
No thanks after winning will put you on my blacklist.

Also I'll blacklist all members of the moppelversum group. The same goes for any other "very small giveaway group" with ratio rules - which means basically just game-trading, not game gifting.
You're cancer for steamGIFTS :) Maybe try to do some PUBLIC giveaways, which keep this site RUNNING? You're the reason why this site is slowly dying, group-exclusive-shitheads 🤭

Bloody shitheads! They should be tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered and then made to play every $1 bundle game in their library.

4 years ago

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Wow, I wish I didn't see this. Now I am pissed and can't go to sleep -.-
Groups like that are really the worst. And you can't even open a thread about it because this is against the rule "calling out". Pretty rude behaviour

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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