7 years ago*

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  1. I will play this game and beat it, I love jrpg type games like this. This game reminds me of chrono cross and trigger.

  2. Wishlisted since october 2016

  3. have 214 games and 85 wishlisted games.

  4. Have played most of the games I won but have not beat any honestly, will beat resident evil revelations eventually though.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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1-Is very nice game and ill play it for sure
2-I have wishlisted Tales of zesteria,because if i like all the series of a game i wishlist the newest
3-Less than 500 games and less than 200 wishlisted
4-Close to all my wins played and some of them even 100 % completed
Invited or not,nice giveaway and post :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thanks :)

7 years ago

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I will always play the games I win (eventually) :)

7 years ago

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But do you want to play them? Including Tales of Symphonia if you were to win it?

7 years ago

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sorry should have clarified; I wasn't looking to enter just now; more just interested in the discussion. ToS looks interesting but I just got a huge project dumped on me at work... would rather it go to someone who has time right now. :-)

That said, I don't enter anything I wouldn't want to play.

7 years ago

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I will play and beat
I have exactly 100 games on Steam and have 40 items wish listed but, Tales of Symphonia is not one of them
I am new to this site and have won nothing as of yet.
Thank you for the opportunity

7 years ago

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Welcome to SG. Here are a few things you might want to look at if you haven't already. Leveling Up to 1, winning, unlucky7, and the guidelines / faqs.

Invite sent

7 years ago

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Good info here....I will put to good use. Thank you

7 years ago

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Well, I'm a big fan of RPG games and really want to play this one, have the game wishlisted, have less then 500 games in my library and 76 on my wishlist. I haven't beaten all the games i won Here (because final fantasy x/x-2 remaster consumed most of my time, want to 100% it :D) but it's on my to-do list. If i qualify i would really appreciate an invite =)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you very much

7 years ago

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1) I want play some new JRPG and FF XV is so far.
2) I just knew the game (but not the saga)
3) I have less then 500 games
4) A few

7 years ago

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Tales of Symphonia isn't really new per se (original release was 13 years ago). If you just want something to keep you busy until FF XV eventually comes to Steam, then I'd recommend you play Valkyrie Chronicles and The Last Remnant :)

The only game I saw that you've played from here is Europa Universalis IV, so as it stands right now, maybe watch this, and let me know what you think of it.

7 years ago

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I already played both on Console, I also bought both on steam, but unfortunately I cant play them with the same eyes... I saw the gameplay and looks interesting and very similar to another game of my childhood, Magna Carta

P.S. I also played magicka and Empire: Total war ;)

7 years ago

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I'm a bit confused by this :o

I cant play them with the same eyes

and it looks like you only won dlc for those 2 games, so I'm not sure if that counts :x

7 years ago

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At this point the plot was already familiar and it's boring follow a plot then already know.
I also won one dlc for EU4 ;)

7 years ago

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>:O That was a dlc?! Oops. Welcome aboard, I've sent the invite.

7 years ago

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  1. I have played this game in one of the free weekend. It is fun and I would like to keep playing it.
  2. I don't have the game wishlisted until today because I was too lazy to wishlist games.
  3. Own about 300 games on Steam, and have 30 wishlist games (Just add 25 wishlisted game today).
  4. I just beat King's Bounty: Dark Side that I won in SG. It took me 100 hours to finish it!

I don't think I fully match the requirements but I still appreciate this chance.
Thank you and happy new year!

7 years ago

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Invite sent

7 years ago

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Thank you very much!

7 years ago

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Lol didn't pass any of the checklist's criteria.
The game does look nice but, tbh, I don't think I'd play it. Even if you didn't have the criteria for entering I probably wouldn't of entered because I know I wouldn't play it and what point is there in taking that chance away from someone else who really wants to play the game. I'd also just be adding to my gifts won:sent ratio.

Anyways, thanks for the giveaway and I really appreciate what you did. Although you do benefit by increasing your gifting ratio, it can be quite disappointing when you actually spend money on a decent game to give away only to find out that it hasn't even been touched by the person who won it.

7 years ago

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As someone routinely disappointed to see (at least what I think are) good games go largely untouched, have a bump and I wish you good luck finding a home for this one.

7 years ago

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  1. I would play it if I won it. I try to prioritize wins over my existing games.
  2. Not wishlisted. Been interested in the series when I saw it on Steam, but haven't gone farther than that.
  3. (b) No chance... at all.
  4. I'd guess I have a 50% finish rate of my wins. Much higher in the beginning as I was only in school or unemployed and had more time.
7 years ago*

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Invite sent!

7 years ago

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Oh, wow. I'm genuinely surprised. Thank you very much, CynicalSundew.

7 years ago

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I love the game (played it on gba)
I have played many similar games and i am rpg games
Nice way to be sure that your gift is really appreciated ;-)

I dont fit to your requirements so a free bump
You could add the requirement of whitelisting the game it is just a suggestion :)

7 years ago

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Are you sure that you played it? Symphonia was never released for the gba :v

7 years ago

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Errr :!
It was Phantasia... long time ago...

7 years ago

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Gotta love people giving away JRPG games, have a tales of bump xD

View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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Yes, I want to play this one. I played many others "Tales of". I also was primary translator for DeJap's "Tales of Phantasia" J->Russian version.

7 years ago

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I'm confused. Can you prove to me that you were the primary translator for DeJap's "Tales of Phantasia" J->Russian version?

7 years ago

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I don't meet all the requirements, so judge for yourself.

