads off, but don't even mention rape because it's far worse than torturing and killing virtual people without a reason.

6 years ago

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Before we all jump on the "ban this filth" bandwagon, is there actually any filth?

All I see is a tile puzzle featuring a picture of cartoon bondage. It seems more a case of the dev using a provocative name to get people to buy a terrible tile puzzle game, resulting in their (fitting) disappointment at finding that the content does not match the advertisement (hopefully followed by a deep feeling or regret, and an evaluation of the life choices that have brought them to this point).

6 years ago

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That's probably true. :D
No reason to freak out. And the dev has reached his goal by having the desired attention. ;D

6 years ago*

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Mature content tags include "Snuff". Either it's false tagging (bannable) or it contains snuff (definitely filth)

6 years ago

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I had to go to urban dictionary for that one (thanks a lot...), but it seems entirely false advertising based on the definition. The game appears to be entirely tile puzzles of bound anime characters. There's no murder, no film, and certainly nothing real.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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We don't know the content of all the image in the game. The one showed on the store might be mild compared to the rest of the "game"

6 years ago

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Based on user reviews that have come in since, the picture on the store is representative of the other pictures, and there's (thankfully?) none of the content alluded to in the title and description. The title and description were false, a publicity stunt to draw attention.

6 years ago

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It looks like it's targeting fans of Sadomasochism, and through the title people with rape fantasies.

This reply by the dev is hillarious

6 years ago

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It's certainly targeting fans of sadomasochism. But if S&M is filth (as opposed to a fantastic Metallica album), then it's international bestselller, Hollywood box office record breaking, billion dollar filth.

And I assume the dev was referring to the game being full of hearts? And those hearts being sexy? I'm going to go with that interpretation.

6 years ago

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Polygon recently admitten they don't even play games anymore. So, I don't think any gamers actually listens to them.

6 years ago

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Well, at least it's better than "real" rape. For what it's worth.

6 years ago

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Maybe Steam should try 'learning about' games before selling them - at this rate the storefront is going to end up looking like 4chan...

6 years ago

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Well, those filters are working so far.
So, it's not a problem, right?

View attached image.
6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Why? Seriously, why do you think that?

And if you care for a long, but interesting, read, I'd like to present Neil Gaiman's argument for why it shouldn't: Why defend freedom of icky speech?

6 years ago

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Wow, ty for the link, a very nice read.
I more or less agree with all that he wrote, but I always had trouble explaining to others the very same thing.

6 years ago

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Gaiman is always a reliable source of intelligent and well argued writing but as he admits himself, we do not know the extent of the damage done by extremist forms of porn. Porn is one thing but the persistent emergence of more extreme types of porn that dehumanize sex should be a concern.

6 years ago

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And I certainly share your concern there. But I think that banning all porn because of a minority of extreme porn is the wrong way to go. I prefer to take the approach of education: of teaching that porn is not real, not representative of realistic sexual encounters, that the participants are paid actors, and that you shouldn't try it at home any more than you should try to recreate the stunts of action movies.

But I completely agree that dehumanization - in porn, and everywhere else - is a serious concern. And I'm not sure it really applies to anime characters.

6 years ago

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And I wish more parents were taking the educational approach concerning porn, and hentai, with their teenage children. I can only imagine the ludicrous expectations they must have nowadays.

6 years ago

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Porn is one thing but the persistent emergence of more extreme types of porn that dehumanize sex

how wrong is my edit?

6 years ago

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On point. But hey to each their own

6 years ago

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...even more, when we talk about sex :P

6 years ago

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lmao true... or we get into those harassment issues too 😎

6 years ago

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except anime hentai..iywim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You should be banned.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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you obviously have no idea how nasty furry porn looks with live people! it looks so much better as hentai.

seriously though whats wrong with cartoon nudity?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not sure if it's a joke or just an extreme view. I don't watch hentai. I've watched it before to check it out, mind you, but it doesn't appeal to me that much. But banning an artform because of some of its subcategories is ridiculous. Otherwise we should ban everything because it can have evil stuff in it. A kid is allergic to chocolate? Ban chocolate. Porn has rape scenes? Ban all porn. Zeruel132 said hentai shouldn't be banned? Ban Zeruel132... wait... dammit! NO!

6 years ago

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ban porn too and deport porn addicted degenerates and pedoweebs.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Oh well, at least the name is honest, so it's hard to accidentally click it when browsing weeklong deals and stuff.

6 years ago

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Everybody is free to report these kind of disgusting games, so Valve can take actions if necessary. ;)

6 years ago*

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Oh, I hope it is not reported and stays there. Let people see the awesome quality control at work. Let the press carry it, even to Fox News; it is the kind of story pseudo-conservatives like them like to get offended at publicly and loudly.

6 years ago

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Why? How is that anything other than bad for gamers?

Do you seriously want a repeat of the mass hysteria at Fox News over the sex scene in Mass Effect? Where they brought in experts to testify about how awful it was, none of which had actually played the game or seen the scene in question? And over what, a brief side view of a breast and buttock?

And what was the result? All future Bioware games had characters having sex with their underwear on, resulting in sex scenes where you wish they would just fade to black instead.

If games get put in the negative media spotlight, gamers as a whole lose.

6 years ago

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And what was the result? All future Bioware games had characters having sex with their underwear on

You apparently never played Mass Effect Andromeda then.

6 years ago

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You are correct, I have not.

Did they finally lose the underwear? Or the sex scenes? Honestly, either one would be an improvement.

6 years ago

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Full frontal nudity, yes.

6 years ago

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Fade to black for almost all the romances. A few boobs in only two of them. That scandal happened in 2008 and andromeda came in 2017.

The scandal took sex scenes out of games for almost a decade.

6 years ago

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reminds me of when the news (forget the station) hacked gta (3 i think) to play as a cop to show how you can steal, rob, and kill citizens all using a cop skin that was not intended. then the outrage at the gta "hot coffee" stuff where you had to hack the cd to even get to.

its not like fox is a credible new source though.

6 years ago

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Already reported.

6 years ago

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I don't think that's good for us at all. Media will not say that Steam's the bad one. It's gaming and gamers that are bad then.

These internal issues should be fixed by Valve, not by the mainstream media. Unless you want to be demonized for liking video games now.

6 years ago

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It's characterized as Adults Only 18+, and tagged appropriately. I'm not seeing an issue here.

Unless you're referring to the greater issue of Steam being flooded by terrible games, or that people will click to view it simply because of the provocative name, but that extends well beyond this tile puzzle game.

And you're sort of contributing to that issue. If you didn't post about it, I would have remained blissfully unaware. :)

6 years ago

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It is advertising rape and snuff, which is still illegal. Both in the States and I assume in Brazil, where the game/creator is from.
Porn on Steam is one thing, I am okay that they finally made an actual 18+ segment, but it is one thing to open a porn section and another to let a "rape" game in it.

6 years ago

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Rape and snuff themselves are illegal, as they should be. But fictional content that has fictional instances of rape and snuff is not - I know there are movies and shows that feature rape as a component. This has at worst, what, cartoon images of cartoon characters being raped? While certainly gross, I don't think that's illegal, nor should it be.

I always like to link to this post by Niel Gaiman: Why defend freedom of icky speech?

6 years ago

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In the video you can watch on the Steam page you can clearly see it's only bondage, at least on the first puzzle. So it seems nothing new. Maybe they can write r*pe instead.

6 years ago

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I wish Steam had some sort of requirement for honesty in game titles. So this would be "Anime Bondage Tile Puzzle," and the next worthless achievement spam "game" would have to be titled appropriately as "Achievement Spam App #57894".

6 years ago

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I wish that nobody made these "games", but we must remember that Steam is a big corporation, after all, and as such seeks for money. The """developers"""" of these """""games""""" make little money for almost no commitment, and part of it goes to Steam. So as long as something posted on Steam doesn't make people run from it and use GOG or other clients, why should they bother? Furthermore, there are A LOT of new Steam games everyday, so it's almost impossible to check them all. They banned very old asset-flippers only a few days ago, for example.

6 years ago

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Yeah... Unfortunately, they'll keep making them as long as gamers keep buying them.

I didn't know that there were competitions for who has the most games on Steam, or the most achievements, or whatever, but apparently people will spend money on anything if it grants them a sense of superiority over others. I briefly played a mobile free-to-play game, and was amazed at how many people would spend hundreds or thousands every month just to compete with others in the game. There was no measure of skill, merely of how much you were willing to pay.

6 years ago

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In fact I don't define it gaming, it's more like gambling in luck-based games.

6 years ago

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not many people buy them though. they get about 100 sales from the steam users that need to own everything but after that they make money by putting them in every bundle they can.

they also pick titles like this for free advertising from people complaining about them.

6 years ago

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Thank you for the link, interesting reading.

