Hello and welcome to the Devil Daggers Championship! Here you will be able to test your skills and share your results with other fellow gamers to earn the right to enter a lot of giveaways! Devil Daggers is a hard game that only has one achievement 'Devil Dagger', where you have to earn 500 points (or seconds surviving) to earn it. Many of them will require low scores so all people will have the chance to join at least a few giveaways!

  • Sounds easy, right?
  • (¬‿¬)
  • Right?
  • (●'◡'●)

The game is cheap, the base cost is only 4$ and it's right now on sale on Steam! Maybe you already own it as it was bundled previously.



Hey, Mills here! Recently in the Unplugged Giveaways discord was a discussion about hard achievement, and obviously, this game was mentioned, many people talked about trying to earn this achievement, so I decided to make this little tournament to boost the competition.

I am the one managing everything and if there's a lot of participation I could struggle a bit with updating leaderboards, your submissions or sending you the giveaways, so please, I would kindly appreciate it if you are patient and I will try to be as swift as possible!

The Devil Daggers Championship

So what's the tournament, how will it work? This tournament will be divided in two phases being the first one for the competition and the second one for the giveaways.

PHASE 1 (CURRENT ONE UNTIL 23:59 9th JULY): In this phase you will be able to submit your score via Steamgifts or Discord. Once done I will contact you when I fill your entry in the list of participants. You are free to update your score by commenting again the times you need, just remember me that you already submitted it in the past. If you had played the game before, the score you had will be enough to participate, there is no need to play the game again if you don't want, but it would be awesome for you to try again!

PHASE 2 (From 10th to 16th JULY): Giveaway time! I will contact you here in Steamgifts or in Discord with the links to the giveaways your score corresponds to (I will prioritize Discord to message people). So the only thing left for you is to participate in the giveaways of the games you are interested in!

The giveaways themselves will be divided in two groups:

  • Score-related: As the name suggests, you will be invited to the giveaways with a score milestone LOWER than your personal score. For example, if you scored 120 seconds, you will be invited to all 25, 50, 75 and 100 score giveaways.

  • TOP 13 exclusive (13 from Discord and 13 from Steamgifts): This giveaways will be based on the leaderboards from both Discord and Steamgifts submissions, keep in mind that people that joined from both ways will be counted as one. This means that if a person applied in both he will get invited from either Discord or Steamgifts and his other TOP 10 spot will be given to the 11th person. If you are in the TOP 10 I will add you on Steam to check your replay and invite you to the exclusive giveaway.

How to participate

It's very easy to participate, just play the game, earn a score and submit it using one or both of the methods down below:

  • METHOD 1 (Steamgifts): Post a comment here with a screenshot of your Leaderboard. That's it, you will be free to upload new ones if you get to improve your score!

  • METHOD 2 (Discord) In the Unplugged Giveaways discord post a comment in the channel Devil-Daggers- Championship with a screenshot of your leaderboard and post you Steam profile if you don't have it linked to your Discord profile.
    If you want to join the Discord and submit there your score you can get invited by clicking here

Want to contribute with your own giveaway?

Yes! I have made myself a few of them, but if you liked the idea and want to support it, here are some guidelines to create a giveaway that I can add to the prize-pool!

  • Invite only
  • Must end on the 16th July.
  • Mention that the giveaway was made for this tournament and that the winner must be a participant of the DDC and ask to follow the rules here!
  • The rest of the description is up to you to fill with whatever you want! Do you want to promote yourself, a Steam Group, a charity, maybe just link a song you like? As long as you keep it friendly for everyone, you have my approval to promote everything you would want to!

You will need to contact me to add the giveaway to the pool and remember to specify which score milestone you would like it to be, it can be the number you want, not just the ones I’ve made giveaways for. :)

Thanks for your time reading and hope you all participate! Here is a little thanks for those of you who took your time reading it!

Let’s all enjoy the game and git good!



3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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My bad, I am a dumbass.

3 years ago

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https://devildaggers.info/Leaderboard/Player?id=95404 by no means a good score but i will try and improve

3 years ago

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already improved from 78 sec to 134

3 years ago

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Cool, thanks for participating!

Updating the list ;)

3 years ago

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here's your new top 10 entry, bro
edit: actually HERE is your new top 10 entry, bro https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529459577

3 years ago*

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Got you! Listed with the 174 score :)

Nice tries, keep improving :)

3 years ago

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Had the game in my library for a long time already, but I never played it, because I thought that it was some kind of a horror game. :D
Anyways, I tryed it and I think I did quite well:

3 years ago*

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Well, you get some horror vibes when you first meet the centipede xD.

