Is there any mouse only games that people could suggest? I have a friend, with muscular dystrophy and he is unable to use his keyboard effectively..and so, I was looking to hopefully get him back into gaming, with games he can actually play. He used to be a gamer, but as I said, with his condition, he is unable to.

So, any recommendations on mouse only games would be greatly appreciated(he can use a mouse for the time being)

9 years ago

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Clicker games :P

Also in fistful of guns(I think it's called this) has a few playable characters that you only have to use the mouse. It's still in early access but it's under development (not those forgotten by time) and currently there is no story mode(or it didn't think last time I played), only arcade. But it's pretty fun, and you can play local co-op.

EDIT: I recently started playing CIV5 and so far I haven't used the keyboard. Maybe you don't need, but I can't tell for sure :P Maybe strategy games has much to offer with this(especially turn based because you don't need fast reactions/movements)

9 years ago*

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yea, civ might be a good option for him..maybe fistful of guns too...i'll look into that. Thanks :D

9 years ago

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Any HoG (check the ones made by Artifex Mundi, there is a bundle with 12 of them! )

9 years ago

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yea, I was actually looking at that bundle. I love HoGs, and figured i might grab that bundle and see if he likes em.

9 years ago

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  • Strategy games like Civilization V
  • Point-and-click games like Deponia
  • Puzzle games like Contraption Maker
9 years ago

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not sure about contraption maker, but he might like civ games. I'll check those out! Thanks for the ideas :D

9 years ago

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Knights of pen and paper +1

9 years ago

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If he likes point and click games, most of them can be played with just the mouse.

I had a lot of fun with One Finger Death Punch. There is only 2 buttons (left and right). I think the game is set to allow you to use the left and right mouse click if you want instead of the keyboard.

Also if you find a game that only uses a few buttons that are on the keyboard and the game doesn't let you remap the controls, you can use a free program like autohotkey to map the buttons on the mouse to the keyboard buttons. For example if you need to use the left and right arrows on the keyboard, you can tell autohotkey to press the left arrow every time you left click and the right arrow for right click. I use this program sometimes when I have a stubborn game that doesn't let me remap keys. You can also buy a mouse that has a lot of buttons on it to give you more controls.

Edit: I'm not sure, but you may be able to play VVVVVV with only a mouse. You might have to use a separate program to rebind the controls though. I think the game only has 4 buttons (left, right, flip, action). You could do left and right click for movement and then flip and action would have to go on the scroll wheel or thumb buttons if you have them.

Edit 2: There may also be some arcade style shooters. I believe some of the side or vertical scrolling shooters allow you to move your ship with the mouse and then you can shoot with left click and special weapon with right click. I don't remember what games allow this, but something like Titan Attacks! or Power-Up. There are probably better games, I just used those as examples because they were in bundles and I played them recently so they popped into my head.

9 years ago*

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I'm sorry to hear about your friend, this is kind of you.
Hmm, I know of one such game which I'm currently enjoying
Coin crypt
Moving mechanichs and using the deck require no keyboard, I hope this helps.

9 years ago

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little inferno?

9 years ago

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I never tried doing it myself (just a controller), but I heard The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky can be played entirely with mouse.

9 years ago

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The Banner Saga
Prison Architect
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
NEO Scavenger
The Book of Unwritten Tales
Company of Heroes
Year Walk

Those are all of the (good) games that I've played that I believe can be played with just the mouse.

EDIT: Just don't quote me on them!

ANOTHER EDIT: I had to have surgery on my right (dominant) hand and it had to be immobilized for 3 months. So I know what it feels like only being able to play games with one hand.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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+1 for LYNE.

9 years ago

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PopCap games, Hidden Object Games, Choice of Games, 7 Grand Steps, 1931: Scherezade at the Library of Pergarum, Monster Loves You!, Long Live the Queen, King of Dragon Pass, Broken Age, The Longest Journey, Analogue: A Hate Story/ Hate Plus, Tin Man Games, Geneforge series, Avernum Series, Card City Nights, Spectromancer, Cinders, Cradle of Rome, Last Day at Work games, Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble, Detective Grimoire, Faerie Solitaire/Alchemy, old LucasArts adventure games, Little Inferno, Magical Diary, Memoria, Puzzle Quest series, Triple Town.

I hope you can find something your friend will enjoy - good luck!

9 years ago

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Point and click games. I highly recommend the Book of Unwritten Tales. You can use the spacebar, but there is one part in the first that has some challenging dance dance revolution-type action.

9 years ago

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown

9 years ago

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he might like Xcom, or maybe the commandos games...not sure if those require a KB or not. He used to play CoD games before his situation worsened. So, war themed ones like commandos or even as you suggested, xcom might work. Do you you know if the new Xcom reboot uses mouse only as well?

9 years ago

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I believe Enemy Unknown is the reboot. I played it on XBox, but if the interface is similar on PC then I think it would be possible mouse only, if a little cumbersome.

9 years ago

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You only need a mouse for XCOM: EU, the keyboard just makes it slightly faster with the hotkeys, but since it's turn-based, time isn't really an issue.

