It's already resolved, get a life

8 years ago*

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so you basically stole the game. ^^

the buyer will be very disappointed. but i am sure he will understand, if you explain that you only did it because you were bored...

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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lol, how it was stolen it if it clearly was shown in the pictures. It's like someone random gives you money, you take it = stolen??? lol

8 years ago

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But they did not offer it to you for free. If somebody shows you his money do you just take it?

8 years ago

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Right, if you see a picture of a credit card, feel free to spend thousands of dollars, you're not stealing anything because it was shown in the pictures right?

8 years ago

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Tats stupid cos u can be tracked while keys cant be tracked :l

8 years ago

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What's the problem though if he's not stealing anything?

8 years ago

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"You will get sued" LOL

8 years ago

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There are ways around getting caught. Thats why there is still credit card fraud.

Keys can be tracked since they are bound to your account.

8 years ago

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Nobody would really check whether if you have the game(nearly impossible to be tracked). The most that the person will do is to revoke the key but most people would just ignore it.

8 years ago

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It is not impossible to track. The key got activated on account X and that information gets stored in a big database. How is that "nearly imposible to be tracked"?

As the actual owner it is not possible to detect who activated the key. That is true but it is the same deal with the CC. The owner still doesn't know who bought stuff with it. He just knows what and where.

8 years ago

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Let me tell you the truth. Steam does not even care who activated the key and they would not give a shit unless you demand a revoke. They would not state who activated the key due to privacy. Nobody would even know who activated the key unlike Credit Card which can revoke payments if they are used not directly by the owner. Key cannot be reclaimed back unlike Credit Card. But oh well. Try finding the person who took your key if he never say "I have took the key" or "Thanks for the key".

8 years ago

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If you are contacting the police and want to sue ther person who claimed it steam has! to state who activated it.

Nobody would even know who activated the key unlike Credit Card which can revoke payments if they are used not directly by the owner.

That is not true. If the one with the stolen CC does it "right" nobody will know who used it so its the same.
How do you want to know if the owner used it or somebody else if you make a purchase through the internet?

If the payment is processed you are screwed since the shop wont give you money back and the bank doesn't want to because it is most likely not their fault that somebody else got your CC infos.

Key cannot be reclaimed back unlike Credit Card.

I am unsure about that.
And of course steam doesn't care about it unless someone points it out. But it is the same thing with the CC. If you don't say something to your bank they won't care and even if you say something you have to have luck that the payement was not processed and the goods were not delivered already.

Oh well try to find the one who used your CC if he knows what he is doing.

8 years ago

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Firstly, I doubt anyone would just allow payment to be paid without checking as there are notification to your phone. Secondly, u can just read up about Credit Card frauds and how its been chargeback despite the transaction has been processed. Thirdly, transaction can be chargeback within 60-120 days. IP are tracked that's why police are able to find the suspect in online scam/ Credit Card fraud.

8 years ago

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Firstly, I doubt anyone would just allow payment to be paid without checking as there are notification to your phone.

I can clear that one up for you. Not every CC uses two factor authentication. Everyone could buy a flight with my CC if he holds it in his hands. As long as you have the number, the security number, holder and expiration date you can use it.

Secondly, u can just read up about Credit Card frauds and how its been chargeback despite the transaction has been processed.

"Only 21% of chargebacks lodged globally are decided in favour of the merchant. The 2014 Cybersource Fraud Benchmark Report found that only 60% of chargebacks are disputed by merchants, and that merchants have a success rate of about 41% with those they do re-present." Source

So if the guy buys 5 things for 1 000$ on different shops you will loose 1 000$ statistically.
With bad luck you loose everything and with good luck nothing.

IP are tracked that's why police are able to find the suspect in online scam/ Credit Card fraud.

Good that there are no such thing as VPNs, Tor or open networks.

8 years ago

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This can show how Credit Card can be chargeback easily. IP can be backtracked despite using VPN and other networks and it worked easily

8 years ago*

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Round about 20% of the chargebacks don't get accepted as of 2014. Thats what it is. And it is only so low because only 60% of the vendors put a dispute on it.
You are not "just getting" a chargeback if the vendor refuses. Once he steps in you only have a 60% chance to get your money.

