Hi everyone, I always participate in sweepstakes of games that the own developers offers, as many of you.
This week the publishing Dream Games distributes keys to the game Operation Caucasus pre-released on May 23 this year.
The scheme was to go to their facebook page and ask for a key, that's what I did ...
The answer was negative, because I use the colors of the rainbow on my profile picture and they said they did not support LGBT and "kindly" asked me to go f*ck myself. Then they blocked me, preventing me from posting the print on their facebook page.

Follows the print: http://imgur.com/tru0YgE

  • A friend who got the key, passed me, and through it I can post the print on the review of the game:

http://steamcommunity.com/id/niveadc/recommended/442180 <<<

Anyone who wants to help, can mark as a useful analysis to stay on top.

Link the publishing page on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Dream%20Games

Link of the game on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/442180

I had already warned that in the post on the given keys https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/JMwgGKR but with a own topic, the message reaches more people

8 years ago

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Wow. What a dickish developer.

8 years ago

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bet they didn't expect you to screenshot that-that's quite unprofessional of them

8 years ago

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I can't believe my eyes, what a d... this can make me so mad. This guy deserves every bad thing possible.

8 years ago

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Thanks for sharing your story. I will probably be blacklisting "Dream Games" permanently. Yet another unscrupulous developer to add to the heap. This type of behavior is simply unacceptable from those who are supposed to be conducting themselves in a professional manner.

Anyone know where the developer is from? I hate to say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were Russian or something like that as they have a penchant for this sort of thing.

Also, for what it's worth the game looks like a steaming pile of shit.

8 years ago*

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I think everyone has a right to his own opinions and views on those matters, but saying someone to "go fuck themselves" just because of that is just pretty much childish and just plain down rude.
I think his/her/their future dev career has just taken a huge hit :P

8 years ago

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Sure the dev is a jerk and he acted objectively wrong, but those that talk about boycotting the game are no less. This attitude smells like cultural dictatorship. What about then? Cutting theyr tongue? Or just shoot the down? This is nonsense.

As it's nonsense accusing someone of being homophobic for not supporting LGBT stuff. Recently here in Italy a law for same-sex civil union has being approved, and some gay famous people were against it. Are they homophobic too?

8 years ago

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It's less not supporting LGBT and more the rudeness of telling someone to go f**k themselves over it (and they person on question might not be gay they just so support).

Like if i told someone to go f themselves because they did or did not support abortion etc

8 years ago

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I understand, the dev was rude and acted like a total asshole, no doubt about it. But why the homophobia call then if it's all about rudeness? I understand that TC support the LGBT, he cares about the cause... fine. But the homophobic accuse just doesn't make sense.

8 years ago

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wait are you asking why people think he is homophobic? i thought that much was obvious?

8 years ago

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No sir, of course not. Being against LGBT stuff doesn't make you an homophobic as there might be a lot reason for it and many of them does not include homophobia in it real meaning. A lot of people does not even know what that means... it turn to be just an epithet for stigmatizing who is not aligned with one's idea (fascist, bigot, Trump/Salvini lover come right after). There is no idea immune to zeal and extremism, LGBT defence by any means necessary is not an exception

8 years ago

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Being against LGBT is not homophobia there are as many beliefs and opinions as there are people, But saying 'we don't like this go F**K yourself' kinda is no matter what the issue is. and then it also looks like they said something about american's are taught wrong and are mutants? (just going by people's recent reports) don't really sell anyone on them being fully functional adults.

It's also bad business practice to act like children which annoys me even more as an accountant :P

8 years ago

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Missed that part on mutant americans. But ehi who knows, might be or might not be adults. Noone knows why they are against the LGBT movement and those who expose rainbows propic. of course, close minded/brainwashed people are in every front, even between LGBT people and theyr supporters one, as even LGBT propaganda is a thing. They sure acted like asshols and it is clear to anyone, but homophobia is a strong ward which is meaning has being distorted these times, so I would be cautious with using it, expecially if you can't prove it, as that (at least for me) is not enough.

8 years ago

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It's called the free market. If I find out a company is using child labor in some 3rd world country and I don't want to support them, it's my money I can do what I want with it. I'll buy something else. Also, it's a business, it's sole goal is to make money, being rude to a group of potential customers is just stupid. Maybe I choose to not support sheer stupidity.

8 years ago

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Of course, the personal boycott is fine and totally legit. What is ridiculous to me is to call the ban of the dev from steam, thus putting him out from that free market just for this. The same people that mark the game as shit without even trying it. This kind of people scare the shit out of me man.