I liked this sentence most:
Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost.
Should write it somewhere. ;)

6 years ago

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The Last House on the Left, The Corpse of Anna Fritz, I Spit on your Grave, Revenge. and thats only very few more actual ones.
so much to your illegal. actual rape is ofc forbidden but one is reality the other fiction.

Guess what murder is forbidden either, where are the people screaming about all the shooters?
always this hypocrisy.

6 years ago

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You do know that the original uncut version of I Spit on your Grave is legally banned in several first-world countries, right?

6 years ago

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idc, the newer one still contains rape and is fine and allowed or not?

6 years ago

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That doesn't mean it's the best thing to do. Like removing the swastikas and the mustache from Wolfenstein in Germany.

6 years ago

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but it is the best thing not to censor it only because U dont like it. same as swastika censoring.
censoring stuff is never a good thing, and should only be done in extreme cases.

whining why they dont forbid games that may or may not contain rape, while being fine with all the games that contain murder is simple hypocrisy in my opinion.
If people cannot difference between reality and fiction they should maybe search for another hobby instead of destroying it for all others.

6 years ago*

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Totally agree, my (slow) reply was for talgaby's comment! :)

6 years ago

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It shouldnt, there is plenty of rape & revenge movies out there

6 years ago

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All the movies you mention feature rape but they certainly portray it in a negative light, not some sick hobby for frustrated incels. It's not a question of portraying rape but more an issue about how it is portrayed.

6 years ago

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So you think games that feature bondage are a sick hobby for frustrated incels? Wow.

6 years ago

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Did I stutter? :p
Seriously, of course not. You know I don't. I am talking about this "game" and it doesn't "feature bondage", it's troll bait. It's not portraying or featuring anything, it's exploiting misogyny and violence for a shock title and tag. It's not even a game by trash standard.

6 years ago

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Isn't porn that depicts staged rape legal ? If yes I can't see how this game would be illegal

6 years ago

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Legal in Europe, that is for sure, otherwise Pierre Woodman and Rocco Siffredi would probably serve seven trillion years. Not sure about the States. Wouldn't be surprised if it was controlled state-level instead of federal.

6 years ago

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Wouldn't stand up to a First Amendment defense.

6 years ago

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Not exactly the same as selling porn but....

You can go to places such as /r/dirtypenpals on Reddit and engage in writing consensual fantasies including many taboo situations, including rape and "near rape" (a lot of people are into coercion, hypnosis, mind control, blackmail etc). All perfectly legal.

6 years ago

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among consenting adults and it's not public.

6 years ago

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Also, this isn't a rape game, this is a tile puzzle game.

Which may possibly feature an illustrated image of a cartoon character possibly being raped - if there is such a picture, we'd have to take the dev's word for it that the cartoon character is being raped, and that it's not consensual.

But let's say that there actually was a game where you rape video game people. As disgusting as that sounds, why is it that we're okay with "murder simulators" that are played by millions of people - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sold over 30 million copies - but a game where you rape a fictional character is absolutely off limits? I personally think it's very interesting to think about stuff like that, and where we, as a culture, draw the line.

6 years ago

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Would I prefer for my (hypothetical) daughter:

  • to be paid as a soldier to mow down the enemy, or
  • to be mocked by the president of the United States for allegedly having been raped by one of his "buddies" who in the context of the allegations seemed to come from a "bro culture" where rape seems to be considered as fun as a pissing contest?

What do you think what I prefer? And what do you prefer?

6 years ago

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Oh, I absolutely share your concerns there. I think that having someone who boasted about being able to sexually assault women lecturing a sexual assault victim on what she should have done is disgraceful. The bigger issue there being that half the country voted for someone who boasted about sexually assaulting women in the first place.

But in the hypothetical question I asked, the game available to your hypothetical daughter (should she be old enough, or have your permission to play it) would have her be the one doing the raping. She could rape all those in the "bro culture", give them a taste of how it feels to be powerless.

If she wanted to, of course. As I said elsewhere, there's definitely a disconnect between the two. I find murder and rape equally abhorrent, and yet I have no issues playing any number of games featuring murder - from first person shooters to melee games where you physically beat your opponents - while the mere thought of playing a game where you rape people makes me feel deeply uncomfortable. Is it because I've become desensitized to violence through movies and shows, or through early FPS games that features monsters and demons instead of humans? I don't know.

And I think your hypothetical daughter, and my actual daughter, would rather that social media and public outrage be directed at combating child brides, countries that allow husbands to rape their wives, sex trafficking, misguided legislation that makes it more difficult to find and help victims, and the culture of harassment that results in only 1/3 of sexual assault cases being reported.

6 years ago

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I'm sorry, please don't think I'm chasing you down here on the forums, I was just reading the discussion and I need to ask you this - as you've already said that murder and rape are on equal footing here and you mentioned you have killed so many people in games without feeling anything - would you be able to play a rape game and rape virtual females in an equally detached manner? Something like "Serial rapist 2018" ?

6 years ago

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I think you must have missed some of my comments here (including part of the comment you were replying to).

I said that I abhor murder and rape equally, but also that the mere thought of playing a game where I rape virtual females (or males, or anyone) is deeply disturbing.

Is rape that much worse than murder? How do you decide which is worse between two horrible things? Why am I okay with playing games featuring murder while disturbed at the mere thought of playing one where I'm supposed to rape people? I don't have the answers to any of these questions, but I think they're fascinating questions none the less. I think it says something about our society - our norms and entertainment - that I could be looking forward to the next first person shooter while disgusted at the mere thought of raping someone in a video game.

Do you think that one is much worse than the other? And, if so, why?

6 years ago

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Yeah, you're right, I haven't read through everything, but I get it now. Obviously, there's something there. I don't know whether it's a question of whether one is worse, or that they are different. How? I only have some ideas, but I'm not sure yet.

Murder is somehow "more okay" (historically speaking as well) than rape.

Murder is trivialized in our entire culture - boys have loved playing war games for ages. Murder still is socially acceptable in certain situations. War is legalized murder, right? Also western movies - they somehow made killing each other normal and cool? How about those duels from the 19th century? Our entire history - war. Almost like a sport.

There is no virtuous rape. Your character can kill and still be cool, but if he rapes, there is no possible justification. Murder can have various motives and sometimes we even justify it, but rape is always a primitive act which disregards female integrity and the idea of what women are (if this makes sense). So I guess that rape can in no circumstance have a neutral or positive angle.

These are just thoughts, no conclusion yet.

6 years ago

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Irréversible is a 2002 film, written and directed by Gaspar Noé and starring Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel which has a famous rape scene. You can buy it on amazon right now. Should they go to prison then?

Or maybe the game should have a warning "nobody has actually been raped when making this game".

I have just killed a few hundred of nazis playing again Wolfenstein new order. Should I go to prison, since killing is considered everywhere worse than rape?

6 years ago

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And like most other movies depicting graphic rapes, it's not shown as a fun thing or a game. That's the difference I think.

6 years ago

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It depends on your tastes, I guess.

If you search on your favourite porn site, you can find clips of exactly that scene.

Not too mention all porn "rape" movies

6 years ago

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I found the movie disturbing but I believe it was trying to say something. I doubt the dev of "Hentai Rape Puzzle" was trying to say anything besides "hey look at me and give me money" , that's what is most disturbing.

6 years ago

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Is there any kind of deep message in the thousands of rape videos you can find on your nearest porn website, besides earning a living?

6 years ago

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I was just talking about fiction that include rape scenes.
As for porn, I take our point but nobody going to a porn site is expecting anything else there, which is not the case on Steam. Again, it comes down to triggers.

6 years ago

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I suspect faaaar more people are going to get "triggered" "hard" with a video of two live people doing the nasty than a a game with a few badly drawn BDSM hentai pictures :)

Sorry, but the response was too easy ;)

6 years ago

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heh yeah it was too easy :P
But I was talking about rape survivors, not guys who find everything hard :P

6 years ago

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I actually agree with you. We should eliminate every single mode of entertainment that has any form of violence, because we have to think about all the people that has suffered any form of violence, or has family or loved ones that have suffered any form of violence.

Sorry. no more Dark Souls for you ;)

Let me know the last movies and series that you have seen, and if they contain any violence, so that we can send them to the censors.

Good bye mass effect saga. And Dragon Age. And... well, almost all games, movies, and series.

6 years ago

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And I send you back to my previous point.

6 years ago

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You talk about people that get angry with rape scenes. I talk about people that get angry with violence. Either we ban it all, so you stop playing dark souls, for example, or stop watching the last movie/series you saw, or we allow it all.

And we are just talking about a barely functional game with a few BDSM pictures.

6 years ago

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I'm not talking about triggers as in people getting worked up and tping furiously on their computer because someone doen't agree with them, I'm talking about PTSD trigegrs. I'm talking about women who have been raped being made to relive their trauma just so some piece of trash can make a little money off few virgins and jerks who think rape is a joke.

And we are just talking about a barely functional game with a few BDSM pictures.

That's exactly my point. It's barely even a game. It's nothing but trolling and that's the reason why it should be deleted.