Nobody mentioned tor or public wifi.

Lets pretend I am sitting in a Starbucks using their Wifi. Starbucks maybe logs my spoofed MAC-Adress and the merchant only logs Starbucks' IP Adress. What do they can do with that? Well not much unless they look at CCTV. In that case you can just sit outside the range.

Also Tor works different than VPNs. They only busted Silkroad because the one who ran it made a mistake.

For the future part thing you wrote:
It would probably work but it is not like you cant copy the chips or something ^^.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
Those chips will most likely be like RFID chips which are easy to clone and not very safe.
Even fingerprints are not save. You can reproduce a fingerprint from a picture. Here a link to that

8 years ago

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Yea i agree that tor can be used on normal website to be anonymous. However, It can still be tracked but more difficult and I doubt anyone would really want to track it unless they have nothing or they are police. For public wifi, you can easily be found cos of CCTV as law stated that for public wifi to capture the people who is around the area/ using the wifi. Unless someone really did preparation for online Credit Card Fraud then they will hack the CCTV but the details can still be found even if its removed. For the RFID chips that you said which is easy to clone, actually its more difficult than you thought of as its inplanted into your hand and for the fingerprint, I agree that its not save since I myself dont even have a fingerprint.

8 years ago*

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While using tor you can be tracked but it is very difficult to do that and the normal police doesn't have ways to do it and the NSA or FBI won't go after the regular CC fraud ^^. That's simply not what they are there for.

Hm in Germany we don't have a law like that but non the less you can just buy a good wifi antenna and can sit one block away.

That site seems to be not the number 1 source of reliably information to be honest. It is stating that they tell the truth and thats a big no no for me since everyone can state that and most of the times it is not true^^.

Besides that the only hurdle will be the implantation and explantation of the chip and how far they crypt the traffic of those chips. Reading and writing is still not a problem since it has be accessible for scanners so it doesn't realy matter where the chip is as long as the communication goes outside of that room/ body.

8 years ago

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For tor, it can still be tracked as its similar to dummy IP. In Singapore the wifi range is limited and antenna would not work for public wifi. If you mean about the reliability of tor, I would say that its not foolproof and for the chip, its easy to be readed but details will be inscribed and not easily accessed only the primary details such as your name, race and religion will be shown but in deeper check with security, you can easily be found as using a fake chip and there will be risk of infection.

8 years ago

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How do they check if a person is using an antenna?
Of course it is not foolproof but if you are stupid that is what you get. I was talking about someone who knows what he is doing.
The guy from silkroad got catched over two years after the site went up and that site caught a hell lot of attention not like your everyday CC fraud. They wouldn't have catched him back then but he was not concentrated enough and made a mistake.

and for the chip, its easy to be readed but details will be inscribed and not easily accessed only the primary details such as your name, race and religion will be shown but in deeper check with security, you can easily be found as using a fake chip and there will be risk of infection.

Do you have any reliably source on this? Not a "truthtelling" website? They would need to use crypto and I am highly in doubt that they will get it right since you already can hack insulin pumps, pacemakers with ease and probably heart implants too. This guy did it with proof of concept

8 years ago

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For the antenna, it's not working efficiently in Singapore as it could be tracked how many people are using the wifi within the area and if its outside of the area, it will be terminated due to bad connection. Since wifi is easily obtained in Singapore and most of the stores only have limited wifi(Within the store) I doubt u can even get their wifi outside of the area.

Unfortunately theres always risk in leaking of information since anything that's created by human and thus, duplication will be easy no matter what happen if happen to get the details. For the source I have it and its here and mainly its used for tracking but if u were to clone it, your signal would not be found or maybe there will be signal, imagine how many signal was seen.?

8 years ago*

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A bad connection is just an indicator and can not lead someone to a aconclusion. With a good antenna you can get a better connection from a wifi at a range of 20 meters than one gets using a device with a shitty network adapter from 10 meters away.
They can limit the strength of their wifi but that does not prevent the signal from going through the walls. If they want to perform that they would have to have the store beeing hermitic. In that case you would not be able to get any other wireless signal in or out. (No store does that)
So yes you can get into public wifis without beeing in the store or sitting in the library if you have the equipment which is easy to buy.

