Let's break this down, and maybe get this as a sticky, might actually be a "good" idea.

So my gifts won are what i actually won, so far simple right?

"So what is estimated wins???"

Basically estimated wins is all your chances added up together. (this is simple... right?)

In example let's take this case: i entered 100 giveaways with 0.01 chance to win. Estimated wins in this case would be 1.00.

"So that means i must have won one giveaway!"

No it does not. You only get 1% chance to win every time. Meaning all in all... you still only had a 0.01 chance to win something. Estimated wins is just a big lie. Even if you do a giveaway with only 2 people over and over, you can still get nothing for over 100 times.

Look at it like rolling a six sided dice. Imagine that we need a 6. Our previous five rolls were 5,3,2,5,4... Is our lucky number going to be "6" at the next roll? It might be. But the chance to get that on the next roll is only 1/6. Giveaways work exactly the same.

Note: it's not always 0.01 but it varies on participants. If there is 1265 participants your chance to win will be 1/1265.

I hope this helps some people who have a hard time grasping what estimated wins is...

11 years ago*

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+1 but a six sided dice is lame, needs to be at least 20!

11 years ago

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1265 sided dice!

11 years ago

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Rubik's cube!

11 years ago

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Dyson sphere!

11 years ago

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title is a little misleading, i thought this was going to be a rage thread xD
i was going to come in here with this argument:
Get a coin, flip it ten times.
Estimated win is 5 as it is a 50/50 chance.
actual win will most likely be 4 or 6.
Actual win and Estimated win are close, but not always the same.

11 years ago

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They can be close, but still doesn't have to be ;)

11 years ago

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" i entered 100 giveaways with 0.01 chance to win. Estimated wins in this case would be 1.00."
No. You entered 100 giveaways with 0.01% chance of victory. Estimated would be 0.01.
Estimated would be 1.00 if you had joined 100 giveaways with 1% chance of victory.

11 years ago

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Well, 0.01 = 1%, so he Zright was right.

11 years ago

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Estimated Wins, is an estimated statistic. It does what it mean to do. Give an estimation.

11 years ago

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I wrote it when it was introduced and I'll write it again: Estimated wins only brings more bullshit to the forums, I wish it was removed.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Zrightning.