6 years ago

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But women who lost their husband through a tragical murder being made to relive their trauma is okay?
all this people who lost their beloved through war are fine, either. only rape is bad.
i hope you realize that by law murder is actually the bigger crime than rape.

6 years ago

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Since you're just parachuting in this discussion and you don't know me, I'd appreciate if you kept the name calling to a minimum please or I will stop replying.
Also, are you actually up to discussing the topic or are you just going to copy/paste the same thing over and over? I've seen you post it already in the thread and if you're just looking to pick a fight because the other guy gave up, I have better things to do with my life.

But women who lost their husband through a tragical murder being made to relive their trauma is okay?
Unless they make a game that is about their husband's murder, I don't see what this has to do with anything.
Also, read my posts, I'm talking about this "not game". Not about any other games.

i hope you realize that by law murder is actually the bigger crime than rape.
I will let the misogyny of your statement slide because honestly I don't even know where to start.
I hope you realize that this has nothing to do with the law and that it's not a competition of crimes. The difference is that rape survivors survive and murder victims are dead. You can't make a murder victim relive their murder.

And again, I'm talking about this piece of filth, the troll bait of the title and the tag, and the fact it's not even a game, and as such shouldn't be allowed to trigger people just for fun. I really wish I could put some colors in these posts because I have a feeling you're not reading them right.

Also, I hope nobody you love ever gets raped.

6 years ago

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i stop calling you a hypocrite if you stop behaving like one. otherwise live with it.
i also reply whenever i want, when you dont like that dont participate into open discussions.
no you dont talk about about how bad the game is, you say rape should be censored because u dont like this one particular topic.
rape is not worser than death, and still you hypocrite about it, i hope you never loose someone YOU love through a murder or war.
also some tip if you get raped maybe you dont play a rape themed game and done? no need to censor everyone else because u are not able to choose your games properly.
all i see you saying in the end is: i dont like this, so everyone else should be forbidden to see it.

6 years ago

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Sorry I have a policy to only have intelligent discussions online because I have no time to waste replying to abusive posts so
Congrats! You won argument through bullying! Now you can resume our normal life and go get a rise out of someone easier to rile up.

6 years ago

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lmao, while you say im abusive by calling you hypocritical you say im not able to a intelligent discussion aka im dumb.
Feel free to whine a bit more how badly im treating you. seems to be always the last resort of certain people who cannot think off anything else.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Your point is that games with rapes should be banned because PTSD triggers for people that have suffered rape, correct?

Well, my point stands. What about games with violence for people with PTSD triggers because of violence? Either for them or for their loved ones. And not only games. What about movies or series that have violence? Why is it OK banning games with the thing you don't like, about it's OK with things you don't mind? I can assure you the Dark Souls game you just played can cause more PTSD triggers than these BDSM pictures.

And why are we only talking about rapes? There are children that have suffered sexual violence that have a negative reaction to any kind of sex when they are adults. Should we ban every single piece of porn off the internet?

So, I accept that this game should be banned if you agree that EVERY PIECE OF ENTERTAINMENT WITH ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE should be banned.

6 years ago

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Your point is that games with rapes should be banned because PTSD triggers for people that have suffered rape, correct?
Nope. Read my previous post again, I was very clear. If you're just going to ignore what I say to repeat the same thing again and again, I think we reached the end of the road, buddy

Why is it OK banning games with the thing you don't like, about it's OK with things you don't mind?

You know something funny? I've been thinking about the people I've been debating with these past few days and I have a feeling that if the game was pictures of little boys gagged and raped, we might not be having that conversation at all.

I can assure you the Dark Souls game you just played can cause more PTSD triggers than these BDSM pictures.

I did not play Dark Souls but unless you play the game, I doubt the title or steam screencaps can trigger anyone but please keep repeating that argument.

And why are we only talking about rapes? There are children that have suffered sexual violence that have a negative reaction to any kind of sex when they are adults. Should we ban every single piece of porn off the internet?

I already replied to that argument. Again. Read back and no.

6 years ago*

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Sorry, I haven't seen where you have replied to the argument. If you don't mind, reply. If it's just because this is a trash game, it doesn't matter. Small companies should play with the same rules as big companies. What if a big company made a game with the same name? It still shouldn't be banned

Why should this "game" be banned, and not every single piece of entertainment with violence, considering that violence may trigger PTSD for people that suffered violence, or even every single piece of porn, considering that porn may trigger PTSD for people that have suffered sexual violence?

Another simple example. 1988 Western action film, Young Guns, 1986 American action drama Top Gun, 1961 British-American action/adventure war film The Guns of Navarone, Machine Gun Preacher, Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insul... etc. They all have "gun" in their title. What about the people that have lost a loved one by a gun? Using the same example as you, shouldn't they be banned?

Should we all asking you, or a censor committee, if a title is correct or not?

6 years ago*

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Sorry, I haven't seen where you have replied to the argument. If you don't mind, reply.

It's ok. I like spirited debate and even being proved wrong by smart people who disagree with me. You've been nothing if not respectful and your opinions are well argued so I'm happy to reply. Sorry if I seemed to snap earlier.

What if a big company made a game with the same name? It still shouldn't be banned

It's largely dependent on context so I can't really answer that fully but it's not really about small vs big devs so much as it is about the fact this is not even a game. Going blind on your hypothetical, I'd say if we're talking about an actual game (I mean a game with actual mechanics, plot, some measure of point), even if it contained violence, I definitely would not buy it, and I would address the devs asking them to change the title but I wouldn't think it should be banned.

Why should this "game" be banned, and not every single piece of entertainment with violence, considering that violence may trigger PTSD for people that suffered violence, or even every single piece of porn, considering that porn may trigger PTSD for people that have suffered sexual violence?

Because it's not a game. It's barely pretending to be one to cash on the current misogyny push back to news events. It's just baiting.

They all have "gun" in their title. What about the people that have lost a loved one by a gun? Using the same example as you, shouldn't they be banned?

That's a good point but no I don't think they should be banned. They are movies. Some good. Some bad. They do, however have a point other than troll baiting.

If however, some guy was buying ad space to placard the town with graphic posters of beheaded people to advertise for a fake movie called "Allahu Akbar! 9/11 Victory against the Infidels" just to get a rise out of people and get money from Muslim extremists, I wouldn't have any objection to the posters being removed with prejudice.
Now I'm asking you: what would be your opinion in this hypothetical?

And I want to make very clear I'm not switching topic or being flippant about 9/11 or terrorism or saying rape is better or worse than terrorism. I'm just creating a hypothetical situation that most closely resembles the reason I think this "game" should not be allowed to be sold on Steam.

6 years ago

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I fully understand your point. However, while this "game" can barely be called a game, it's still a game. It's worse than an old flash game on kongregate or newsground, but it's still a game. I don't think it even qualify as troll baiting. It's mostly a easy cash grab. I don't think the creator thought about creating controversy. Just a way to attrack a few customers with the name.

Answering your question, if a fake movie had posters, yeah, they should be removed. However, if it was a real movie, say a movie that lasted 90 minutes, even if it was totally crap, made by a few students as a project and with the budget of the Blair Witch Project, it's still a movie.

Problem is, if we allow censorship with (extremely) low budget games or movies, we allow the way for censorship for big budget games and movies, the same way that agreeing to censor this game would be agreeing to censor a million "rape" movies on your nearest porn stop, or agreeing to censor 90% your netflix or HBO selection

And Happy cake day.

6 years ago

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Answering your question, if a fake movie had posters, yeah, they should be removed. However, if it was a real movie, say a movie that lasted 90 minutes, even if it was totally crap, made by a few students as a project and with the budget of the Blair Witch Project, it's still a movie.

All good points and while i still am on the fence about whether this is even a game, I agree with you on the principle.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Cake day duties and night shift at work made Monday a bit of a whirlwind.
And thanks for the reasonable debate. It's a treat in the current online climate.

6 years ago

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You are so much on point.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Murder is a component of very many games, most of which are not Adults Only. This game seems to just have tile puzzles. I don't think you're raping or murdering anyone, just clicking on tiles.

I certainly hope you're not going out to rape and murder as a result of this, or any other game.

But I understand what you're saying. As a counter argument, I'll link this post by Niel Gaiman: Why defend freedom of icky speech?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You murderer! You just killed 5 people in 5 minutes, and you're not even remorseful about it! You monster!

I think rape is abhorrent, and playing a game where you actually rape people, or even anime characters, sounds like it would be a very disturbing experience. But why is it that we're just fine with games about murder - Overwatch has 40+ million players, Call of Duty games routinely sell 10-30+ million copies - but rape is off limits? Who draws the line that says, "Your game has an anime character being raped? Nope, sorry, that's forbidden. Oh, but your game is about murdering thousands of realistic looking humans, many of them controlled by real people? Sure, go right ahead, sell millions of copies." Why is it that as a society, one type of game is abhorrent while the other is a best seller?

