
Enjoy!!! There is only 1 copy available but two codes: Shapez (base game)+ DLC

Those who have the base game, can they enter?

1 year ago

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ONLY those who have the base game can enter, because only they can see this GA.

The way the GA is set up is really weird - one of the winners will receive the DLC key while the second one will get the base game key and won't be able to activate it. Support will eventually have to delete the entire GA because the key cannot be activated on the winner's account.

1 year ago

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you wrong, i dont have base game, but i can see this giveaway

1 year ago

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Ah, you're right. I have "Hide DLC if you're missing the base game?" set to Yes in settings. That's the default, I think. I didn't take into account that others might have it set to No.

1 year ago

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You're right. The way the giveaway is set up, it confused me.
I think it's because the base game doesn't contribute, while the dlc gives reduced.
About the base game... I don't know what they are based on, all I've found was the game subreddit where the creator was giving away a key per 500 50 members, where the keys were gone in minutes and impossible to give here. Maybe I'm missing something, I dunno...

1 year ago*

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I'm not sure why the base game is set to free either. I know it was in a couple of super cheap Daily Indie Game bundles where it cost as little as $0.20 so that might be the reason. Hard to know.

1 year ago

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In fact, you will have a non received message at the end of the giveaway because the way you have create only let enter people that already have the base game, so one will have the dlc and one will have the base game (but will set to ''non received'' because he already have the base game)
I recommended you to remove the giveaway before the end and recreate it as 2 separate giveaway, one for the Base Game and one for the DLC.

1 year ago

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Watch out! I already have this DLC and can enter the giveaway. Make sure to check the winner's library manually or using tools before sending the key!

1 year ago

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Hi. I won but there is a problem with de key. The key is for the base game not for the DLC(the giveaway is for the DLC) and if I try to redeem the key it says that I already own the game.

1 year ago

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