Both of the sources do not state how they will store the information like you described.

Lets say you have the original chip - named OC - and then the fake chip - FC- and the data -1x2y3z- and the transponder who retrieves the data from the chips.

OC -> Transponder -> 1x2y3z

1x2y3z -> Transponder -> FC

FC -> Transponder -> 1x2y3z

If you put the identical data one the FC there is only the physical way of telling which one is original with a serial number inscribed on the chip or something similar (could be spoofed aswell).

Of course there is a risk of infection but you got that risk with every implantation you have and you actually don't need to implant your FC to open a door or pay or whatever since the transponders does not know if the signial is under a layer of skin or not.

Besides that a mass implantation is still far away and especially the forced implantation of every individual.
We have also gone pretty far OT but I enjoy it.

8 years ago

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This will be endless but yes I shall state that Credit Card Frauds are quite normal but to solve it, It requires time. Security is an issue and in the future everyone would just have a chip in the body as verification for credit card use :) (Its really decided in the near future everyone will have a microchip in our body to prevent criminals from escaping and monitoring each and everyone)

8 years ago

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It doesn't matter who Valve will IR won't tell. OP just posted from his steam account and told the whole fucking internet.

8 years ago

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Yea we know that but what I mean is that is he did not state about it nobody will know....

8 years ago

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You can only revoke a key if there is a payment issues.

If you could revoke a game just based on a random key wow there would be some serious issues as scammers could sell you a key then contact steam and have it removed just based on code alone.

8 years ago

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Key can be revoked if you have the purchase order. (Retailer not directly by steam unless its gift)

8 years ago

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Yeah only i doubt this person has the original one and even if they did that does not prove ownership as anyone could have that key.Buying it on Ebay is not enough i would think because the key could have been used before it was purchased and no way to prove if it was or was not.

Also they could sell that key and try use that purchase order to revoke it so if they do that they are stupid still for allowing it.

The only way i ever heard a key being revoked is from charge back or the publisher revoking keys.

This is a second hand seller not a retailer or what not.

8 years ago

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You can request to a change of key but most likely they will ignore you. But what I mean is to ask them to terminate the key :)

8 years ago

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it's more like someone leaves his money lying around openly. if you take it, you still steal it. someone will buy this for money. and he will get it and will want to play it. and then he will realize the key is used. not so cool for this guy, is it?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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No, that's not appropriate analogy. It's like someone would accidentaly drop money in front of you and you kept it. So yes, you stole it.

8 years ago

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They were selling it, made a mistake, and you took advantage. That is stealing no matter how you put it.

8 years ago

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If I had a bag full of money for my son's heart surgery and I was going to the hospital with the bag, but I would forget it in the train and you would find it, would it not be considered theft if you would take it, even if it was forgotten there? :P Ok, I exaggerated, but still........THEFT! :P

8 years ago

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Even if you don't consider it as theft, it's still a shitty move. He didn't give you his key or did I miss something?

8 years ago

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thats such a douchy thing to do

8 years ago

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Hi hardscopin420, you seem like a cool dude so I clicked your profile to friend you. But there was that other icon and I thought to myself "hey that one is free to click too, I will give it a try". Have fun on my blacklist ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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hi! it's me, KillingArts! xD you replied to my post instead of his ^^

8 years ago

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best comment ever

8 years ago

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Then why he didn't censored the key?

8 years ago

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Blacklisted. What you did was an asshole move.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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because he forgot you piece of spaghetti :)

8 years ago

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he made a stupid mistake, so what?

if i leave my wallet on my desk at work, that is a stupid mistake. still, whoever takes my money, steals it. you must understand that, surely.

8 years ago

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You say "on MY desk" but hardscopin420 found key on ebay (read it like "on the main street in the big town") so feel the difference?

8 years ago

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It is called theft by finding and is illegal and the key was anything but abandoned since the seller is clearly the current owner.