And on a similar, but different note, why is it that Call of Duty gets the cool tag of "first person shooter", while What Remains of Edith Finch gets the derisive tag of "walking simulator"? There's a preoccupation with violence that pervades entertainment - from games to movies to shows, even to music - and we're all okay with it. Why is that? Where did that come from?

6 years ago

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I see your point (although again, it's hard to know what kind of impact the dehumanization of sex has n young minds) but you're only considering the possibility of men playing or buying the game and how little effect it can have.
How about women or girls who were raped? what kind of message does it send them?

6 years ago

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The same could be said about a lot of game topics, though, so it's a fine line to ride, and where do you draw it to begin with?

6 years ago

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At obvious trolling I guess.
What I mean is I do see your point but this is not even a game. There's barely any game mechanism involved.
And for the record I would oppose a good game where the protagonist can rape, but this is just a rather pathetic and obvious attempt at triggering for the sake of it (and at cashing on the people who find that funny I guess)

6 years ago

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What I mean is I do see your point but this is not even a game. There's barely any game mechanism involved.

That's very subjective. If you really wanted to split hairs, you could also say Visual Novels aren't games and are just e-books with a few choices scattered about, but there are plenty of people who call them games. I'm okay with that. Since the definition of "game" varies so greatly, I can't accept "it's not a game" as a relevant point. Sorry.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating the subject matter of rape in any video games, but I'm not seeing rape as the subject of the game here - it looks like it's a few pictures of some cartoon BDSM, and I've seen much worse on Steam. If it's the title or the store description you take issue with, then yes, I tend to agree with you -- however, I can't reasonably expect everyone to agree with me.

6 years ago

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That's very subjective. If you really wanted to split hairs, you could also say Visual Novels aren't games and are just e-books with a few choices scattered about, but there are plenty of people who call them games.

I don't think they're games but I wouldn't put them in the same category as this either. Interactive or not, they are a visual medium that is expressing something, beyond "hey look, haha, there's rape in the title of that thing you can spend money on just to piss off the feminazis and SJWs"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating the subject matter of rape in any video games, but I'm not seeing rape as the subject of the game here

I don't either. In fact there is no point to it at all, that's why I called it trolling. I generally defend freedom of speech even when I disagree with what's being said but I can't see anything being said here. Freedom of speech tends to imply something is expressed.

Mediocrity is not so much the issue than pointlessness and mercantilism.

6 years ago

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What it boils down to (for me, at least) is this -- some dude decided to put the word "rape" into his game title, for whatever reason (people are making a lot of assumptions as to why), without any actual rape or snuff (as far as I can determine from the screenshots and reviews, at least) in the game, and people are getting all up in arms about it.

Really, all I can say right now is that the developer chose a poor title for his BDSM hentai picture game, if it's even actual BDSM being represented. A gagball and a few chains isn't even really BDSM, if we wanted to split more hairs.

6 years ago

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I admit to being sensitive about the use of the word to sell stuff.
I have nothing against BDSM either although consent here is dubious.
It's just the deliberate use of rape to provoke or titillate (I don't really know what's worse) that pisses me off

6 years ago

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I guess it's time to ban the thousands of Steam games that feature murder as well then.

6 years ago

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I wonder if there is less games that can't be considered to have murder or other illegal activities than those that do...

6 years ago

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We got entire games build around illegal things, like GTA or Gangsters/Mafia.
Guess they should be banned now. :/

6 years ago

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I don't remember harming little girls in any of those, but usually it being a story about an underdog fighting the syndicate on their own terms.

6 years ago

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I... I... Where did the little girls thing come from?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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But we already deviated from that by "if it features something illegal (like murder) in a ficitional setting it should be illegal too"! ?

6 years ago

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With a few thousand civilian casualties (not to mention the cops) as collateral damage, right? :p

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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And what's your point?

You specifically brought up legality of real people "Adults Only 18+ are forbidden to rape and murder." Why is that only relevant to the conversation about video games that may or may not contain rape, especially since you brought up murder yourself.

6 years ago

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You have some playtime in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and that game has you locate, watch, and then investigate the production of a snuff film

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I remember people hyping up the horror house... how it was so terrifying. And it was boring, so very boring.
That snuff production + the "prostetics" doctor where far creepier and scarier to me.

6 years ago

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I can see your point for most of it, even if I don't necessarily know if I agree or not. But the last part is flat out wrong, I think.

And you're sort of contributing to that issue. If you didn't post about it, I would have remained blissfully unaware. :)

If there's a site with pedophilia, should we just let it be there with its small amount of members? Or should we report it, shame it and hopefully have it removed?
I think that if there's an issue, we should solve it, not just ignore it, hoping that it'll go away.

6 years ago

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If there's a site with pedophilia, you should report it to the authorities, not post about it on a forum.

But we're not dealing with a site, we're dealing with a tiny game that is desperately trying to draw attention to itself with a misleading and provocative title. Posting about it is giving it the publicity it desperately craves, rather than letting it wither and die in obscurity.

6 years ago

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The word "rape" is found here in a playful and affirmative context and the title suggest that is the main subject of the game. The fact that there isn't any actual rape in the game doesn't mean it isn't implied. Just seeing that girl tied up with the word "rape" casually hanging in the air is cause for concern.

Also, why compare rape and murder to prove a point? Sex is something everyone does, a lot (inb4 forever alone jokes) and murder isn't exactly. When you watch or interact with sexual content, you can relate it to your own experience. Killing npc's on screen doesn't mean anything, but sexual games are a actually a sexual experience in themselves. People who watch cartoon rape do not actually do it for research and informational purposes. Do you think they do not get aroused? Do you see the difference here? If a certain moral stance isn't adopted, many nasty things can become normalized, and I'm afraid rape has become somewhat normalized in the porn industry. Of course I'm not saying that this creates rapists, I don't think it works that way (I can understand that someone might have a rape fantasy without actually being capable of doing it in real life), but Steam is too much of a public place (full of impressionable boys, by the way) to act all casual about things like this, where we simply label them "adults only" and consider the matter finished.

Context and framing is very important. A game can feature a number of deviant things, but the way they are presented makes all the difference. If there were a snuff game which has no other point and purpose other than that and if it puts you into the shoes of the person who does it, no question, it should be absolutely banned everywhere. If you think that murder and rape are morally the same, why don't you play a snuff game? How would you feel playing it?

6 years ago*

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According to all available data, the abundance of porn, including rape hentai and games that have rape, have led to a sharp decrease of real world sexual violence.

And sorry. Every time I hear about "moral stance" I think of somebody trying to ban the GTA series.

6 years ago

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I never made any claims about how it affects real life. For me that's another topic. I was talking about the "wrongness" of it. Now here are a couple of thoughts: "regular porn" and "violent rape porn" are not the same. I am not against porn and I can totally understand how and why it would lead to a decrease in sexual violence, but that doesn't mean that now everything is just hunky dory with anything humans might make and watch for sexual pleasure.

I bet that you could also draw a line somewhere between what is acceptable in porn and what isn't. Apparently, what we're arguing about here is where everyone's line is.

Unlike killing npc's, which does not induce any emotion, the purpos of porn is sexual arousal and gratification, and sexual gratification based on depictions of suffering is kinda distirbing. If porn websites and people in general treated it that way, that would send a certain message about boundaries and responsibility. I even get the artistic freedom thing, but it should not be on the same level with your regular everyday porn. I'm not even talking about banning, I'm talking about not normalizing.

Now, I don't know if people who watch that shit actually enjoy the fact that it's rape or they simply disregard and trivialize it, that I would like to know.

I haven't played GTA and I don't know about the sort of stuff that can be done there, but I don't think I would have a problem with most of it.

6 years ago

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How do you know killing NPC's doesn't induce any emotion? Maybe it doesn't for you. But probably somebody actually enjoys killing them. That's actually the point of most games. The line for everybody is different. I don't get off violent porn. Millions of people do.

What about people that enjoy killing other people over internet? Should we ban multiplayer games, because that normalizes violence? I don't think that's necessary, because people understand the difference between a game and real life. The same with rape games. Maybe today you will meet 30 people that get off with violent porn, and then they play rape games. Then they leave their houses and are perfectly normal people.

6 years ago*

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How do you know killing NPC's doesn't induce any emotion?

I don't know how to answer that question without making a formal survey. It simply doesn't. Exceptions don't count. Ask 20 of your friends if killing in video games makes them feel bad. Then ask those 20 friends if raping several women as an objective in a game would feel bad. I totally agree with you that someone can watch it at home or do it in a game and then go outside and be a normal person. But rape is not for everyone, while murder is, as weird as it sounds.

My point is that we can't put those two on an equal level in popular culture. While we can let 10-year-olds play multiplayer games where everybody kills each other, somehow t rape is different. Can we just go ahead and show rape everywhere? I never said ban, I think it should be appropriately categorized and labeled as something dark, and not treat it as "just another" everyday form of recreational cyber violence.