8 years ago

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I can see where you're coming from, but I feel like the issue is the supposed attitude. I'd be more concerned about whether not the developer was rude rather than their beliefs. Beliefs are irrelevant, it's how you represent them that matters.

8 years ago

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Well said.

8 years ago

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I understand, but again, if that's the point why the homophobic call? Why stigmatize a person for no apparent reason? Also I am not even sure that personal beliefe doesn't matter here. In a reversed situation (dev LGBT supporter telling TC with a Putin propic to go fuck himself because of homophobia), the dev by now would have been prised as an hero, 100% sure of it.

8 years ago

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Probably because the dev being rude/an asshole is for the sole reason of OP being presumably LGBT. or associated with LGBT. E.g. You say that you're a mixed-race person, and then somebody immedietally turns to you and starts harassing you because of said statement. I doubt the developer randomly chose OP as a target and coincidentally chose LGBT as a spark.

There's still going to be praise on either side, but I'm pretty sure the voiced majority(or whatever you wanna call the "louder voice") is going to be for LGBT, unless a bunch of people jumped into this thread hating on LGBT, which I doubt would happen.

8 years ago

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Hell ,let's hope not.

Well that does not make them homophobic in response. Or they might be so, I don't know them. There are many reason for not supporting LGBT movement and being homophoby is not always associated with all of them. I'll tell you, I've seen with my own eyes a gay man hitting another gay with is belt multiple time while the other one was fainted on the ground because he was not agree with child adoption. I just... try not to take anything for granted.

8 years ago

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This is why slippery slope arguments are my favorite. Boycotting a product turns into cruel and violent punishments and executions, how?l Thanks for the mild enjoyment.

8 years ago

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Love, again, personal boycotting is a (legit) thing, ask for report and ban the dev from a big gaming platform like steam is another. Sounds like the worst orwellian dystopia.

8 years ago

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But noone's suggesting they should get reported and banned off steam. In fact, the OP didn't even suggest a boycott, just to spread the word they are anti lgbt and kinda jerks about it.

And while I don't think they should be kicked off steam, that consequence would be far from " the worst orwellian dystopia." Thanks again for another amusing exaggeration.

8 years ago

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Like if dev were a terrorist or a murder, jeesus... not sure who is hating who for ideas here, but whatever. Yeah, for boycott and such indeed I was not talking about TC but random comments. Can't find the one who was calling for the ban anymore, sure it was here. There is someone that reported him for "hate speech" (???)

Yeah I know right. People want to put you out of business because your ideas aren't alligned with theyr own? Yes, yes it's fine. Our society is turning into something great.

8 years ago

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People want to put you out of business because your ideas aren't alligned with theyr own?

Said business discriminated because someone didn't align with thier ideas, they aren't a matyr who didn't do anything.

And society has akways been shitty to those it didn't like. Now it's with lost business instead of lynching. Our society is better than it was.

8 years ago

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UGHH I'm sorry as you might have noticed I'm not an english major and I have understand less than half of the thing you said

Well, wrong. Society is what it has always been in modern times. Domination change shape through time but still domination is. There are those that order thing and there are those that perform those orders, and that include ideas. The dominand ideas and notions of the society are the ideas and notions of the dominant class. We little people free only of switching channels in tv decides of makes those ideas our, thus fighting for that dominant class and autocelebrating ourself of our fake greatness and illuminism (apologize if I have misunderstood)

8 years ago

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Do you even know what George Orwell stood for? He was a social justice advocate, and a democratic leftist socialist. I really hate when ignorant right-wingers try to claim him by saying that causes he would support are somehow dystopic. Go read Homage to Catalonia.

8 years ago

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Already readed that one thanks, and what the hell are you saying here. I know exactly who Orwell was and I'm pretty sure that right now he is turning in his coffin for what this "democracy" of ours is turning in, a totalitarian regime itself. Havn't use his figure by saiyng that he would support anything, the "orwellian" term is used to describe a totalitarian system of power in it's various forms it can have.

Do you know what I really hate? Haughty and arrogant people. Based on what I would be an "ignorant right wingers" ?

8 years ago

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Then you clearly misunderstand his intention. Orwell was warning about a fascist right-wing totalitarian regime, not a movement towards an overall more fair and just society for everybody and not merely the "Ancien Regime" who are butthurt that their position is "threatened."