8 years ago

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It doesn't work in my country ^^ And how "current owner" can prove that he is? Anyway he posted key in the Internet, he presented it to the world.
I found once key on ebay too but I didn't try it only because this game was duplicated for me

8 years ago

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It doesn't work in my country

I am pretty sure that even in russia there is a law against stealing/ theft. (It is not theft by finding what we are discussing here. It is actual theft)

And how "current owner" can prove that he is?

He probably has the receipt/ bill or another way to show you that he legaly obtained it. If not then he did something illegal but you have to assume that he got it on a legal way as long as you can't prove else.

Anyway he posted key in the Internet, he presented it to the world.

Anyway it is still his. No matter what. Just because I show the world my bike doesn't mean it is free or that it is anyone elses.
And just because I am running around in a city and present myself doesn't mean that people can do with me whatever they want.

8 years ago

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Looks like we have different points of view =)
If I posted keys in the internet accidentaly I never call police, interpol or God himself to punish those who take it. Because its my fault

8 years ago

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so if you accidentially leave your wallet with 1000$ cash on the street, then come back to get it, and you see some guy take it - what do you say to him? "congratz to your 1000$, it was clearly my fault and therefore you can just take my wallet. it's yours now, have fun!"?

8 years ago

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same, blacklisted and added to ignore list. When your friend will leave near you and go to the toilet i guess he will not see his money back. This is clearly scamer mentality so i would like not to trade, deal or whatever in future. Cheers

8 years ago

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His accidental mistake or maybe plain stupidity doesn't somehow justify what you did.

8 years ago

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The eBay listing is selling a physical CD, not a digital key. Prey doesn't need to be activated on Steam to be played. The eBay item is also listed as used and says nothing about the status of the Steam key. Even if the key wasn't posted on the internet in plain sight for anyone to use, a reasonable buyer should assume that it was already activated, and consider themselves lucky if otherwise.

IMO, OP's only mistake was posting this thread. Physical cases with CD keys on them can alone be used to recover lost or stolen Steam accounts. By letting everyone know what account is tied to this physical item, anyone with enough skill points in Google-fu and persuasion can build a really convincing case for the ownership of the Steam account. The "permanently removing" of the key doesn't make the account any safer either, because Steam will never truly remove a key from your account. Even in cases of fraud, where a game is forcibly removed, the key is still linked to your account.

So if anyone wants OP's account, it's on sale for only ยฃ2.79.

8 years ago

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actually it does happen, sometimes a massive amount of keys get stolen from retails or resellers, the moment that happens and steam knows about it they deactivate every single key ( since they keep a copy of the codes sold to a said retail ). and the activated once also gets permanently removed. just google it

8 years ago

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Sure, you lose access to the game, but the key will always remain tied your account (even though it doesn't grant anything). You can see this is true if you try to re-activate the dead key, and hit the "Retrieve account" button. Steam will still send out an e-mail to the account that activated the dead key.

8 years ago

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Why would you do that?

8 years ago

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He want's to compete for most blacklisted for a-holyness. I don't think he has really good chance, but let's just support him/her.

8 years ago

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I think Konrad has a massive headstart :D

8 years ago

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Well, atleast whoever buys it still has the real copy...

8 years ago

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you don't know it works do you?
or... you're great at sarcasm XD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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im working on it

8 years ago

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Actually Prey didn't require Steam when it was released. The keys were added to Steam later, but you could still play the game without it. I only realized years after playing Prey multiple times that my key could be added to my Steam account.

8 years ago

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You want to be blacklisted? This is how you become blacklisted..

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Cool story

8 years ago

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why would you make such a thread? lol

and you used the key, so no one else can

if you weren't an idiot you'd have informed the seller, too bad the world doesn't work that way

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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You might want to remove that.

8 years ago

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is it against the rules to be offensive? I find that(1) offensive
(1)(the possibility that being offensive could be against the rules)

8 years ago*

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I find it hilarious.


8 years ago

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To clarify my friend, OP means the original poster (the guy that started this thread), not you, don't be offended, I agree with you.

8 years ago

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I know :)
I was replying to the guy saying you should remove it

I see what I wrote was vague, gonna edit

8 years ago

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Ah alright cool then, also good of you that you contacted the seller!

