
At the moment it strongly looks like May's theme is gonna be 'May The 4th Be With You' So I picked a game according to that.
This game would fit under 'Star Wars game' section of that theme, so winner could get to playing it during next month if they wanted.
However I’m not asking for that, winner can play this whenever they like so feel free to enter even if you don’t plan to play it soon. :)

I instantly decided that if this theme looked like it would be the winning one, I'd want to give away four Star Wars games. I don't know anything about the games, only that there are apparently a LOT of them. However I do know that LEGO brand games are pretty well liked overall, so I was glad to see that there were exactly four LEGO Star Wars games on Steam that I could use for this. Now imagine how disappointed I was that one of them isn't out yet and thus I can't use it...... My offering selection is ruined! :(

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