
Hidden GA 1 clues:

Each section below has a description to help you find a piece of the hidden GA code.

Below each section is the logic in the (parenthesis) that will help determine the position of this letter in the hidden GA code.
Hint: There are no digits in this 5 digit GA code, only Letters

  1. One letter is the last letter of the name of the girl that brought her little lamb to school one day, school one day, school one day.
    Logic:(This letter is NOT the 5th character in the GA code).

  2. One letter in the GA code is the first letter of the first name of the first USA president who is rumored to have chopped down a cherry tree when he was little. Logic: (This letter is NEITHER the 4th nor the 2nd character in the GA code).

  3. One letter is the center letter of a 3 letter word. Used when 2 people embrace, wrapping arms around each other, and is referred to as a big bear .
    ^)> <(^.^<)
    Logic: (This letter also goes directly before the 5th letter in the GA code.)

  4. One letter is the first letter of the first human son born according to the first book of the Pentateuch. Google is your friend here.
    Logic: (This letter is directly in the middle of the 5 digit GA code)

  5. One letter is neither the 1st, 3rd, or the last letter of "code".
    Logic: (This letter is also one of the middle 3 characters within the GA code)

Hint: Case is intrinsic. Meaning, if the letter is normally uppercase then it is in the answer. Example-- if it's the first letter in a person's name, then it would be capitalized.


6 years ago

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I seem to be not able to find the answer to 4th. I am assuming you mean Adam but that is not working for me. Unless I am reading the 5th one wrong.
So yeah, you can say I'm confused in this one.

6 years ago*

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first human son born

Was Adam born?

6 years ago

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Eh, I was pretty confident in what I answered b:
Just a few thing I'm not sure about;
The first name, let's say for Donald Duck, would it be Donald, or Duck ?
And weren't there 2 humans who were born first ? :c
And, does the 5 imply a double ?
I'll edit or delete if that's too much of a spoil

6 years ago

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2 humans were first created... they together had the first human SON born
Number 5 has one letter answer

6 years ago

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Well I tried everything, I'm pretty sure I got the right answers but cannot make sense of that one ! lol

6 years ago

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Look me up on Steam chat or send me a message on one of my old GAs...

6 years ago

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Thank you very much

6 years ago

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