6 years ago

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Aren't you, somehow, doing exactly what you claim is wrong? You are actually normalizing violence.

Would you show everywhere the old GTA trick of sleeping with a hooker then beating her up to recover your money? Personally, I can't do that.

You also can't just let your 10-year old kid play Manhunt, you know.

What I do, is press "ignore" in steam if I'm not interested in something. That's what everybody should be doing with this game. if it's not your thing. Not raising a stink for every single game I don't like

6 years ago*

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I forgot to reply because I didn't know woo many details about Manhunt and unfortunately I'm now resurrecting this thread.

Video game killing is already normalized, i.e. socially accepted, so I'm not doing anything. We already discussed that killing in video games does not train people to kill in real life, and I have no objection to that. When I talk about normalizing rape, I talk about it being accepted as a totally neutral feature in video games, just as murder is considered neutral - that for me is impossible.

Manhunt is an extreme example which isn't good here to prove a point. It's not just murder, it's extreme sadism which makes many people sick (I was reading YouTube comments). I'm talking about normal, widely accepted games such as Overwatch, Half-Life and even Civilization. Manhunt is highly controversial and definitely not for everyone. It is known to be a specially devious and sadistic game. GTA is satire and tongue in cheek (at least that's how I see it). However, I'm still maintaining that rape is worse than the sadism portrayed in Manhunt.

By the way, genuine question - is there rape/rape of females in Manhunt?

If we want extreme examples, what would you think if there was a game with sex acts committed on children?

Another thing to consider is that there are very, very few games which feature or feel the need to feature rape. Rape is not almost never (or maybe never?) considered as a scenario in video games, why?

6 years ago

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Because in our society we don't mind to have a show that has a woman cut in two, as long as both halves are clothed. In the show Hannibal, there was a woman killed and appared nude from the back. The creators of the show were forced to cover her nude butt with blood, since somehow that was more acceptable.

There are very, if any, games in the west that feature rape. BUT, in other countries is something more common. Even if almost nowhere rape is "normalized". I have read Berserk already, (best manga ever) where the main character is raped as a child, with explicit drawings, and that fucks him up for a long time. If Berserk had appeared with a western creator, the scandal would have made the news, at least.

Also, we are not even talking about a game with rapes. It's just a few BDSM tame pictures, anyway.

Sex acts committen on shildren? I would find that terrifying... and I would press ignore in Steam.

6 years ago

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Sex acts committen on shildren? I would find that terrifying... and I would press ignore in Steam.

Well, I guess this is where (thankfully) we have to stop discussing because that's where we diverge.

6 years ago

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I think you may have misunderstood me. I wasn't trying to compare rape and murder to prove a point, more to ask an introspective question: why is one celebrated in entertainment while the other is abhorred? I honestly don't know, but I think it's an interesting question to think about. Is rape worse, or is it that murder has become normalized, that we have been desensitized to it? And if it's the latter, what does it say about us that we're okay with that? I find such philosophical questions interesting.

As far as the rest, I'm against banning things as a rule, for the reasons Neil Gaiman wrote about here: Why defend freedom of icky speech? I feel like as long as you're not hurting others, directly or indirectly, you should be free to do what you want in your own home. Child pornography and snuff are illegal for a reason, they cannot be made without hurting others. But if someone wants to get off to cartoon or video game characters...? I personally don't have a problem with that. Some of those with rape fantasies are women, who fantasize about being raped. I may not understand it, but I don't understand the appeal of feet either.

I also think games are a potentially good space to explore uncomfortable and taboo subjects. For example, I read about and played a game called Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer, where you play as a serial killer. It's incredibly disturbing, and I can no longer hear Mad World without immediately recalling the parts of the game where I as the serial killer was out looking for victims, but it was also a really interesting game, and I'm glad to have played it.

6 years ago

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But so many folks here using that murder argument, followed by a "QED, discussion finished" type of vibe, I just had to say that it's a false equivalence.

I still haven't read that Neil Gaiman piece, but I intend to soon. As for the artistic vale of playing dark characters - no objection to that. Even though I'm a total wuss and would never be able to play those, I'm all for exploring all facets of human nature, but in a self-aware way, of course.

6 years ago

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Okay, I see where you're coming from with regard to the murder argument. I'm sorry if I contributed to that, that wasn't my intent.

The Neil Gaiman piece is really good - long, but good. It's an argument I've heard before, but I think he presents it well, and it has more weight coming from him as he's a recognized author and has had people ban or attempt to ban his works.

And as far as being a wuss, I'm with you there. That Beautiful Escape game was the darkest, most disturbing game I've played, and I wouldn't have touched it had it not come recommended by a site I trust. I normally can't do the villain - I tried being evil in KOTOR, but couldn't do it because I constantly felt bad. The closest I came was staying neutral in the second one. Even in Mass Effect, I couldn't do the Renegade path because it felt too much like being a jerk all the time. :)

When I was much younger, and all my friends were playing GTA 3, I remember then talking about how you could sleep with a hooker to restore your health and then beat her up to get your money back. When I finally got the game, I tried doing that, and I felt sick afterwards. I remember thinking, "Oh my god, what have I done?" I felt awful.

But that's part of why I love video games - I think it's amazing that a game was able to make me feel awful about murdering an innocent video game character who had no name, no story, and was totally disposable. I feel the interactive nature of games allows them to foster a greater empathetic connection than other entertainment mediums.

6 years ago

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The fact that there are women with rape fantasies and that fictional rape can be acceptable in those situations is probably the reason why it makes it a sort of grey area.

I don't know what to say about the rest, I mostly agree with you.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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It is. but there are supposedly filters that prevent you from posting certain words in a game title. As evidence shows, "rape" is not one of them, which really should at least raise the question of "why the fuck isn't 'rape' filtered from titles?"

6 years ago

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Why would they filter out innocent plants?

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Hah! Yet they apparently censor bitch, which means they censor out half of the doggie population. :(
It must be a cat conspiracy! :3

6 years ago

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Damn it, does that mean we're never going to see Inupara getting made, let alone released on Steam?

6 years ago

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Only the Otome version.

6 years ago

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It just shows Steam's lack of quality control. They don't allow it and yet it's on their site.
OP didn't actually insinuate the game's bad in the post. Just that Steam wouldn't allow it. Looked purposefully vague on his thoughts, I think. Can't confirm what he said in comments, but you posted so early that there weren't many to speak of.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Don't know, steam usually recommend games that are similar to the ones you've played ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

6 years ago

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Its more likely he saw it in the newly released game list, it came out today and around the 4. on the list

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Says to me it's similar to Neko-Nin and Sakura Nova.
Seems about right-ish.

6 years ago

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This just shows the "more like this" part is actually a mix of "new trending games and some similar games"

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Only 16 achievements. They'll never make any money like that!

6 years ago

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The new steam policy allow this kind of games now...

This game also have "Snuff"...We don't really see that except in Live Leak...

6 years ago

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and what's the problem? i mean even almost all of actual games have female sexualized girls, going to tell you an example (nier automata and his DLC and even without DLC)

why people don't complain about that game???

for example DOA too... people even made naked mods etc... where's the people complaining about that game????

and bayonetta?? all people love that girl, and is one of the most sexualized game... but ehhh isn't hentai so it's good?

both things are good but also have some bad things, nothing it's perfect.

i remember a few years ago when people play PC was called friki and was a bad thing, now you see all that people with his mobile phone like zombis............

1-do you like hentai???? nice watch it you are going to die anyway
2-do you hate hentai??? nice don't watch it and let others live like they want, anyway you are going to die too
3-do you hate titles of game??? nice other people want to make money and use his brain to think a title to bait people, enjoy this society where only the money rules

for finish why you need to choice what others should do or see???? people are free and aren't your personal slaves to force them to do what you want.
in that case hentai are cartoons and don't make damage to someone so just let people watch and put a title in a game they want.
the game it's marked as +18 years so if guy/girl with less than 18 years try to watch it isn't the problem of steam of the creator, it's more a problem of his parents to don't teach him/her well.

6 years ago

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and what's the problem? i mean even almost all of actual games have female sexualized girls, going to tell you an example (nier automata and his DLC and even without DLC)

Kind of different things.
Snuff even in hentai sites, is considered too much, and gives "offensive to everyone" warnings. Rape as well, is not the same as nudity.

people even made naked mods etc

This is a beyond morronic point. It's not up to a platform to police how people mod their games.

for finish why you need to choice what others should do or see????

You should get Grammarly, so you can write in legible English. That said, I agree with open-ness as long as there enough features for people to avoid things they don't want to see.

