

1. Verify that you don't already have this game in your library
2. Check **REGION RESTRICTION** before entering
3.  I'll add the winner temporarily to my friends list to send the game through Steam, you can remove me later :P
4. In compliance with the site rules, please remember to activate the game on your own account
5. There's no need for you to post thanks but if you want to post any fact or something funny, it would brighten my day

1. Verifique que no tenga el juego en su librería
2. Revise las **RESTRICCIONES DE REGION** antes de inscribirse
3. Se agregara temporalmente al ganador a la lista de amigos para enviar el juego por Steam, pueden eliminarme luego :P
4. En cumplimiento de las reglas, por favor recuerde activar el juego en su propia cuenta al recibirlo
5. No hay necesidad de dar las gracias pero si posteas algo inteligente y divertido, podría alegrarme el dia

DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon


Colorful and lovingly hand-drawn Action RPG inspired by the 16-bit era. Finally, YOU get to play as the dragon! Breathe fire, fight knights, hoard gold, and find treasure! A refreshingly lighthearted game with an endearing story.


84% positive
16% negative

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP or later, Windows 8.1 
Processor: Dualcore Processor 
Memory: 2 GB RAM 
Graphics: Integrated graphics 
Storage: 2 GB available space 
Additional Notes: Uses XInput. Please use a Microsoft gamepad.

OS: Windows XP or later, Windows 8.1 
Processor: Dualcore Processor 
Memory: 2 GB RAM 
Graphics: Graphics card with 128MB memory or greater 
Storage: 2 GB available space 
Additional Notes: Uses XInput. Please use a Microsoft gamepad.
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