  1. I will play it.
  2. Added on 24 june, 2016.
  3. I have 544 games.
  4. I've played almost all of my won games, and beaten FTL, Psychonauts and Tales from borderlands. Grimrock 2 and Avernum are next on my list.

Either way, have a bump!

7 years ago

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That's pretty good; Invite sent.

7 years ago

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Thanks! Accepted.

7 years ago

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  1. I promise that I will play and enjoy the game shortly after winning it.
  2. It's been on my wishlist since August 8, 2015. Not sure if you can check it, otherwise I can provide screenshots.
  3. Don't fulfill this criteria. I own almost 2000 games and have 235 wishlisted games to this date.
  4. I aim to and have played most of my high quality wins on SG and am constantly working on my backlog. This one would receive close to maximum priority.

Thank you for the chance!

7 years ago

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But that never ending backlog though. It's a long game, especially with all the side content.

Decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, and sent you an invite.

7 years ago

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Appreciate it. Even if it's a long game it shouldn't be any problem. As I said I will make sure to live up to my word :)

7 years ago

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  1. I agree I would play the game completely. Been wanting to get into this game since release on GameCube.
  2. Not on wishlist (didn't even realize it was on steam). Thought it was only for GameCube.
  3. I have less than 500 games owned, and less than 200 on wishlist. But more than 100 games owned.
  4. Not all of the games, but played some that were good.

Hopefully that is good enough to join your group. Very interested in Tales game. :)

7 years ago

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The comments on your profile were distasteful to say the least, and you weren't necessarily lying on number 4, but 50 minutes of play time isn't very much. Regardless though, I've sent you an invite. Good luck

7 years ago

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I never checked if my winners played the games they won from me here. Never will honestly.
I just assume they are like me, enter for the games they really want or at least believe they do [you might actually dislike a game after you start playing it].
I try to finish them all. Sometimes I start a few games at the same time, sometimes forget about one of them and then go back after a couple of months. But will finish them eventually. Not in a hurry, so I never gave a second thought to my winners either.
Not interested in the game... not my cup of tea. But good luck with your GA. Hope the winner enjoys it. :)

7 years ago

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I have the game wislisted since April 2016
I play and adore asian styled RPG's
85% Chance I'll beat it sometime soon - 15% chance I will beat it eventually

I beat some of the won games, mostly the VN's for now but other games have their turn. Sadly currently battlefield 1 is my muse.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hm, 2 is easy, 4 not so much... I must confess that a lot of wins don't really get played right now... I mean, I mostly just try to win games that I WANT to play, it's just that I somehow or other don't really get around to it. But I feel like winning it on the promise of playing it might actually be a nice kick in the butt to play more wins and help me with the decision WHAT to play :-D

7 years ago

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Deja vu ;)

7 years ago

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I even have the same reason as him :-) Those tales ARE ready to mix up if you are not that involved yet ;-)

7 years ago

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1 I agree
2 I have it since 2 july 2015

I can't satisfy points 3 and 4, but I played and finished on steam a lot of rpg like tales of zestiria, hyperdimension neptunia 1 and 2, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, FINAL FANTASY VIII, Epic Battle Fantasy 4, The Last Remnant, One Way Heroics, Sudeki, Skyborn, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, Ara Fell, Shadowrun Returns.
I also played and finished lots of old rpg for snes (i don't have any proof, only my word)

7 years ago

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You actually kinda do qualify for number 4. Invite sento

7 years ago

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Well I would like it a lot, as I love RPG games and am addicted to them, literaly. Usualy finish the game the day I get it, if it is playable.
But for the 2nd or 3th one, I unfortunatly dont suit, as I didnt know of this one (and by checking my wishlist, I have 80% simillar games so idk why its not there) and today went over 200 wishlist games.
With beating a game I have won here...imposible, as its infinete clicker...and thats the only game I have won here so far :D
Still would absolutely love a game of this gender and would ply it for sure ^_^

7 years ago

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It's a long game, so it would probably last at least a couple of days. Good luck!

7 years ago

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Any idea how good are Tales of Zestria, as i have heard a lot of good of it, and been wanting to try it too, just waiting for the next sale :D

7 years ago

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I haven't finished it yet D:, but so far I like Symphonia more. I kind of want to say that by the looks of it, Berseria looks better than Zesteria. Again though, I still need to finish Zesteria :p

7 years ago

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Well, still want to try them all :D
Just got this, in a way Beta of Disgaea 2 for steam, seems quite fun :3

7 years ago

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  1. I love beating RPG's! I am a bit of an achievement hunter, so I'd love the thrill of a challenge (That being said, I can assure you that I'm going to play it after my finals, somewhere around February to March)
  2. Unfortunately, no. I surprisingly never heard of it.
  3. Last I checked, I had around 40 on my wishlist and somewhere about 900 games.
  4. I've only won twice so far; and only one was a game which I won fairly recently. (which unfortunately happened to be in the middle of my exams, which is why I haven"t got to playing it yet.)
7 years ago

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Invite sent, good like with your finals!

7 years ago

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Thank you! ^-^

7 years ago

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I would play and beat this game.(I love JRPG games)
No, but i have Zestiria.
Less than 500 games and less than 200 wishlisted.
Play all of my wining games but not beat them

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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1) Would love to play the game, and try to beat it
2) dont have it wishlisted but have Tales of Zestiria wishlisted
3) 200+ games, 50+ wishlisted mostly comprising of rpg and stratgy games
4) Didnt beat any games won however

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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1) I'd play it. The Tales series always intrigued me. And I'll beat it.
2) It wasn't on my wishlist
3) 255 games excluding FTP 80 in wishlist
4)Never won a game here.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by SINNEDUE.