6 years ago

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for start....maybe you should learn my language instead of tell to me that i should get Grammarly and show me some respect talking using my language??? English isn't the only language in the world.

second............ what's the diference between hardcore sex in porn or even the "rapes" in films etc.... (in real life) VS "rape" word in a cartoon game? (and this is a serious question that i make to you, not to other user, just to you).

third..... so mod a game it's good even if people make "sex" even on -18 year old games???? (in that case DOA PEGI 16) but use a Word to bait people isn't allowed in a +18 PEGI game????

you don't see how hypocrite you are??? (ohhh and hypocrite isn't an insult or at least i'm not using right now as an insult)

6 years ago

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English is one of 4 languages I speak, and you evidently can't see that you can use the help. Especially since you seem to have missed completely that I am not disagreeing with your conclusion.


Huge difference between graphic content and words, the prior being more impactful. That doesn't mean that people shouldn't have the option to abstain from such content.


Yes, mods don't come into any conversation about their base game's rating.
I don't care about the word, there's just no point to the "game" and less to bait and switching people. Doesn't change the fact that sexual violence should be a separate thing for people to be able to filter out.

Hypocrite isn't an adjective, and no, I'm not a hypocrite for disagreeing with the senseless points you made yet agreeing with the sentiment that people should be free to consume whatever they want. Just because I don't agree with your arguments doesn't mean that I can't agree with the conclusion having reached it through a logical path.

6 years ago

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Only one point here and it's about the language.

This is an English speaking site. We're all from other countries and we all learn a major language to communicate with each other.
Grammarly would actually help you. I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm becoming an English teacher, so I've already had to try it out and it does work. Seeing correct grammar and having to fix your grammar will help you learn and improve. Half of the things you say are convoluted thanks to the way you write. You use excessive amounts of question marks, ellipses and exclamation marks, making you sound crazy, flat out.
Your presentation isn't helping your argument at all. If anything, it just shows you're a loon that wants to watch rape hentai all day every day and that you'd attack anyone who disagrees. A fanatic. This isn't what I actually think, mind you. But your attitude over your grammar and then also your presentation is you fighting against yourself. This isn't an attack on your argument or your personality. Just an attack at your presentation.

Feel free to ignore it, but it'd serve you well to improve your skills.

6 years ago

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it's your opinion with your bad comprension of what you read, it's so easy to understand even with bad grammar that i was defending all aspects, the one that want to watch it and the one that hate it.

Oh if i want a class of english i will go to an academy i'm not here to learn english.

not going to lose more time with you here so you don't need to answer back, i'm not going to read it.

6 years ago

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Look, be objective here. You obviously can read what you write because you know what you wrote in advance.
Also, I didn't say that I couldn't comprehend it at all. I said that it was hard to understand you. I re-read your points multiple times and then I read the whole comment again solely because of how scattered your thoughts were and how they were written down.

Even the comment I'm responding to has a good example already.

it's so easy to understand even with bad grammar that i was defending all aspects, the one that want to watch it and the one that hate it.

What is the "it" that you mention? You're trying to write this as quickly as possible because your mind is racing all over the place. You write about one thing and you're already thinking of your next point, which just leads you to these nondescript words like "it" that we have to decipher.

Oh if i want a class of english i will go to an academy

Right, but if you want to speak in a community that's in English, then perhaps you should learn English? Look, feel free to have broken grammar and have yourself be ignored by most people. You undermine your arguments that way and if that's what you want, cool. But just know that the world doesn't owe you anything and that you need to adapt to the world, not the other way around.

i'm not here to learn english.

Not on purpose, sure. In reality, we learn by doing and seeing. You see words, you learn a bit. You write in a language, you hone your skills. It's as simple as that.

i'm not going to read it.

Good for you. Someone gives you actual criticism that would help you actually make arguments sound more valid instead of having people either ignore you or label you and you get cheeky. Wonderful.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The real issue is that there is apparently only 15 levels or images... Which is not nearly enough content...

6 years ago

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Nothing you cannot solve with DLC packs.

6 years ago

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And stolen art most likely, that being the reason for much of the last ban wave as well, game-like objects with stolen art.

6 years ago

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It's only a glimpse at the beginning but I'm pretty sure the teaser video has Mikasa Ackerman from Shingeki no Kyojin in it, and looks like fanart too. That's actually illegal; if not for, well, everything else about this piece of garbage then Steam can ban them based on that.

6 years ago

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As an artist I know there is a growing awareness and discussion on art websites that bottom feeding devs on Steam are using artworks without permission. It's clearly a factor in various games being removed from the store recently and I feel it is going to become a far bigger issue.

6 years ago

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It's a sad thing that happens not only in game industry. People seeing lesser known artists's art and thinking that they can get away with stealing them because no one will care to check, it's good that there are more awareness now and actions are being taken against it. In this case though they take fanart of a character from a very famous animanga series with games right on the Steam store and think that no one will notice? Pretty stupid if you ask me.

6 years ago

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It certainly isn't anything new and people are used to having to keep an eye on certain websites and even I've had to deal with some surprising art theft - but I think a lot of people (not me) have been taken by surprise that this was happening on Steam. I'm also genuinely uncertain if Steam is fulfilling it's obligations simply by removing offending games from sale as long as 'owners' are still able to download stolen content or whether there is something in its legal agreements that somehow passes over liability to the developers.

6 years ago

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Yeah that would be my #1 concern; not the content, but wheter or not the art is stolen.
Many titles of this kind are run 100% on stolen artwork, so it's immediately throwing red flags each new title.

6 years ago

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It's not like the writing wasn't on the wall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, especially with the lack of quality control being accompanied by a rise of blatantly stealing and ripping off other people's work, regardless if one does approve of the original or not.

6 years ago

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I really don't understand why everybody is getting riled up.. I mean if Steam proved one thing, than it's the fact that the vetting process pre-release is either done sloppily or not done at all. From what I see in the store their only task is running a virus scanner over it. - Done. I mean in the past there were games on the store that didn't even have a bootable .exe-file! And gems like this have been on the store for several months and they were basically porn. That's how they roll: Stock their store with whatever they can find and let the community do the vetting afterwards....

6 years ago

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Yeah, they run their store like how Bethesda Games Studio creates games: just cobble together something and throw it out in the wild, the zealous fanatic fans will make it work afterwards.

(Although I am still hoping Valortha will get to rare collectors' item status as I have a gift copy of it stashed. :3)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Holy Crap! They are re-releasing it under a different name? XD

6 years ago

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It's a brave new world store!

6 years ago

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sell them gifts fast ;)

it also seems like steam is letting sexual content in as dlc.

6 years ago

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Damn, this is the same game. My precious investment! ;_;

6 years ago

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They want to move on from being a small specialty store with well curated content to being the Amazon of digital game distribution, as in just let everyone sell whatever they want to have as much sold as possible.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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"Steam is learning about this game..."

Much to learn, you still have... :)

6 years ago

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Ok, this is seriously f@cked up, they need to take sh@t like that down asap.

6 years ago

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What's the point of @?
Words don't get censored here

6 years ago

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Who gives a sh@t?

6 years ago

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You, I guess.
I was just curious, maybe you just think it's funny or you are used to having to do that not to trigger word filters somewhere.

6 years ago

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Well you're wrong!
I don't give a sh@t and neither should you. I spell it like that because I want to. ツ
Evidently trivial things like that bother you or you wouldn't comment on it.

Stick to the topic!

6 years ago

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Not really bother, just piqued my curiosity.

6 years ago

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...bothered you enough to BL me lol.
I don't mind, knock yourself out buddy! ツ

6 years ago

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I haven't, so I'm guessing you BLed me and don't know how BLs work.

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6 years ago*

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Wrong again! My BL is clean and you are lying. ツ

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6 years ago

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Then I don't know why you think I BLd you.
I can see your giveaways just fine, BLs are mutual now.

6 years ago

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You are lying, of course you did.

6 years ago

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I'm not, but I have no idea why you even think I did.
Best guess I can come up with is you thinking that not being able to open invite only giveaways is the same as a BL.
I also don't see the timetable making any sense with the "wait" period after removing someone from your BL.
Sorry, but you're mistaken.

6 years ago

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I can see you did it, or then you removed it. Either way I don't give a sh@t!
& FYI the delay period you are referring to is only 30 seconds.


6 years ago

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It's as long as the length of time that the person was blacklisted.

Persecution complex aside, you never gave me any reason to BL you, so either you clicked someone else's profile or you are somehow mistaken.
If you are having things like this happen to you regularly, you might want to see someone about it.

Sorry if it was something I did/said, but I never went to your profile page until after you said I had BLd you, so I'm honestly confused as to what you saw that made you think that.
Best of luck.

6 years ago

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[Pseudologia Fantastica] aside... talk to the hand! ---> ✋
As for the rest of your derogatory remarks & imaginary assertions... kindly eat sh@t & get lost!

Oh, & best of luck! 💖 ツ

6 years ago*

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Shat is past tense of the verb, did you mean shit?

6 years ago

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Pick one! 😉

6 years ago

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I don't really care, but you seem to really be into someone shitting in the past. To each their own or something.

6 years ago

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Evidently you do care since you commented on it. Who ever said anything about sh***ing? Oh wait you did LOL.
Is that your fetish?

