Steam Web Integration




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7 years ago*

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Thank you for updating this awesome script!!!
This is a must-have! I love it!

And I got one issue to report. Please see below.
Any workaround?
Pics #1 to #3 are without any other script.
Pics #4 to #7 are with "SG Game Tags" script.

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7 years ago*

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What's the issue? It behaves as it should, but I understand you may be overwhelmed with icons. How do you suggest I fix this?

7 years ago

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haha~ Indeed, it works as it should. Good script!

I guess these repeat icons relate to every single link, probably.
Is there any way to filter them out like stopping "returning same result/showing same icons" of the same game(ID)?
I know nothing about coding or programming so I may not offer useful suggestion.

If this(same icons) looks just fine to you, I can live with it.
After all, functions working matters.
At least, I can turn on/off these scripts whenever I want.

7 years ago

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The thing is I can't think of a good generic solution that for prevent this large amount of icons in any situation.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Anyway to have it check if a game has cards and display an icon if it does?

7 years ago

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I don't think that's in the scope of this script. I don't want to have too many icons, even if it was possible.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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No, I use another API, which is more accurate. This was not affected. Downside to this API is that you need to be logged into steam to use it.

7 years ago

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Ah ok. cool.
Is there a way to make the have list filter script work with bullet points, italicized text and some special characters which seem to mess with it like:

[  and *
7 years ago

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Wrong topic :/

7 years ago

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Yeah, but you only replied here.
So it was the best way to be sure you've heard that special characters screw up the parser in that one.

7 years ago

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Tampermonkey only? Or can I use Violentmonkey?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Would be good, cuz it's lighter and snappier..

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you :)

7 years ago

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Good job, RayalGamer06! I was wondering, is it possible to input our ID somewhere so we don't actually have to be logged into steam on the browser. It's a pain using steamguard to have to keep authenticating login because I'm generally logged into the steam client already and may be using more than one browser at a time for different things. Just wondering if that can be simplified. Thank you!

7 years ago

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You can logout. It should use cached/saved data.

7 years ago

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Okay, great! Thanks again. :)

7 years ago

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Great script. Really enjoy it.
But.. as of the last update or two, its not working completly correctly for me.
Hoping you can help me figure it out and I have a request & feature question.

Browser: Firefox
Script Manager: GreaseMonkey
Windows 10x64
Error js Logs: None that I know of. Tell me how to check.

What IS displayed correctly:
Not Interested
Not Owned

Wishlisted Items are not displaying correctly all the time.
If I have an item on my wishlist, it might show up with the heart image.

If I have a game marked as on wishlist AND "not interested" the heart does not display.
But the Not owned and Not Interested icons display, which is technically correct. :)

Q1: Could this have to do with settings and recent site updates?
I may be confusing your script with another, but I vauegly remember reading that some settings were based off the itad site.

To possibly complicate matters, I also use the combination of both Wishlisted and Not Interested flags on Steam. Its just a little personal note to mark games of interest, but to "wait for a bundle or dirt cheap sale" by marking it "not interested". Helps me see at a glance what I'm willing to spend $ on with a big wishlist.

So, here is the feature question...
Q2: If a title is both marked as "not interested" and "on wishlist", will those display the appropriete heart icon?
Or does the "not interested" flag override the "wishlisted" flag?

If they are not designed to work together, would you consider adjusting the script to display all combinations?

Again, thanks for the script.
I expect to be using it heavily again this Fall.

7 years ago*

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I double checked the code, there is nothing wrong with it.
It looks if game is either OWNED, UNOWNED or WISHLISTED (wishlisted always means unowned). Then it separately checks if it is IGNORED. Then is separately checks if it is REMOVED.
It also works in my test.
It doesn't use ITAD. It only uses removed games API and, which you may wanna check.

7 years ago

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Also, please inspect element to be sure the icon isn't there. It may be hidden or overlapping with another element?

7 years ago

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Thanks for the quck feedback.

I have no idea what might be the problem.
I've tried disabling all my other js scripts to see if one of them were interferring... but still the same issue with only yours running. :/
I read the intro and followed your instructions. No changes.

  • I did notice a little popup window when hovering over the hearts.
    It states "... last cached 6/30/2017" so seems something isn't getting updated.
    Don't know how I might have hosed that up. :)

  • Your instructions also state to use TamperMonkey and I'm using GreaseMonkey.
    I can try to switch to TamperMonkey at some point.

