
I meant to give away all my extras a year ago, but depression put a stop to it before I was finished. Finally time to come back and finish the job.

Hope your depression has been dealt with, I personally know how it can affect you and the people around you. :)
Thanks for the chance to win this game.

6 years ago

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I expect one way or another I'll have to keep fighting it for a long time, but I hope it won't get the upper hand again.

6 years ago

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It's never completely gone that's for sure. Good luck with the battle!

6 years ago

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There is no need for apology, no shame, and absolutely nothing wrong with having depression or taking care of your mental health. And we may be hidden, but there are people that understand and are going through ta similar problem as you. You are not alone. Damn does it feel like you're alone sometimes...but there are helping hands all around. If you need some-one to talk to, or converse with someone whom experiences the trials of depression, PM me. Oddly enough, sometimes ta;king to a total stranger about something like this can be mind clearing. You do not have to experience this alone.
Thank-you for the give away, I pray things turn around for you.

6 years ago

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Thank you for the offer. I know what you mean. Fortunately the time when I felt like I had to try to take it on by myself are behind me.

6 years ago

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Thank you.

6 years ago

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I hope you overcome whatever you're dealing with in your life. And if things don't go your way, please keep in mind that there's no shame in seeking professional help. Wish you well.

6 years ago

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Thank you. I bit that bullet some years ago, when things were very bad.

6 years ago

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Thank u for the giveaway and i hope u feel happier soon! :)

6 years ago

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Thanks mate.

6 years ago

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