It's an amazing game, with a quite long campaign and plenty of replay value (especially with the Enemy Within expansion and the Long War mod).

9 years ago*

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Papers, Please can be played mouse only. In fact you play it mouse only in the beginning and can buy some "key press upgrades" witch aren't necessary.

9 years ago

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most tower defense games.

plant vs zombies
defense grid

that's what i played when i broke my wrist last year.

9 years ago

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world of warcraft pvp

9 years ago

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Not sure about the PvP, lol but yea...WoW would work in PvE. i think PvP ya kinda need to be able to use the keys for hotbar attacks. It can be done mouse only, but PvE is the only way to do it and advance...but thanks for the tip ;)

9 years ago

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actually referring to rainboom

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I've been playing wow pvp until recently at high skill ceiling. 60 correctly used binds is nothing against a backpedaling mouseclicker using only one spell if your character is ungeared. Playing almost all the classes lv max in pvp I've always been pretty well ungeared no most of my characters at a time and only had a few decent-but-not-best gears for my characters (best complete gear I had the time to ever farm was r1 level, and that was by leaving my other characters behind and just not play many of them at all). Any nerd could kill me in no time and /sleep /afk against my fresh leveled characters because the damages dealt were so low it would have taken me MINUTES to kill them, and sometimes their passive health regen were so high I virtually had no way to kill them at all (remembering playing on timeless island with a buddy asking me to kill him while he went smoking, and he just found himself still alive because his passive health regen was insanely higher than my burst damages, and we were both the same class and max level, but with a big ilvl gap).

Wow is grind and its pvp is ultra gear grind. Skill is useless if you don't have the gear, and gear lets you destroy anything that has a even just a slightly lower item level with no effort nor skill at all, just 1 button spamming is enough. In some cases with a melee spec you may simply let your autoattack do the job. Even hunters pets are so, so much stronger than your character so that the gear is the only thing that matters.

And every now and then a new season starts. Nothing changes, it's just everyone forced to grind all of the gear again. Because. And again you'll find the dumbest people having the best gears because they usually play only one character or play more. And other people, who are such much more skilled but don't take the time to grind right off and can't have nice gears because they play many different characters like me, only serve for low skilled players, that are much more numerous than the high skilled ones, for them to be happy believing they're good by killing something that seems to move well.

Endings of wow pvp battles are almost always a matter of who farmed the gear first, and not who's playing the best.

Will not even talk in deep about arenas it's so dumb.

So yeah, you may play wow pvp with just a mouse. Farm your points focusing on a single character, get your gear, and mouseclick your spells and items, moving holding both mouse clicks, or enabling single-click to move. A buddy of mine mouseclicks and she's not that bad at pvp, if you're a good player and just want to use a mouse it's possible though you'll have more trouble achieving your use of spells and items clicking than using your keyboard bindings. If you play a hunter you may even just let your pet kill anything that has an item level a bit lower than yours.

So the idea might look stupid or like trolling, but you can trust I know what I'm talking about and it's all true.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Myst and Riven.

9 years ago

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I haven't played it myself but I've read on it and watched gameplay of One Finger Death Punch

9 years ago

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Any thing by Daedalic Entertainment, defiantly the best company for point and clicks in my opinion

9 years ago

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A bunch of solid puzzle games:
SpaceChem (my all-time favorite)

Also Age of Empires II.

Taking a different approach, could he get one of those mice with extra programmable buttons? Some of the gaming mice might not work, as the buttons are very small. But I used to have a Logitech office mouse with a few programmable thumb buttons. You could set those up to give keyboard inputs. It might make a few more games possible.

9 years ago

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+1 I have one of those and it works really well

9 years ago

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it's also possible (or at least it was) to program a joypad to equal keyboard input, though that may or may not be usefull to your friend

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Republique, Year Walk, Puzzle Quest, Words for Evil, Cognition, Weird Worlds - Return to Infinite Space, Ironclad Tactics, Machinarium, Night of the Rabbit, Cinders, Primordia, Syberia, Violett. huh, quite a few point-and-click adventure games in there. Ones marked with a * require some precision and/or quick timing, just in case that's an issue. I considered FLT, but i felt that it required too much pausing during battles to issue commands to be useful - you really need to have your hand over that spacebar in combat. Weird Worlds is similar, but much more forgiving. I really recommend all these games in general, too (though i haven't gotten very far in Ironclad or Violett yet)

9 years ago

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so I guess slow games with mouse only? How about some point and click games? Visual novel games?

9 years ago

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Waveform requires only a mouse to play. Price dropped down to $0.19 during the last sale, so you can get it cheap if you wait for a sale (or probably find it somewhere on here). Well worth its sale price, at the very least.

Can also second Zeronecromance's suggestion of 100% Orange Juice. Great game, relatively easy to learn, and theres normally a bunch of multiplayer lobbies open online if you want to play that instead of the campaign. Recently got a DLC update, so its not going away any time soon.

Civilization V and Visual Novels should work as well.

9 years ago

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