Listed mate!

3 years ago

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Got a better time, which should get me back on the leaderboard... (although I was just running away like a coward the last 30 seconds >_<)

3 years ago*

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Well, it worked to improve your score, so it should be fine! Got you updated :)

3 years ago

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The best I got for now ... I'll try harder.
EDIT: I got better

3 years ago*

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Ohh, you got so close to 100 seconds! You can improve that for sure!

Listed, and good luck!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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After trying today I finally beat 200s
I hope I can find the time to improve some more.

edit: halfway there 254.7652s now. Surely it won't get harder....

3 years ago*

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Congrats, got you listed, how hard are you finding it?

3 years ago

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It's very hard ;)

3 years ago

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Now this is a thread about a game I haven't heard anybody talk about in a long time.
Here is my score: https://devildaggers.info/Leaderboard/Player?id=46852

I might try it again but I remember not getting much progress after this point myself.

3 years ago

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Cool, got you listed! Yeah, that last 60 secs for the achievement looks like a big pain!

3 years ago

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My best so far is 159 seconds
Haven't played in a while also, but I'll pick it up again, the game is really fun!

3 years ago

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Got you listed!

Thanks for participating, good luck in your next tries :)

3 years ago

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Just got an 168! Damn I forgot how crazy good this game is!

3 years ago

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Nice improve, got you updated :)

3 years ago

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Just got 194, I think I'm at my limit lol

3 years ago

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Oh, you got quite close to the 200 Score, just a small push!

Also, top 10 Leaderboard is not that far away!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Congrats mate! Close call :)


3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Come on, it can't be that hard. Can it?


75 seconds. Shit is scary

3 years ago

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No, it's not that hard (¬‿¬).

Got you listed!

3 years ago

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Current best is 143.94... It is a very hard game
Will continue trying but here it is for now:

3 years ago

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Nice try! Got you listed!

Good luck :)

3 years ago

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If you are in the TOP 10 I will add you on Steam to check your replay and invite you to the exclusive giveaway.

Are we supposed to have a copy of this replay somewhere or is it saved online? I haven't played in a long time and don't have the game installed anymore. After I uninstall a game I usually manually delete any remaining folders that were not removed from the steam folder as well as AppData and the Windows registry. I am worried that I may have deleted the replay if it is saved locally on my computer.

3 years ago

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Your best score is saved online. You can search it here: https://devildaggers.info/Leaderboard/Search

3 years ago

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Yes, but it says if you are in the top 10 here on SG, you will be added on Steam to check the replay. I was wondering where that replay is saved because I don't currently have the game installed.

I just remembered that you can click a player on the leaderboard within the game and watch their replay. I think that means that the game stores the replay data on their server, so I don't need to worry about having the replay on my computer.

3 years ago

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Yes all replays are stored and managed by the game servers.

3 years ago

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It has a cool feature where you can actually view anyone's replay on the leaderboard I believe, and easy feature where you can view friends top score replay ^^

3 years ago

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And replays from top 100 people are amazing to watch, especially near the end, where it is so colored you start asking yourself "When did i take LSD ?".

3 years ago

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Yup :')

3 years ago

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This thread made me finally give this game a try
"It's gonna be easy" I thought...
How foolish.

3 years ago

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Got you! Sorry for the late reply, I have been pretty busy this last days!

Are you going to improve the score? ^^

3 years ago

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No problem with not being available at all times. But if you're so sorry, then I forgive you :p

I probably won't be improving my score anytime soon, but hopefully, I will do it someday - 500s is the minimum I'm willing to settle on ^^

3 years ago

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I believe in you :3

Currently at 200 myself!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Got you listed!

You will surely improve that, good luck! :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Thanks for participating! Got you listed :)

Hope you had a good time with the game!

3 years ago

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294 306 seconds

3 years ago*

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Got you updated, congrats!

3 years ago

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Thank you.
332 seconds

3 years ago

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Going for the achievement? ;P

3 years ago

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With this pace? Maybe in a year or maybe in two.

3 years ago

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376 seconds

3 years ago

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Cool mate, updated!

3 years ago

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Oh damn, a perfect excuse to break out Devil Daggers again, my favourite sleep procrastination + anxiety distraction tool that I managed to seal away after a period of addiction.

It does feel a little like cheating to be able to submit old scores, because that means veteran players get to submit the stuff they honed over a longer period. Then again, I dunno how you'd really validate stuff, much less without expecting older players to wipe out their historical best.