This is a screen of my current display for a bundle I own all the games in.
I'm guessing somthing isn't getting updated, but I don't code and am fairly clueless. :)

I'm eventually going to try to transition all my js scripts over to Chrome. I may have better results doing that.
But that is a project for another month. :)

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7 years ago*

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It's really easy to export and import scripts, at least for tampermonkey. Yeah I suggest you use that instead of greasemonkey as it has less bugs. Also, did you check and right click > inspect element?

7 years ago

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I did check that link, but I'm not sure what I"m looking for.
Seems to display correctly.
When I r-click "inspect element", I don't know what I"m looking for once I do that...


I'll migrate to Tampermonkey. Been a few years since I last looked at script managers...
Other than this one script hiccup, I'm REALLY liking the look and usefulness of now.
6 scripts combined for the Dark Theme, functionality enhancements, charts and the like, seem to be working well together.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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bump for nice script ^^

6 years ago

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I added card icon display to the userscript so that it shows an icon if a game has cards. Thanks to jaks for the tip about's API. Couldn't have done it without him.

Click Raw in the upper right to install it.

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6 years ago*

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Thanks! Added :)

6 years ago

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Cool. Just so you know, the script did change refreshInterval from 0 to 15. I'm not really sure what a good interval is. I set the card one to 3 days which might be high, but the download is rather big and I didn't want people hammering the server. 1 hour is probably the lowest I'd set cardRefreshInterval to.

6 years ago

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Looks like the url for delisted apps has changed and broke the script.

You can fix this by changing the URL on line 94 to

6 years ago

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AWESOME! Many tnx for fix :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you

6 years ago

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There has been an update out for hours.

6 years ago

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Yep, skylark95 fix seems to be working

6 years ago

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do you think you could also add a small "search on steamgifts" button? might be useful for bundles and stuff :)

6 years ago

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Thx so much! (◕‿◕)

6 years ago

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Hi. Thanks for this script . I installed extension and added sctipt to it . But I cant see anythin when opened sites with links . userdata shows correct .Can you help ? where is here problem .

6 years ago

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Hmm... I wouldn't know... Is the script enabled? Are you using tampermonkey? Do you see the script running in the tampermonkey extension area?

6 years ago

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I added extension . Then just added script and clicked save then turn on script . Need I add jquery or something else ? . Maybe I need to change something in code ?

6 years ago*

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There isnt any error in js code . Have tried on chrome and firefox

6 years ago

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Check the javascript console for errors. Also show me how your userdata looks like.

6 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. here userdata . Thempermonkey editor dont show any error . And on web page

6 years ago

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well, I'm clueless...

6 years ago

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Hm... It works but only with vpn =))

6 years ago

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Check what the VPN changes. For example, check your userdata.

6 years ago

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Nice script, thanks for that :)
Actually, I was looking for a script or something like that which adds steam links to a plain list since there are still a lot of ppl on steamtrades who have huge lists and don't paste in links. Is there such a script/extension or is it even possible with this one?

6 years ago

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Yes, check the OP intro. I linked such script there.

6 years ago

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Oh, I though that was just a have list filter - thanks a lot, awesome feature!
Is it possible to improve it even further so you're not only linked to the search results, but right to the actual game?

6 years ago

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Another bump for this great tool!

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6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for bump and the whitelist! :D

6 years ago

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This script deserves more attention and since it's been a few day it's time to bump it up. Thank you for all the effort. It's very helpful.

6 years ago

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For me the script stopped working, looking into it caused by returning a 403 - Forbidden instead of a JSON. The fix for me was simple, changing const wantCards = true; to const wantCards = false;. I don't know if this is specific to me, but thought I'd share it. :)

6 years ago*

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Thanks, I also encountered this issue and your fix also fixed it for me but it would be nice to see the cards again.

6 years ago

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that worked for me as well, thx

6 years ago

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Thank you

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks. Working for me.

6 years ago

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So many thanks !!!

6 years ago

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Thank you

6 years ago

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Thanks for update.

6 years ago

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I need v1.6.3.Can you post this version?

6 years ago

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Seems to have stopped working on the Indie Gala pages (gifted bundles), which are now protected by a password.

6 years ago

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I've noticed this too maybe because the way it has to interact with a locked page.

6 years ago

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Please update for FF57.

6 years ago

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