6 years ago*

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Why would I need to care for commenting?

Shat is past tense of the verb, did you mean shit?

I merely asked for clarification if your fetish that you tell us about in every message is shitting like the word you use, or are you mistakenly using it to mean just shit without the action of producing it.

6 years ago

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Right, so you are telling us that you didn't understand the significance of the word sh@t...?!
GTFO you clown! 😜

6 years ago

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No, your statements have either been about your fetish for people who have shat in the past or just wrong. Nothing there to misunderstand really.

6 years ago

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You're not making any sense buddy, no more drugs for you! 😄
What you're selling we ain't buying. You know exactly what I meant.

Since you are going on about it I take it it's something of huge interest to you...?!

6 years ago

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You're the one that hasn't made any sense yet, so you should try that first.

So it's drugs that you are smoking that make you see people who have shat and blacklists everywhere, that explains everything.

Yes correcting people who are wrong is my fetish just like shatting in yours, so I don't have any need to share your interests to comment on them.

6 years ago

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If you're not interested in commenting on my usage of "Sh@t" then why are you constantly commenting on it? 😄😄😄 Hahahaaaa

Ok let me spell it out for you since you seem to have some comprehension difficulties:

@ = variable, could be "i" could be "a"
Replace the @ in "Sh@t" with whichever is more suitable in the context of the meaning.

Get it? (means: "Do you understand?")

6 years ago

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What part of me having fun by correcting people who are wrong like you didn't you get? I still don't have to share your interest in shit or shat to do it.

Let me spell it out for you so that you can finally start using proper language:
@ = at, also commonly used to replace a to go around filters or just be 1337.
So replacing it with the a gives you shat which you have been going on about.

Get it? Use right letters so stuff you write actually means anything, especially the thing you want it to mean.

6 years ago*

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The only one being wrong here is you. Hahahahaaaa
Proper language does not incorporate the symbol "@" buddy boy!
Let me enlighten you:

To make it even clearer so that even an imbecile will understand:
What letter would you say is the more suitable in the context of following sentences?
(replace the @ with an appropriate letter)

"they need to take sh@t like that down asap" @=?

"Who gives a sh@t?" @=?

"Either way I don't give a sh@t!" @=?

"kindly eat sh@t & get lost!" @=?


6 years ago

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You're still using @ totally wrong imagining it's some kind of wildcard. At least use * like normal people then.

Sh@t = shat, nothing else.
Sh*t = shat, shbt, shct, etc

Sorry I can't make this any clearer but even if you are an imbecile, you should finally start getting it. If not, you need to seek help from someone else. Or you can keep on doing that, just don't cry every time someone tells you that you are wrong, because you simply are.

6 years ago*

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I will use whatever the f@ck I want you little sh@tstick!

"just don't cry"
You are confusing "cry" with "laugh your @ss off"

"because you simply are."
You are confusing "you simply are" with "in this case you're right.

...other than that you're spot on. 😄

6 years ago

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So it wasn't clear enough for you, sorry I can't help more. You seem to be confusing not only letters but whole words with each other. Is that some learning disability that's rude to mock or can I continue pointing at you and laughing? Maybe do bit less of the drugs until you can use actual words again?

6 years ago

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Again... only nonsensical mumbo jumbo.
Did you lose your thought of train? 😄 Well then you better...

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6 years ago

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Try reading this time using the actual letters written and not replace them randomly in your head like you do when writing. I'm sure that will help understanding what others write greatly.

6 years ago

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Starwhite the Cl@wn 😄

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6 years ago

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Amazing quality of reply when you have been beaten.

6 years ago

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You never made any sense in the first place aaaahahahahahaaaaa roflmao!
Every single argument you had failed by its on insanity. XD
All you had was like... hey you must replace @ with *

GTFO you nitwit! 😄

6 years ago

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Beaten and completely so the only thing you can do is nonsense like that. You just keep on making my point for me.

6 years ago

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"so the only thing you can do is nonsense like that."
should be...
"so the only thing you can do is post nonsense like that."

...yet again the Language Police fails! 😄

6 years ago

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No, everything you do is nonsense, including the posting.

6 years ago

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But you don't even know what I do... 😄

6 years ago

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You have fetishes about people who have shat in the past and write about it on here. Are you implying you do something else too? I would suggest you try doing some of that other stuff then instead of failing here.

6 years ago

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Why don't you address the actual subject and respond to what I'm actually saying? Are you really so frustrated that you can't even be specific & to the point?
I repeat: But you don't even know what I do... 😄

As for the rest I never said anything about my fetishes, I asked if Sh@t is your fetish since you felt compelled to go on about it. HAHAHAHAHA 😄

6 years ago

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Because you haven't actually said anything? You use words and letters wrong, then drop to personal insults when people are nice enough to correct you, that's all I need to know about your doings really.

If it's not your fetish, maybe then stop talking about it non-stop when it's not related to anything? Hard to imagine that kind of dedication comes from anything other than a love for it.

6 years ago

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What do you mean haven't said anything?
You said:
"No, everything you do is nonsense..."
I replied:
"But you don't even know what I do..."
Then you said something totally irrelevant to my response & taken straight from your @ss:
"You have fetishes about people who have shat in the past and write about it on here. Are you implying you do something else too? I would suggest you try doing some of that other stuff then instead of failing here."

You seem to have lost your train of thought or you were full of shit all along! 😄

6 years ago

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Say something isn't the same thing as actually say something.

You can write a lot of nonsense like you are doing, but it still doesn't have any meaning in it.

At least I have a train of thought I could lose unlike you, but you're the one claiming to be full of sh@t all this time.

6 years ago

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Say something isn't the same thing as acctually say something???
GTFO you clown! Hahahahahaaaaa
You really take the cake. 😄

6 years ago

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Starwhite the Buff@@n 😄

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6 years ago

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Since personal insults are the best way to signal your complete and utter defeat in an argument. But go on proving me right more and more all you want.

6 years ago

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Read you clown ^^ 😄

You're just making an @sshat of yourself!
This is hilarious, HILARIOUS I SAY! 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Yes it is hilarious how badly you can fail. Your nonsense keeps proving me right and you wrong, but you go on and on imagining it's somehow doing something totally different since you can't understand words without replacing letters randomly.

Let's try this: you f@il. did that finally make it clear enough?

6 years ago

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No one is proving anything here you clown, what are you on about? Hahahahahaha 😄

6 years ago

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You have proven time and time again that you simply don't get it.

6 years ago

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Ok it seems you're stuck in a loop. 😄
From now on I will speak your language (Mumbo Jumbo)

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6 years ago

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You have been in a loop of shat all this time, I'm the one who has tried to get you out of it just because I'm nice like that. You haven't made even the first sensible argument yet, just gone on and on about your shat fetish.

6 years ago

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OksoPlapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplaplu? 😲
(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown) 😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message, I couldn't do it better myself so at least you have one useful purpose in life.

6 years ago

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OksoPlapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplaplu? 😲
(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown) 😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Have you ever tried looking in a mirror before calling anyone else a clown?

6 years ago

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Plapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplaplu? 😲
(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown) 😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Seems like it's past your bedtime or something?

6 years ago

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ROFLMAO 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. At least you seem to be amused by your defeat, so not all bad.

6 years ago

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Starwhite the clown:



6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. And you wonder why you get random blacklists with brilliant arguments like that.

6 years ago

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Plapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplaplu? 😲
(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown) 😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Since that's the only thing you are able to do, but works for me.

6 years ago

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Plapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplaplu? 😲
(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown) 😄 (encrypted language PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. What you actually mean is: sh@t by ftlfxtlfx where you just insert random letters wherever, since that's what you have been doing all this time. But go on, your failure amuses me as greatly as it does you so we can both have fun.

6 years ago

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Plapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplapluplapliplupleplupliplelullimullibullitrulliplaplu? 😲
(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, encrypted language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Funny how you are now trying to push your illiteracy on me, but go on, tell us more?

6 years ago

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I think I spotted a reason their BL count goes up every time they post, you just happened to reply at the same time. :)

6 years ago

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Oh two in a row... b@tthurt like a fairy 😁

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, encrypted language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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I wasn't replying to you, learn to use forums, but great job proving me even more right with every message

6 years ago

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Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago*

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No that's the sound you seem to make, can you talk normally at all IRL? It really is starting to feel I'm doing some rude thing by making fun of special people, but otherwise go on, great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Your strange fashination with shit and butts means you're probably in middle of

I guess it's also rude to laugh at small kids, but otherwise go on making my point for me.

6 years ago

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Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Oh my gosh... you're a joke @ best buddy! I'm in tears over here hahaha.

But I do appreciate your frustration LULZ. XD

6 years ago

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I would cry too if I were you, no shame in it. Little kids are OK to cry when they lose a game.

6 years ago

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Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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You're the one whose butt is clearly hurting, maybe it's all the fetish shitting you do?

