
I don't think I'll do any puzzles anytime soon, so somebody better take this one from me. It's from the amazing IndieGala Mega Adventure Bundle, I'll send a link to the winner. Please refrain from adding any of those pointless "Thank you", "thx" or similar comments. I'll blacklist those who ignore this request.

For those who feel bored (or who want to get whitelisted for more free stuff at better odds) let's play a little game: how about you tell us where you're from and some unique interesting fact about that place. If that place is absolutely boring and there's nothing interesting at all, you might just mention that. However, with unique I mean that, if somebody else came up with that particular fact before, it won't count.

Thanks :DD

9 years ago

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USA. I hear that the question, "Did you save room for dessert?" is most common here.

9 years ago

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I'm from Poland.
Interesting fact? Our medieval cavarly seemed to take armor design ideas from RPG games.

9 years ago*

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Live in Canada, I'm from Lebanon though and I guess one of the interesting things would be the limestone caves called "Jeita".

Thanks for the giveaway :P

9 years ago

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If you want a broad answer, I'm from the USA. For a more specific answer, I'm from Florida. As for an interesting fact, one of the neighboring towns of my hometown is home to the Citrus Tower, a tall building that let you see miles of orange groves (or used to, I hear they got rid of most of those to make way for houses).

9 years ago

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I'm from Valencia-Spain, some topics; it's land of sun, oranges, paella (typical spanish dish) and ...of course, political corruption XDDD.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No puzzles? oow :(
I'm from Spain, as harry, but from a further South city, Málaga. Here we have a typical floral adornment called 'biznaga' (not the plant). It consist in a bouquet of jasmine in a ball, using the stem of a kind of thistle as skeleton. During the night, flowers open and give off a sweet fragance.

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9 years ago*

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I'm from Denmark and we have rød grød med fløde =D

Hehe... Oh, and our highest spot isn't much bigger than trees in other countries xD It's only 170m high xD

Oh, last thing, we made Lego =D

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9 years ago

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Thanks! :)

9 years ago

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thanks :D

9 years ago

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I'm from a small town in Wisconsin. As far as unique fact...another small town nearby was featured on the tv show "Unsolved Mysteries" for a haunting. :)

9 years ago

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Let me guess, your townspeople were the ones who haunted them, eh?

9 years ago

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No, but it was a quirky case if I recall right. Apparently it was a haunted piece of furniture. When the family destroyed that, the problems stopped.

9 years ago

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I'm from Hungary.
You can make an incredibly funny, and original joke about us, saying 'hungry' instead of Hungary. Our 1000 years old history is so boring, not a single event worth to mention.

9 years ago

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I'm sure there are quite a lot of historic events worth mentioning, especially during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when Hungary was part of Europe's most powerful empires.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I was sarcastic. We have quite a rich history with great names, events, inventions, ect, ect. :)

9 years ago

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I am from Latvia. Latvia is home to the widest waterfall in Europe: Ventas Rumba, at 110 m (360 ft) wide, though only 2 m high.

9 years ago

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I'm from New England. One thing you might not know about the region is how popular "Chinese" food is here -- and how bizarre some of our local takes on it are. We eat "Chinese" sausages, which are essentially Italian sausages but dyed and flavored with a bright pink sauce instead of herbs and spices. We put gravy, brown gravy, on our egg foo yung (gross, I know). Among many other little oddities. Needless to say, authenticity is not a thing that's ranked very highly here.

9 years ago

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Oh, you so should have included a receipe in this previous giveaway:

9 years ago

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Hah! I guess I could have, but I honestly don't know how to make it and calling it "traditional" seems strange to me. While I do eat the sausages, you just buy them in supermarkets here and do whatever (I like to bake them in the oven until they get a bit crispy, the sugar content caramelizes them a bit... add rice on the side, and you've got a good meal). I find the egg foo yung thing appalling, and it's actually the -restaurants- that serve it that way. :S Every time I see an actual Chinese person working in one of these restaurants, I feel like they secretly hate us for how we've debased their style of cuisine.

But a traditional dish? I dunno, seafood is big here I guess. I'm not much of a fan of that, either. We do eat a thing that's called "American Chop Suey", actually... It's basically an "Italian"-style dish, despite the elements to its name. Major components are pasta (often elbow macaroni, but you can do it with any type that works well with extremely chunky sauces), ground beef, tomato sauce, onions, and green peppers. The trick is that there's so much pasta, veggies, and meat that the sauce all gets soaked up. You could pick this stuff up with your hands and eat it, if you really wanted.

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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I am from Slovenia, and we have the human fish in our cave :D

Look it up :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I am from Murmansk, Russia, and the snow is still here. 2 weeks ago it was still snowing. It is a base of nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet, the only one in the world. Oh, and we have the northernmost McDonald's of them all.

9 years ago*

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Interesting fact, if I had to guess, where the northernmost McDonald's of them all is located I would have said Canada, or Alaska. Guess you learn something new everyday. Do they sell anything special to Russian taste in there? When I was in Southeast Asia, I was quite surprised that they would serve all those burgers along with rice.

9 years ago

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Well, not so much. The regular menu is quite standard. In the morning they serve pancakes and oatmeal, tho.

9 years ago

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I'm from Brazil..
and nothing really interesting here ^^'
boo hoo ;/

9 years ago

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I'm from Italy.
Thomas of Aquin isn't from Aquin, but from Roccasecca.
The city of Portici is in top 5 on the list of EU cities proper by population density.

9 years ago

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Well, I don't see anyone else from Argentina, but I could name a few interesting facts and stuff you might have heard/read/watch so...
We have a beautiful rich land with breathtaking landscapes but godawful rulers with so bad grudge to nail us to the wall and stripe us of everything we might still own.
We 'produced' the current Pope, Maradona, Messi, (not that I care for soccer or football much), and some other great titans in their sports, we produce "dulce de leche" (google it!), also google "tomar mate" (no, it's not weed) and also not exclusive to Argentina, but unique in his own way :)
We also 'feature' nice mixtures of races and --sorry I can't think of a way of saying this without anyone thinking/taking it as offensive, I truly don't!
but if you google a few girlfriends/wives of some well known celebs you'll notice they are argentinians... hmm that must be something huh XD

Alright, I won't do it much longer here, but personally I love talking to anyone from all'round the world, those who know me know how I am and I guess we both feel proud for such friendship. Thank you for your original request description, carlica!

9 years ago

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Originally from Gdańsk in Poland.
Some of the first shots fired during the WWII were actually fired in said city. On Westerplatte, to be exact. You can find this bad boy in there. It's in honor of the Polish soldiers that defended the place for seven days.

9 years ago

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iam from Arg !! :D

9 years ago

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Thanks for Giveway!!!

9 years ago

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