There are so many giveaways of FEZ around here...

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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i don't understand why the dev is an ass.

9 years ago

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Because he is a giant diva who likes to lash out at people. He accepts no criticism and has since "quit the industry" for the second time. Also he refused patched the 360 version of the game although it had a persistent bug.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Attacking TB is always a great idea too.

9 years ago

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Some people just are.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This entire discussion is culture

9 years ago

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from what i hear it isnt. its probably just because its cheap but underplayed so people give it away to get the word out.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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The thing about FEZ is, it's a fairly fun platformer and the world flip mechanic is really interesting and fun to use. You can play it from start to finish without much effort. Music and visuals are great IMO and really relaxing. But when you decide to go for all the collectibles, you realize that the game world has a whole new dimension (I don't want to spill what secrets the FEZ world holds :) ). Once you learn about this, you see bits and pieces of the game world that you overlooked the entire time in a new light. You realize the developers poured a lot of heart into the game. Most people will miss the more complex puzzles, because it is not needed to beat the game. But those are the most rewarding.

PS: I don't like Phil Fish's attitude. I don't hate him either. But I do think that FEZ is a great game and you can see the effort and love he put into this game and world in every pixel on screen.

9 years ago

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+1 and +1.
Very accessible game to just finish the first time, good depth and attention to detail when you decide to go onward, embarassing Fish.

9 years ago

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I actually enjoyed playing it.

9 years ago

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Is a good game with a tonnes of bugs.
Phil Fish - piece of shit IMO

9 years ago

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Seems like the bugs hate you, because I encountered NONE.

9 years ago

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Can someone explain what's so bad about Phil Fish? Google doesn't seem to help much :P Or maybe I just don't realize it...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Sorry bro, still don't realize why he's so bad.

9 years ago

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They probably don't like platformers or the developer's attitude or they have an extra copy because its been bundled so many times.
Game is definitely good though.

9 years ago

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devs and hatred of motion sickness?

9 years ago

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it was made by a fish.

9 years ago

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FEZ is not a bad game. I've played it and it was really funny, don't understand why people give it away (maybe they don't like puzzle platform games or they got the game in sale, so they bought several copies to give them away and rise their CV).

9 years ago

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Fez is a bundle game, so raising CV isn't an option, maybe the people already own the game and that's why they give it away?

9 years ago

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maybe they love the game and... you know....are trying to share the love?

9 years ago

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fez is nice, don't let the actions of the dev cloud your judgement (I don't give a damn and remain resolutely ambivalent)

9 years ago

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Because Phil Fish acted like a dick on twitter on occasions.

Nevermind the fact that Hideki Kamiya does the same and people suck his dick when he does.

9 years ago

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Exactly, they're both assholes but since Phil is the "hipster" it's cool to only hate him.

9 years ago

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Phil Fish is a giant dick to anyone and everyone, because he thinks he's God's gift to gaming.

Hideki Kamiya, generally, is only a dick to people who legitimately deserve it.

9 years ago

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Fez is not a bad game at all D:

9 years ago

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Just replace "Phil Fish" with "Elton John" or any other artistic celebrity, popstar, actor. They are sometimes highly strung people, often they do stupid stuff. Like wreck hotel rooms. Scream at people. Or even commit suicide. It's a side-effect of their nature, their ability to create. That doesn't mean they're allowed to behave like idiots without anyone complaining. But a bit more tolerance would go a long way. And remember, in this day and age, no news is really bad news. So, if people find a way to push someone's buttons and force a reaction, no matter how negative or positive, they will. As long as they can get clicks on their sites or fill their magazines they will use these stories. Or help create a story.
BTT: Fez has been in a lot of bundles. So I expect a lot of people who aren't into platformers on PC at least will get rid of it here. A few probably already have it on a console.

9 years ago

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Fez is love.
Fez is life.

9 years ago

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How did "lots of GAs of this game" become equivalent to "this game is bad"? Not going to argue that lots of bad games sell in many bundles and therefore get given away a lot; but it doesn't necessarily means all games that get given away a lot are bad games. I don't even see that many GAs of this game anyways...

9 years ago

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You can hate or love Fish but Fez is one of the best games ever made. It might have some bugs but I found none while playing(well, actually, 1 crash out of 30 hours). Making a flawless indie game is pretty hard.

9 years ago

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what? it's not a bad game... the dev is a moron, but the game is good.

9 years ago

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i really love the game, the way it changes after your playthroughs, and it's great to see that people (dev & gamers) can put so much effort into creating and solving game puzzles/riddles. there are still some in this game which are not solved yet!

also, i really don't know what to think about phil fish, he just does not matter that much for me, although i'm very grateful for the game.

because i did not have a clue about the controversion around fish&fez, i watched this video once, maybe it can help some of you :)

9 years ago

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Last time I checked,it wasn't the game that was bad,it was its creator,a certain piece of shit by the name of Phil Fish.And no one wants to support fucks like him.

9 years ago

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Exactly! It was in the first humble bundle I choose to not pay developers.

9 years ago

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Why does your question not make any sense?
There are so many of these questions around here...

9 years ago

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It's been in a few humble bundles now, there's a glitch preventing 100% completion (not that earlier one, another one), tech support takes months to reply if they ever do.

9 years ago

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Just because there isn't any giveaways doesn't mean it's a bad game....

9 years ago

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He's saying there are a lot of giveaways

9 years ago

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He's saying it sarcasticly(sarcasm). I think...

9 years ago

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I don't think so but guess we'll never know.
OP seems to have gone on a break after creating this thread and hasn't made even one reply

9 years ago

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It has been in 3 different Humble Bundles and seeing as Humble are the biggest bundle site, many people will have ended up buying it more than once. You'll therefore see a decent number of giveaways for it. That said, I don't know if it's one of the most often gifted games.

The number of gifts doesn't really say anything about the quality of a game, it tells you more about what's been on sale or in bundles.

9 years ago

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Because it's boring and tideous. It's very overrated IMO.

9 years ago

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I agree with you, but I still got 100% in it. (or 209.4% if you want to be acurate)

9 years ago

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