6 years ago

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Fetish sh@tting? WTF HAHAHAHAAA seriously, are you into that? What is that exactly? XD

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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In other words I've already won a long time ago and all you can do is spout nonsense, like you have always done, to make my victory even more obvious. I mean you should at least try to put up a little fight instead of just admitting my win every time you post.

6 years ago

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Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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You're the one who talks about your fetish for butts and shitting all the time. I was merely asking you about them since they seem to be important for you. Great job proving me even more right with every message.

How many BLs are you aiming for BTW, I hear you need at least 100 to become legendary.

6 years ago

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Funny, I didn't acquire a single BL since you your highness entered this devine thread. 😄

Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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You really should learn to read back what you write since you seem to be not getting what you write yourself, not just what others write. Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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OMG I just got 3 more WLs aaahahahahaaaaaa lololol XD.

6 years ago

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Sure you did and you call others delusional, this is starting to be LOL funny. Thanks for trying a bit, it's much better.

6 years ago

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Well I'm pretty sure I had 521 & now it's 524 WLs so yeah, in my book that's +3. Funny I thought Einstein's knowledge of arithmetics was top notch. 😄

Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago*

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Did you imagine I will get tired of laughing at your failure?

6 years ago

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Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Sure you did. You can stop making up stuff nobody will believe since it makes as much sense as the rest of your nonsense. Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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Right, so just because this thread is about rape means you are into raping!?!? DUDE YOU'RE MAKING NO F@CKING SENSE! You're totally making a fool of yourself! Can't you see that?!

Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago*

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I can only see one fool here and it's you. But go on, you're doing a great job proving me even more right with every message.

The author doesn't post 100 times about just rape, unlike you're doing with shit and butts. They can also discuss things in English fine unlike you. So you really shouldn't do any comparisons between you two, you will always lose in that as well. Also if you make up WL numbers, you should aim really high like 10000.

6 years ago

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Again you just made a complete fool of yourself since you have mentioned the word "sh@t" way more in this thread than anyone else!

Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. At least I'm not a 3yo kid and don't have any parental locks preventing me to write shit the way it's written. You can go on using random wrong characters in words all you want because you seem to be illiterate like that.

6 years ago

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The word "Sh@t" recurs exactly 20 times on this page @ this moment, rendering it impossible for me to have used it more times than that. Then again, arithmetics never was your strong suit was it?!

Please, tell us more delusional... uhm... I mean victorious Einstein... 😄

Aha ok, you don't say... so in other words you're b@tthurt and... Plapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelulli mullibullitrulli plapluplapliplu pleplupliple lullimulli bullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplupli plelullimullibullitrulli plaplupla pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla rompellibomp pluplapliplupleplupliplelulli mullibullitrulliplaplupla pliplupleplupliplelul limullibullitrulliplaplu plapliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plaplu pliplupleplupliple lullimullibullitrulli plapluplapliplupleplu pliplelullimullibullitrullipla? 😲

(Warning! Mumbo Jumbo à la Starwhite the clown, incomprehensible language, PGP key required) 😄😄😄

6 years ago

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You're the only one talking about numbers, you should instead look at who brought which topics to the discussion. Surprisingly fetishes, shit and butts are all you. Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. You are even too stupid to figure it out, so go on.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Nope, my fetish is correcting people who are wrong like you. Otherwise you are safe.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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If only you would be able to understand any logic, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case so please don't even try.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Also great job of breaking SG rules, which you seem to understand as little of as English or logic.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You haven't understood a single thing, so great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yes please write like that on Facebook instead, I'm sure you're friends with all the other special kids who can understand you. Nobody here does, but great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Did you make 100000 new friends on Facebook yet?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. And you're the one telling us more about your butthurt delusions, not anyone else, but you're just too stupid to even get what you're doing. Or are you just trying to ruin my fun by being a special kid instead of using actual words like adults?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Since that's the only thing you can ever do, prove others right by being both stupid and wrong.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Is that really the best you can do? Try a bit harder and maybe you can do at least medium quality trolling and not the weak crap that seems to be your trademark. It would be much more fun if you put in a little effort, now beating you is like shooting fish in a barrel. But I guess that's too much to ask, so go on repeating the same crap over and over like it means something.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. One day you will grow up to be a teenage troll, maybe this discussion will become at least slightly entertaining then.

6 years ago

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Hello and GOOD DAY to you sir, we've found out that you might be in a need of a BOT! A BOT is AUTOMATIC ROBOTIC ASSISTANT that might HELP YOU solving your daily routine! We have a huge experience in this matter, call us on 0-800-Archi-inc in the next 15 minutes and you'll get 4x extra AAA batteries absolutely for free!

6 years ago

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Hahahaa Brilliant! 😄 👍

6 years ago

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Absolutnie genialne! 😁

6 years ago

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Sure now you offer one, but I guess a bot is all that is needed for this level of argumentation.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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At least you should learn how forums work, not every comment is directed at you.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Says the kid who can only talk shit, sorry sh@t since your mom doesn't want you writing naughty words, but great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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"We've made" so you have multiple personalities or just imaginary friends like special kids often do? Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Tell who more? It's so cute when you pretend to be a legion when you're just one kid. But go on doing a great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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So no more pretending even? Everyone on Facebook just laughed at you like everyone here is doing? But go on, you're doing a great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. You're the one telling us your delusions, so go on.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Great job proving me even more right with every message. Why did you stop responding when I asked who this mysterious "we" is? Too ashamed to admit that you are forever alone?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Go on avoiding the topic, first you imagine you have WLs here, then you imagine you have friends on FB, then you go on imagining that anyone is laughing with you, not at you. Yet after all this you keep on calling me delusional or mentally challenged? Great job proving me even more right with every message, since that's the only thing you are doing. Reply with more of your random nonsense if you agree.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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So we both agree that you're a sad little kid trying to seek attention by spamming others, great.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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So we both agree that you're a sad little kid trying to seek attention by spamming others, great.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Why would I need help from my friends? And what exactly do I need rescuing from? You're so easy to beat it's sad really, but at least we both agree that you're a sad little kid trying to seek attention by spamming others.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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So we both agree that you're a sad little kid trying to seek attention by spamming others, great.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You tell us anything else than the random nonsense you seem to imagine is language. Try using actual words without replacing letters randomly. But since you are unable, we both agree that you're a sad little kid trying to seek attention by spamming others.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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I just skimmed this entire thread (and feel dumber for it) and I just want to offer the condoleances that you had to endure this. Wow. Just wow.
You're a lot more patient than literally everone else would have been.

6 years ago

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Yeah, it should have been terminated after the "I don't like the character you used as a wildcard, so you must have a scat fetish" leap of logic. I wish I could push the photos back into the monitor so I could unsee what followed.

6 years ago

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it pisses me off, though not exactly for the same reasons. I'm not opposed to any depiction of violence per say in fictional stories. It really depends how it is presented. And this falls in the category of selling a product over an edgy name.
The way Steam deals with these games is a bit counterproductive, though they do delete fake games from the store, as you have seen in the past few weeks. While There is certainly a more effective way of preventing these games to appear on the store, i just dont think restricting certain words is the way to go

6 years ago

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Indeed. Hiring people who check what the ever-living hell is posted on their own store is. But that means spending money, the thing Valve hates the most.

6 years ago

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I would have never noticed this game unless it was posted here, the devs surely must be thankful for the free promotion.

6 years ago*

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You are welcome. ^__^

6 years ago

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Are you getting a cut or is this free advertising? :3

6 years ago

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No. =(

6 years ago

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Good, I'd have to scold you for advertising crappy puzzle games over hentai bondage HOGs.

6 years ago

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Hidden Onahole Games where you have to click "Does it go here?" ?

6 years ago

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I'd buy that for a dollar.

6 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.'re working a lot, make a tiny effort, spend two bucks, create a gib and share the joy

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Just waiting for a hentai bondage HOG bundle now, bro.

6 years ago

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oh my. don't google that


6 years ago

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I can't believe Artifex Mundi hasn't made one of those yet :/

6 years ago

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I have a feeling that Talgaby's just a shill for Big Hentai.

6 years ago

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This one is probably in the realm of the ones banned for "trolling"...
It's pretty funny that the word "Rape" is banned in reviews, but not in game titles.

6 years ago

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Valve have already repeatedly and explicitly stated that they want to allow anything on their storefront, unless it's "obviously illegal" or "obviously trolling". (read: if it fucks with their storefront in a way that directly costs them money, or can get them directly into legal issues.)

  1. If you don't want to see stuff like this, they've already put the burden on you and washed their hands clean.
    You need to make sure your preferences are set up to exclude them here:
  2. If you've done that, and you still see it, that's when you can report it for "Adult Content". If there are enough reports, Valve will roll over into the other direction and put the burden on the publisher to set up the store page correctly.

Doing this has 2 major advantages for Valve: They get to claim more safe harbor privileges to keep them from being sued, and they get to be lazy. So of course they are going to run their business that way, because that way they can get the most money for the least effort.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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