8 years ago

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I like how the "researcher" looks so serious. LoL

8 years ago

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Making a backup of the OP post here, just in case.
If the image is taken down, I've got a backup in my hard drive. If the thread is closed, you can post a comment on one of my old giveaways.

Looking at your comments you all seem so shocked and without words, because i randomly found a cd-key and activated it?? :D
It's not the seller's fault that he didn't censor the key, but now it's mine rly, and about pollice knocking on my door? :D. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS . There are much worse things that happen in the world and you make it look like WW3 just started, just because i tried activating a cd-key out of curiocity and now all the steam collectors, keyboard warriors and SJW are against me. I would never steal, scam or do something againts my morals or something else that's illegal, but all you keyboard warriors make me look bad just cuz i activated a steam key found from the internet. If you were in my place what would you do? Just stare at it?

I was browsing eBay randomly because i was bored and i searched for Prey PC. I found this auction, wich in the pictures it shows the cd-key of the game. I activated it and it actually worked (lol), so i took a screenshot of it. 0.4hrs later, i permanently remove the game from Steam. I had nothing to loose, didn't pay a cent for it. The truth is that i don't want games in my account wich i'll not play and that i not like. Same thing happened with STALKER Call Of Pripyat. It doesen't even bother me that it's a rare/removed game.

Here is proof:

In my account you can see that i had been playing PREY for 0.4hrs, and if you search for my game list there you won't find it. "

8 years ago

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The ebay link in question:

I've contacted the seller, to which he has replied:

"Hi there Thanks for your message. I will try claim the code back. It was my mistake for putting it in there but he shouldn't have done what he did. Very dishonest of him. Thanks again"

8 years ago*

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Nice, at least the seller is aware of it before the buyer has a fit.

8 years ago

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He at least got the game removed by own will. Dubious morale to begin with but at least doubts and honesty in the end.

8 years ago

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it can't be reused. makes no difference. You could actually argue it's even worse, since he doesn't even want it lol

8 years ago

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he didn't delete the game because he had moral dilemma, he admited himself that he deleted it simply because he didn't like the game and "whatever, I didn't pay a cent for it anyway".

If I steal your car but just for lulz, not to sell it, but rather to wreck it and set it on fire after I'm done having fun with it does it make me a better person? After all I didn't steal it from you for personal gain, just for the sake of destroying it and screwing you over.

8 years ago

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Good on you! A used key may have affected the seller's rating (assuming the buyer cared about it) so I'm glad to hear something is being done.

8 years ago

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I was going to contact the seller, but I see you beat me to it. I hope you sent the seller a link to this post so he knows who took the key.

8 years ago

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But why even activating it?

8 years ago

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Just look at his steam profile and this thread. It doesn't take long to find out that OP is just a cunt.

8 years ago

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lel xD

8 years ago

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what about his profile? do you mean the single VAC ban that was almost 2 years ago? would you like to be called a cunt for stuff you did years ago, even if you didn't do it again? ^^

8 years ago

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Cheats in a game 2 years ago, cunt. Steals a game in 2016, cunt. I see a pattern. Once a cunt, always a cunt.

8 years ago

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i also had a non-activated game, when i was new here (in your words i stole a game'). so, did you just call me a cunt?

8 years ago

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No. If you won a game but didn't activate, that is down to you. You still won it at the end of the day, it belongs to you.
This guy knowingly took something that wasn't his, something that would have gone to another buyer had it not come to the attention of the seller what had happened.
My main point was that he is still doing "cunt" things till this day, so your statement of "would you like to be called a cunt for stuff you did years ago, even if you didn't do it again?" doesn't apply, imo.

8 years ago

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But posting the code just result in someone else redeeming it?
Or doesnt it reactivate.

8 years ago

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gay gay...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aaaaaand... you're out of my whitelist.

8 years ago

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Thats because he is Bulgarian (just like me), its in his blood, if Bulgarian see something for free he will take it.
P.S. I will not do such thing. Not all Bulgarians are the same.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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lol, so what? It doesen't matter if i am Bulgarian or not, how would you not get something that is given away for free?

8 years ago

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But you are activated the cd-key on purpose you will know that this action will harm the owner of the game. And you activated it anyway. Such dishonorable action my friend, I'm ashamed of you.

