P.S. Since most types of phobias contain Greek words, I think the title of this game it would be more correctly written as: nephophobia.

2 years ago*

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thanks for the link - question though are you wanting to do the links to my giveaways more regularly?

2 years ago

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Oh man, I thank you for all you do.
Just wanted to mention something related to the game title. And as a first comment, I thought I'd include the links as well.
Regarding the regularity, I have no problem, but it would probably be better, whoever writes the first comment, to place the links as well. I believe this reduces stress. :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Enjoy your day off :)

2 years ago

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Ah-ha! A multi-accounter detected!

;D ;D Thank you both for the links! :D

2 years ago

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I reported them. Waiting for the mod feedback.

2 years ago

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Half of us are unhappy :'(
obvious jk, you are welcome guys :)

2 years ago

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But there's just one of you
so this a new tradition now?

2 years ago

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Ok then, half of me.
I ruined a joke :(

2 years ago

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And seem the other half is nowhere to be found
What joke? This is srs stuff here

2 years ago

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My understanding of English may need more practice.
I have only one account. I'm really sorry if I unintentionally created a misunderstanding.

2 years ago

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Oh, don't worry. It was all a joke.
Besides I have seen you both around and interacted enough with both to know that both of you good SG citizens.
Sorry, maybe I stretched the joke for too long.

2 years ago

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Thank you, pal.
Although a joke is universal, it may differ between cultures or countries in general, and I've found that the line between a joke and an insult is thin.

2 years ago

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I've found that the line between a joke and an insult is thin.

That makes a lot of sense. So, if I have offended you in anyway, I am sorry. That was not my intention.

2 years ago

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No problem at all, so don't apologize. :)

2 years ago

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Thanks :)

2 years ago

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Although some days have passed, I would like to say a few more things.
I remember you too from when you created 2 events (where the first one was cancelled) that had leaks and you were looking to find those people. So it was hard for me to see that you were joking. From the few messages we exchanged, you seemed like a nice person.
And one last thing, from your name I guess you are from India. If yes, then you probably definitely know chess, and I would like to play together sometime, just for fun :)

1 year ago

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you were looking to find those people. So it was hard for me to see that you were joking. From the few messages we exchanged, you seemed like a nice person.

Lol... seems I got a little bit of a bad rep due to that event 😅
Well, I am not quick to judge. I prefer giving others the benefit of doubt. And unless I have some solid proof, or some very good reason to suspect someone here, I don't suspect them.
And thanks, I hope I am a nice person.

And one last thing, from your name I guess you are from India. If yes, then you probably definitely know chess, and I would like to play together sometime, just for fun :)

jk... Yes & Yes. I am from India & I do know a little chess, but I am not a fan. I don't have the kind of intelligence required for a game like that. So even if I can technically play it as I know the rules, I would prove to be a lousy opponent. Really sorry :/

1 year ago

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Thanks for your reply :)
The sad truth is, I was a little afraid of you. But I had nothing to worry about, after all. Perhaps I was more afraid of a mistake in English, which would have the opposite meaning of what I wanted to say.
About chess, I watch a lot, but I'm a really bad player (in my account, i only have defeats). I thought you were going to teach me, but it's okay. :)

1 year ago

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The sad truth is, I was a little afraid of you. But I had nothing to worry about, after all. Perhaps I was more afraid of a mistake in English, which would have the opposite meaning of what I wanted to say.

Really? Man, I really need to try to not scare people here.
I am not a native English speaker, but your English seems seems just fine to me. Never had any issue understanding you.

I thought you were going to teach me, but it's okay. :)

Sorry 😂
Well, chess might be from India (though the current form of chess is a bit different, some slight differences only afaik), but trust me, not everyone plays it here. iirc, just one of my 11 friends has ever suggested we play chess. And even that was like a "weak" suggestion, out of boredom. I wouldn't be surprised if actually majority of the Indians didn't even know how to play it properly, with all the rules, myself included (I know most rules, but not all of the advance rules of the international chess).

Luckily, chess is a popular game. It should be really easy to find someone to play with. I don't know for sure, but I believe a good path to mastering it would be to, well first be aware of the rules, and then practice it. Read some of the popular games and classic moves in case you are really into it. imo, it's as much of a strategy game and a game to read your opponent.

Do you wanted to get into chess tournaments or something?

1 year ago

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I am not a native English speaker, but your English seems seems just fine to me. Never had any issue understanding you.

I do a lot of testing to get the result I want and since I have a limited vocabulary, it doesn't help at all and it takes time.

not everyone plays it here

You say that because you live there. But if you were an outside observer, you would see that everyone there knows how to play well, which is the only truth. :)

It should be really easy to find someone to play with.

Yeah! It's pretty easy, but... so many cheaters, and so many (grand)masters disguised as ordinary players, I wish I could avoid them in the first place.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I have a good grasp of the theory, at least for a beginner, it's the practice that matters at this point, as you mentioned. And no tournaments, as I don't like competitions, I prefer to play for fun. :)

1 year ago

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I do a lot of testing to get the result I want and since I have a limited vocabulary, it doesn't help at all and it takes time.

I see. That must be really tough. I appreciate you making this much efforts to talk to people here.

You say that because you live there. But if you were an outside observer, you would see that everyone there knows how to play well, which is the only truth. :)

lol... Probably that is true. you said, I might see things differently than an outsider.

Well, you can try playing ranked matches online, if that is supported. That way at least you will mostly be matched with people about your level. Reddit should also help you find some good partners for practice.
Sorry, but that's all I can think of to help you in this situation.

1 year ago

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I see. That must be really tough. I appreciate you making this much efforts to talk to people here.

I'm trying. I have no problem reading, and the daily dealing with the internet. videos, movies, series, have helped me to some extent.

That way at least you will mostly be matched with people about your level.

Yes, like a master who made a new account to do speedrun to reach the top level again... If we played, we would play unrated, just for our fun :)

Anyway, my friend, glad for the chat and for your time. See you around :)

1 year ago

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Yes, like a master who made a new account to do speedrun to reach the top level again... If we played, we would play unrated, just for our fun :)

That's why I said "mostly" :D

Well, all the best to you. Np, and see you around too :)

1 year ago

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Thank you ☁️

1 year ago

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