Just dropping by to say this is a fun idea. I'll give it a shot after my next slog of a class, haha.

3 years ago

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Hey there!

I don't mind if people want to submit their old score as I made this tournament to reward everyone that has played played the game. That's the main reason of having most of the giveaways for low scores, so even the ones that joined late have the opportunity to seize most of the games being given away ^^.

I don't mind if the higher scores end up being people that played before, as they deserve a reward too for dedicating hours of effort in this awesome game!

So it's up to you if you want to participate and how you want to submit your score, I'll be happy to include you both ways ^^


3 years ago

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Thanks for reminding me how bad I am at shooters! 😅
My impressive 62 second highscore after about half an hour of playtime:


I will try to improve that...

3 years ago

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Hey, got you listed.

This is a game that values practice and knowledge over shooting skills (also important, yes), maybe reading guides or watching other people play can help you improve fast!

Thanks for participating :)

3 years ago

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Thanks, this really helped a lot! Well, at least it got me over the 100 second mark:

3 years ago

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Nice :)

Keep it up!

Got you updated :)

3 years ago

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Bumping! Less than 8 days to submit your score!

3 years ago

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Cool, thank you for hosting!
My highest score is 84 seconds: https://devildaggers.info/Leaderboard/Search?Username=538UL84
Hope I can find some time to improve it soon :)

3 years ago

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Sure you will improve it, good luck mate!

You are now listed :)

3 years ago

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that's an awesome idea for an event! I really wish we had more gaming championship events here on sg. I'd be totally joining myself if I had Devil Daggers but all I can do right now is thank you for organising it, wish everyone participating the best of luck and the highest scores, and bump the thread so hopefully more poeple would join! :)

3 years ago

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Thank you for the kind words Devirk!

It's hard to organize something like this for other games, as Devil Daggers has many built-in tools to check scores and replay for other people so you can have an easy to manage and legit championship :).

Also, one of the reasons this game is reasonable for a tournament is that the price is not high (2.4€ right now on Steam sale) so people interest can jump in and participate with a low money barrier if they want.

Maybe in the future there will be more championships, who knows! Anyways, thank you for bumping and have a nice weekend ^^.

3 years ago

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127 sec... https://devildaggers.info/Leaderboard/Player?id=105464

maybe I'll play more xD

3 years ago

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Got you listed, still have around a week to improve that score, check guides or watch replay from high score people, knowledge will make it much easier to improve ^^

You are now listed :)

3 years ago

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Thanks :) Lets see how far can I go :)

3 years ago

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Now it's 176 :) This game makes my hands and eyes hurt xD But each time I beat my current best score I just feel great :)

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Sure thing, the sense of acomplishment is awesome, will you try to break the 200 score?

3 years ago

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My goal was 250 at first xD No way that I'm gonna do it in 4 days though... Sadly my time is limited and I got sick and that also makes me tired faster xD
On the other hand - 200... We shall see xD I'm gonna try for sure :)

3 years ago

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I think you should be able! Good luck :)

3 years ago

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My eyes are bleeding but I just beat 200 seconds score xD
Thanks for this event :) It motivated me to play this great game again :)

3 years ago

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Cool, it was a close call, but congrats!

Got your score updated, nice try mate!

3 years ago

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Aaaand I actually did it xD
New score: 254 seconds :)

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Great, you basically doubled the score you had 5 days ago, amazing improvement mate!

3 years ago

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Well - I have not played anything else for last 5 days xD Need a break though. I see floating skulls when I close my eyes xD
Once again - thanks for this event :)

3 years ago

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Yes, this game can be pretty harsh on your concentration during long sessions ^^.

The event will end tonight, and you will be free from the chains of Devil Daggers, stay strong!

3 years ago

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Just a break :) I'll probably try to survive longer... just not now xD

3 years ago

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BUMPING, added new giveaways, maybe they aren't the last ones! :)

3 years ago

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I didn't think this game was so hard. Only 72 seconds.
Improved to 153 seconds:


3 years ago*

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Thank you for participating! Yes, it's hard, but practice makes perfection ^^

If you want to improve you can check guides, wiki or replays of the best people, knwoledge is key to settle a better score in this game :)

3 years ago

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I got a little better... but the gem thief is ruining most of my runs.

3 years ago

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Got you updated mate, you doubled your score in less than a day, nice!

3 years ago

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This was my best score. It's old but I hope it counts.


3 years ago*

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Sure it counts, got you listed.

You can always try to improve it to reach more giveaways or enter the top 10!

Have a nice day :)

3 years ago

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