8 years ago

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The game had a price tag on it, it wasn't free.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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in stores the stuff they sell also lies around, free to take for you. do you just take it? the only difference is getting caught is way easier in the store than on the internet. still both actions are theft.

8 years ago

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"how would you not get something that is given away for free?"

There is a huge difference between something given for free and something which someone not secured against theft.
For decent human being that difference is elementary.

It seems that you have used the opportunity to steal someone's property.

If you see a bike without lock it doesn't mean that this bike is given for free.
"If you were in my place what would you do? Just stare at it?"
...but it seems that this is exactly the way of your thinking, perhaps that is the problem
That key, even unsecured, belonged to the seller or new owner/winner of the auction.

8 years ago*

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It wasn't "given away for free." That implies that the seller actually intended for someone to take the code. Clearly the seller made a mistake, and you took advantage. Just because a store has poor security, it doesn't make stealing from it any less of a crime. Enjoy your ban.

8 years ago

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It wasn't free. Just because you find something, it doesn't mean it's yours to take. If you see a parked car, unlocked with the engine running, is it free too? If you find a wallet on the sidewalk, do you think everything in it is yours because someone lost it? A responsible person would return the wallet and its contents, but sadly the world is full of people like you that will just keep it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"All Bulgarians will do this.
P.S. Not all Bulgarians will do this."

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Im not seeing anywhere "All".
But i get the message.
Btw nice gif :D

8 years ago

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Your phrasing makes it seem feasible to paraphrase it that way, is all. I figured that wasn't what you meant though. :)

8 years ago

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Now the ninjas are moving to Ebay to get keys lol
That would be a great way to get free games but I think they (the store?) can check who activated the key and thus get you in trouble? Although I wonder if you'd really get in trouble since the owner is legit showing you their key.

Say if some idiot posted their bank account info online on their own free will, and you were able to use their money, what would happen to you? I think the circumstances are comparable.

8 years ago

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You could've simply checked the key? Nope lol - but that is valve's shitty-key business & curiosity for you.

Some derpson selling the game like that, either used the key himself or isn't aware of it,
nor does it matter as any other derpson could've used it and the value itself is + - trash.

But removing the game - what for ... the key is used and
now its completely gone :D as a digital key.

8 years ago*

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agreed. If he took the game then why remove it lol

8 years ago

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This kind of reminds me of the guys who brag on Facebook for doing illegal things etc. Or uploading videos on Youtube where they do really stupid and even illegal things.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No no, the first 5 minutes is their idiot friends/accomplices liking it, then the next 5 minutes is them all getting caught and on the way to prison :D

8 years ago

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And they are even surprised sometimes. "Oh how did they know that I did something wrong?!"

8 years ago

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Cops must be psychic :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That poor fellow looks like he pooped his breeches. Not a good thing whilst wearing armor!

8 years ago

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I suggest everyone to report him on steam. He is scammer and in recent trade took my games and just unfriended me

8 years ago

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Nice try blackmailing me for nothing, you are pathetic. I've never even traded before with you. Go post proof then that i scammed your stuff.

8 years ago

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What you are doing is calling out and that is against the rules here.

8 years ago

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that will hurt him :S

4 months remaining

8 years ago

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Yer gonna get hammered son xD

8 years ago

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Ouch. Four Months.

8 years ago

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Not enough, holy crap.

8 years ago

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Afair only Moderators and up can give perma, don't lose hope...

8 years ago

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If you ever see a suspension that seems too short, it's because we have to wait for the moderators to apply permanent suspension.

8 years ago

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ninja'd :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Lol, thanks for your answers, I actually know about your limits when dealing with suspension time, I just blurted it out in frustration. I mean, it's really impressive it went unnoticed all this time, check yo winners people D:

8 years ago

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Yep that's the main reason someone can get away with it for so long, they're usually people that stay away from the forum (34 comments in almost 4 years here) so they're not likely to be noticed and reported by random users, so that only leaves the giveaway creators to do it.