8 years ago

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Oh no, I havn't. I do understand his position and his messages, I just not share them. Not only because I indentify my ideas in the italian fascism, even more in the sansepolcrismo, but mostly because a totalitarian regime does not necessarily belong to the right-wing. As nothing is immune to extremism, pretty much every ideology can turn itself into a totalitarian form of power, thus putting under his control every aspec of a society. Socialist is no less, communism is no less, theocracy is no less, technocracy is no less. Liberal-capitalism masked as a social-democracy that gives everyone the social rights they claim is no less.

8 years ago

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And thanks alot for blacklist.

8 years ago

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You bet. I've been added to 9 blacklists and only 1 whitelist myself since posting in this thread which just supports my overall theory about SG users.

8 years ago

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I can tell the same, and my blacklist count has raised of 15 so far (still you are the only one that showed himself up, honor to you). One of those 9 it's me. Know that I've blacklisted you in response of you doing that, else I would probably have never do that. If I start blacklisting people that thinks different than me I would probably never stop.

8 years ago

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Also thanks for the blacklists, appreciate it. Tells a lot about you. Can you all show yourself at least so I can blacklist you back please?

8 years ago

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Blacklists are rising. Still waiting for you eh..

Be coerent and show yourself.

8 years ago

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I kinda somewhat agree on some of the comments. Comment on the quality game only not the belief of the developer. Dev is still a dick nevertheless and I'm glad I got the game for free

8 years ago

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ITT: People once again placing identiarian politics before the actual problem. It wouldn't matter if the discriminated based on OP being gay, protestant, or preferring dry to buttered. "Just fuck you" should be all the scumbaggery needed to hate on. And for the record, being anti-LGBT β‰  homophobic per se.

Instead of "OMG l'Omophobee!" it really should just be "Operation Caucasus Dev is Douchwag, don't Support".

8 years ago

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Well… I think over the years, the amount of douchebag devs/publishers has risen so high that people are getting a bit jaded when they hear about yet another one. Finding one that is stupid enough to make a statement that equals a PR nightmare is rare though. He could be homophobic, anti-semitic, racist… in this regard, it doesn't matter.

8 years ago

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Awful, awful, awful! I personally don't care if people disagree, so this is more of a respect issue to me. I support LGBT, but I don't mind iif others hate it unless they vocalize their hate. People are entitled to their opinions but they should also remain respectful.

8 years ago*

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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In 13 countries in the world being gay, lesbian and transgender means that if caught you could be executed.

In 75 countries you would be thrown in prison and most probably will be tortured.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Holy shit that's scary... so much hate for sexual preference

8 years ago

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Unfortunately some countries in the world have Religion and Gender and Sexual Preference racism all at once in the same country.

8 years ago

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You're right, but don't believe in that map blindly. I can't say about every country, but mine (Bulgaria) is labeled somewhat incorrectly. There's no law stating LGBT people are under protection (as written in blue in the map's legend), but there's no law stating hetero people are under protection too. It's because the law doesn't divide people on any basis, it just states that if an employer fires you without a valid reason, you can sue him and this applies to everyone, regardless sexual orientation. Plus, the yellow zone is really confusing, because "decriminalized laws penalizing same-sex sexual acts" isn't the same (from an ethical point of view) as if those laws never existed.

8 years ago

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Yeah... but you can have preferences as long as you tolerate those who are different you know. Imprisoning and killing others for such stupid things just proves how narrow minded these countries are (well some of them have crazy dictators that may or may not represent the population as a whole).

8 years ago

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I'm not gay so I don't really give a shit, but I'm humanist fascist (I believe in the supremacy of human intellectual and altruistic evolution over equality and freedom of speech, thus I would kill both all racists and SJWs pieces of shit) so I will do everything I can for this game to be removed from Steam and the developers to be never heard of again in video games.

8 years ago

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Wow, I never thought I would live long enough to see the words humanist and fascist used together. I thought humanist were secularist. We are reaching new levels of crazy, eh?

8 years ago

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To be fair, i'm a homophobic gay person which nearly caused me to be dismissed from my last job

8 years ago

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nice one ;)

8 years ago

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poor you, being dismissed from your job because you hate yourself. wouldn't happen to be confused between the SJW homosexual propaganda and the actual gay people who mostly didn't ask for anything?

8 years ago

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People asked my opinion on gay pride parades, i said something like ' I don't see how strolling down the road dressed as half naked big faggy flamingo's will make people think they are just like everyone else' and it sort of escalated from there.

at one point my manager said she didn't believe i was even gay... how the hell am imeant to prove something like that?

