
Please consider following my twitch channel. I do extra giveaways on streams.

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I will add the winner on Steam to give win in chat.

Please check if you already own before entering. SG system does not check if you own the DLC!

2 years ago

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I hope you don't have to reroll too much! I made a similar giveaway for a The Binding of Isaac bundle, and it took me about a week of rerolls to finally get a valid winner. And I feel like I was lucky, even then!

Some people just enter everything they're able, all without any sort of thought going through their minds. 🥴

2 years ago

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a week is lucky. rerolls are very frustrating

2 years ago

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Yes, they are very much so. I'd lose my mind if I had to go through eight or ten for a single giveaway. 😥I think I remember reading that someone once had to reroll for almost a month.

2 years ago

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My record are 8 rerolls for a DLC in a public GA.
Since that time i don't make public GAs for DLCs anymore.
The trillions of Autojoiners are annoying as fuck.

2 years ago

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That's fucking terrible. And yeah, auto-joiners are annoying. I wish it was easy to BL all of them.

2 years ago

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crossing fingers, but not hopeful it won't be a huge waste of time.
don't really understand why owner won't make rerolls easier and ease the load on the mods.
even discord members are entering giveaways they own so I have to reroll. at least easier on discord.

2 years ago

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i was super lucky this time. both winners of DLCs didn't have them and activated right away. amazing!

2 years ago

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Winner, please check if you have DLC before you accept my friends request. If you have it please request reroll here in comments below.
If I add a winner and I check and they own DLC, I will BL.

2 years ago

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If I mained this char, I'd totally be all over your giveaway. This skin is dope af.

Thanks for your generosity!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^

2 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Much appreciated!

2 years ago

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Good luck to everyone and thank you!

2 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway! ✔

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ty! <3

2 years ago

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