8 years ago

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a suspension that seems too short
4 months

come on you overkill :OOOO

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8 years ago

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As prus666 said, support members can only give a default length suspension, then when a moderator is available they add an permanent suspension

8 years ago

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see you in 2017 :3

8 years ago

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Or, well, never. Holy shit, that unactivation listโ€ฆ O_O

8 years ago

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You are a DOUCHE-BAG...

8 years ago

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Taking it and activating it, I could understand. But why would you even remove it, at least have some respect and keep it. You practically wasted the key that someone else could have enjoyed. You're a special kind of asshole.

8 years ago*

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Yeah, this is my sort of thinking.

The fact that the key was taken is the sellier's fault. But why make the key unusable for anyone?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah, this is basicly taking money that is just lying on a table and then burning it...

8 years ago

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I agree. That was a dick move by the op. He wasted the key and Steam is no way gonna provide some refund to the original owner of the key.

8 years ago

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Honestly. It's an evil thing to do despite the person on Ebay making a rookie mistake.
The least you can do is inform them so the person buying the game isn't sorely dissapointed.

8 years ago

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What a douchebag.

8 years ago

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I... er... I don't know what to say...
And I thought that people who win games and then don't even try them out are a bit bad. You "hijacked" someone else's key, redeemed it (making it unusable for anyone else), and then removed it from your account? :/

8 years ago

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I more interested in where is your won Dwarfs key, it must be very interesting story too

8 years ago

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lol xD

8 years ago

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So, to sum it up:
You find one of the more expensive removed rare games. You steal the CD key from an image the seller stupidly posted.
You remove said game after because you didn't even want it, even if it is one of the most expensive Steam keys currently.
Then you go on a public forum that is now cached by at least two large servers to brag about it.
And expect to justโ€ฆ get away with it, even though Bulgaria is an Interpol country and under EU legislature.

8 years ago

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And then why EU hate us....

8 years ago

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There is another reason (at least I think so), but there's truth in what you meant. Also, we can't expect too much from OP, just look at his avatar. :D

8 years ago

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Yeah the avatar really catch my eye.

8 years ago

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5 secrets about Bulgaria you never thought that can happen in 2016! EU countries hate it for #3!

8 years ago*

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I REALLY hope that someone reports this guy to the seller...
I would love to know that police knocked his door.
I also would really like steamgifts support perma ban this thief.
edit: on phone I can't do much :(

8 years ago*

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This is the auction: (scratch that, wrong link posted:
I'm writing the report right now. Probably the more people do the same, the more it will be taken seriously.

8 years ago*

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I can assure you that is not the auction. The correct link is right above me, I e-mailed the seller so that he knows about this.

8 years ago

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Yep, then I saw it. :) I had two windows open, quick-switched to the wrong one. (By the way, the fact there are two people showing CD key on the images is alarming).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Offline it will work installed, but online it will be reported as used.
The seller now knows about this though, this is why they removed that picture.

8 years ago

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"And expect to justโ€ฆ get away with it, even though Bulgaria is an Interpol country and under EU legislature."

Yeah, implying that interpol or anyone else with do something about it. Please, be real.

8 years ago

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You'd be surprised. Interpol in this case just means that if the seller was not in the EU but some other country, they can still report it as a theft and poster could be held responsible.

8 years ago

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You can't be this naive, right?

8 years ago

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German companies reached over to get people on much smaller scale and less legitimate grounds than a written confession of theft. And you'd be surprised how much authorities love straightforward cases like this, because no matter how small the fry is, it is still a solved case to boost stats for little to no work. Police always loves to do the small and fast cases, people only look at the percentage of solved cases.

8 years ago

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what a dick move lol

8 years ago

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+1 what a jerk

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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me too, and best gif in a while. i lol'd for real

8 years ago

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Did you make this yourself?

8 years ago

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Damn, so many!
Thanks :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Meme overload

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8 years ago

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haha awesome

8 years ago

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ITT: How to get on a lot of blacklists in three easy steps.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, I wouldn't be as offended if he at least fucking wanted the game, but stealing it when he didn't even want it, wtf man, let someone who wants the game get it.

8 years ago

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And you're telling us this because...?

The key is rendered unusable the moment you activated it anyways.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by hardscopin420.