8 years ago

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You don't have to, nor should you. And you're right, that's why I said not to confuse SJW and LGBT cunts over-the-top propaganda who are sowing their own deception and disaster, with every day gay people that didn't ask for it. It's nothing new that most SJW propaganda is as racist, homophobic and sexist as the people they pretend to fight against.

8 years ago

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I agree , the worst is SJW 'get offended for gay people'(because we can''t think for ourselves) and to the normal person it makes it look like we are one and the same , so normal people come to hate both normal gays and crazy SJW's

8 years ago

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Yes, but again, the fact that SJWs have desecrated over decades of academic, philosophical research and political action and highjacked anti-discrimination to force down-people's throat a counter-productive and even contradictory anti-discrimination discourse, doesn't mean that racist, misogynistic or homophobic cunts are rights.

Fuck them for being racist, misogynists or homophobes in the first place, in fact SJW have become their favorite excuse to justify it and IT'S exactly the goal of those who sponsor them...

8 years ago

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<_< I wouldn't have used those words, but I do agree with this on principle. I'm Canadian I probably would have been polite about it.

8 years ago

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i'm not a very nice person really (ignore the nice in my name, it was supposed to be knife but i'ma bit dyslexic)

8 years ago

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Lol I can't help it. But I do agree with it, that it seems a bit silly.

8 years ago

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Lol, how does that happen?

8 years ago

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see above :P

8 years ago

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Ouch. That really sucks.

8 years ago

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You should watch this, it's perfectKey and Peele-Office Homophobe

8 years ago

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he either doesn't understand the meaning of the word humanist or he is massively exaggerating.

8 years ago

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I'll create a topic to explain

8 years ago

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humanists never were secularist even though they are against organised religions.

8 years ago

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I know they tend to look to science for answers and generally have an atheistic outlook but they also tend not to have problems with other religions even if they don't believe or support it. but they do emphasise on human agency and usually support the separation of state and religious bodies, which would make them secularist, right?

8 years ago

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Technically yes, but using the concept of secularism would be highly reductive of humanism, since this philosophy specifically attacks not religions but dogma, including when it is political, scientific or related to any other idol be it money, technology, celebrity or nature.
In fact real humanists are all but atheistic because when Nietzche talked about killing God, he was literally serious in that he meant there is a God, a universal quasi mathematical God which "imprisons" man in a set of occult rules (physical, biological, systemic but also spiritual) that humanity as the mission of overcoming to become ubermensches.

This is such subtle and hard concept to grasp, that it was easily diverted a few decades after in Death by Italian and German fascists, by positivists and probably pseudo-tech-libertarians in the near future.

8 years ago

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Liked and commented:

Some people hate other people just for the color of their skin, other for their religious beliefs, others because of their political views, other just for their goddamn sexual preference at their own beds... STOP SO MUCH HATE once and for all, it's the XXI century FFS

8 years ago

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Where are screenshots of them insulting you ?

8 years ago

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Open the imgur link... she has a FB chat tab where the devs wrote "just f**k you"

8 years ago

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.Hilarious. so fuck you is offending and when someone does not support lgbt is also offending... interesting.
I wonder now where is that democracy and freedom of speach?
Shall we tolerate ISIS and terrorist, cause why not, they also have supporters? ?
Im not defending dev, but most of you are over reacting on this subject, yes devs acted very unprofessional, but there is no need and point going around and trolling

8 years ago

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yes devs acted very unprofessional

That's the whole point, they are a company and companies should have their own values, if one of your values goes against what your potential costumers think or feel then it's only normal they will be very vocal about that. And to make matters worse they contacted directly a gamer and insulted her because "why not?".

They have all the freedom of being unprofessional just like we have all the freedom of being against their business practices. We (well, at least me and the author) aren't trolling, we are just expressing our intolerance to that unethical treatment by a videogames company.

8 years ago

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you must conform to the trendy "tolerant" cult agenda or you be forever be branded a racist bigot homophobe by them. :P

8 years ago

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what has sexual orientation to do with giving out game keys?
this whole thing smells like a publicity stunt from the developers.

8 years ago

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Do you really think that this will get sufficient publicity with people who dislike LGBT to raise the sales? I think it is more likely they get so much negative feedback/review any chance the game might have had is gone.

8 years ago

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you underestimate the assholes of the world.
there are also a lot of people who don't care about the political opinion of a developer.

8 years ago

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Maybe. But still they are having a terrible rating at Steam with lots of negative feedback (bad optimization, bad graphics, bad sound, bad everything basically)

8 years ago

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best reason ever to try to push sales.
they want to squeeze the last drop out of the failure.

8 years ago

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plizz don't gay

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's supposed to be a reference to this post http://9gag.com/gag/a578jDr/-pls-don-t-gay
No hate against homosexuals in anyway.

7 years ago

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lol, thanks for the link

7 years ago

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np :P

7 years ago

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well i dont really like LGBT, but not to the extent to hate them, i just ignore these issues, really

8 years ago

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Wow, just wow

8 years ago

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Someone should post this to reddit if they really want to destroy the developer...

8 years ago

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i don't really get how people think that this will destroy any developer .
the publicity from this could end up being a plus for them.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't take that game even for free right now, if you want to know.

8 years ago

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Depends on the reddit crowd. But most of the times if there's an issue like this it will only bring negativity towards the dev.

8 years ago

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No it wont. Shit games with bad rep don't sell.

8 years ago

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Actually, yesterday I did it (before the review), but I dont use reddit, so, I dont know if I post in the wrong place or something like this or they just ignore my topic :V


8 years ago

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Not sure why it's removed but the title makes the post. Title it something like "Publisher refuses to give game to LGBT Supporter". Anyway I'm not sure about the subreddits' rules towards this type of subject. Ask a moderator first :)

8 years ago

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"Publisher hates rainbows, throws insults and hate speech after requesting Facebook friend add" would be the most accurate titling.

8 years ago

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I see your post is now removed :o

But anyway, of all the gaming-related subreddits /r/GamerGhazi is probably the best place to increase visibility about homophobic devs. Generic gaming subs tend to be queerphobic, sexist, racist, etc.

7 years ago

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Get girl then. Lmao. Damn LGBT.

8 years ago

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Thanks for sharing. This isn't just a belief, this is discrimination and I'm happy the dev is stupid enough to say what he said, instead of getting an excuse like keys ran out and hiding his hate speech.

8 years ago

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What the hell happened to this thread? Now I kinda regret stopping blacklisting.

8 years ago

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once you go black(list) you'll never go back

8 years ago

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Nobody should support bigoted people!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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There's more. Read this review: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Tincup_The_Middleman/recommended/442180/
Kind of mind-boggling

8 years ago

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now this is really fucked up.

8 years ago

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Wait..... What... That is some messed up shit O.o

8 years ago

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Hmm, were it not for the game files I would think it was just the dev being a pathetic troll, but that raises it to another level. I know Steam/Valve have shit-for-brains Support staff but apparently their Quality Control... isn't.

8 years ago

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but apparently their Quality Control... isn't.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Gets Daenerys to fly Drogon over to Valve, gets whatever beings/things form their Support and QA departments and drags them into the parking lot. He then nods to Dany.

Dany: "Drogon...Dracarys!"

...and there was much rejoicing!

Hires Samwell Tarly to put together a team of Maesters as new support/QA staff.

8 years ago

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Valve is a terrible company, but they've become monolithic enough that they aren't going anywhere- or feeling the need to change to actually adhere to respectable conduct toward their consumers.

Well, the refund thing proved that if there's a strong enough capitalistic reason they're not completely stupid about not putting in the effort to keep their profits up, and dumping a shit developer that can't bring them any real profits for the sake of maintaining even a minimal facade of respectability seems a pretty straightforward course for them to take.

Then again, Valve has a habit of negatively surprising us.. :X

Besides, if I could invoke dragons, I'd use them on more useful things.
..Like burning all memory of the bigotry in this thread from my mind.

8 years ago

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Valve is a terrible company,

Careful, all the "Gaben" fankids on here will tar and feather you, figuratively speaking. I've always had a dim view of corporations, ever since the tender age of 14 when I started seriously questioning capitalism and all its attendant horrors. Valve's as bad as Sony, Microsoft, etc but for some reason because they shovel cheap games at people a few times a year most folks are willing to overlook their rather abysmal treatment of their customer base.

8 years ago

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Jesus chist, mate. That developer couldn't be more scummy if they tried.

8 years ago

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LOL. That explains the hate.

8 years ago

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Oooh boy, I really wanna read about this on a gaming news website.

The childish irrationality of the dev (or staff member, whatever) that wrote that message on facebook is very entertaining to me. I mean how out of touch must someone be to think that such an answer is even remotely a good idea?

If the dev person had a problem with LGBT people, he could have at least been polite:
"Sorry, I am uncomfortable with xyz, I don't feel ok with giving you a key."
Not understanding someone but still being polite about it is something that I can forgive and/or understand. What is absolutely not ok is the hatefulness.

8 years ago

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