
According to my complete ignorance of this franchise, the CoD series gets a lot of flak for being the same reiteration of the same stuff each cycle.

So, is it?

I don't mean like sports games basically changing their rosters season-to-season, or Mario jumping from 2-D blocks one year to 3-D blocks the next. Does the core gameplay change much in the series? Is the story memorable and/or continuous? No clue.

Will read all commenters' comments who've commented on the content.

The gameplay feeling I appreciate the most is the one in Modern Warfare 3. It's both memorable and continuous.

8 years ago

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I've never played a CoD games, but I would really like to play, TY and GL!

8 years ago

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Dunno, they've never had a real sale on steam so I haven't played one since CoD 2.

8 years ago

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My issue with the cod games is not that it is the same mechanics but the story mode. They are all beautiful settings and okay-ish stories but the more they make the more they focus on the multiplayer. Now the newer ones they seem to just play themselves. At first you were a super cool soldier and now you watch your squad do most of the action sequences.

8 years ago

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I play CoD only for singleplayer campaign. To watch on some good explosions and maybe cool story.

8 years ago

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i kindev liked it, my issue with it that there arent close servers to my mp kindev suck

8 years ago

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Thank you again. I like CoD Games but I hate all these dlc's wtf 51 of them for this game ...

8 years ago

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€€€€€€€€ makes the world turn around. You wanna make the gun red? Pay €2,-

8 years ago

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Yeah, they went apeshit with Ghosts. Modern Warfare 2 had 2 DLCs. Since then they've just been doing more and more.

8 years ago

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I kinda enjoyed CoD 2, but then an endless barrage of negative comments about the series started, which along with the pricetags kinda kept me on the "maybe one day" side, which means I never got one after CoD 2. Thanks for the chance at 'fixing' this. ^^

8 years ago

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The COD series was good up to a point, but then they sort of trashed the single-player with heavy scripting. Walk here. Do this. Watch your team do that. Move to next point in script. Repeat ad nauseum. At least the graphics are pretty.

Thanks for the giveaway. )

8 years ago

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this would be the first game in the series for me so? but thx

8 years ago

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I only played after cod 2 on pc, 2 versions on a hackef Nintendo DS and black ops 2 on ps3 so cant really compare

8 years ago

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Press F to say Thanks!

8 years ago

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well, I finished on MW3, just to close the story. MW1 was one of the best games ever for me, MW2 so, so.
Now after years I miss somehow old CoD, maybe after long time, series would feel fresh again?

8 years ago

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I wouldn't really know. They're military-focused FPS games, so there is really only so much variation you can have. The question is sort of like asking how different two episodes of the same procedural cop drama can be. I mean, sure, the particulars can be shifted around. Random cop character A might talk about different stuff with random cop character B, but the main formula of murder, intrigue and deception will follow a familiar and often predictable pattern (complete with random unscientific lampshaded jumps of logic). Big-budget military action FPS games are the same. The names of the soldiers and their filler-style personality may change. The quips and the locations may change. Even the big reason they're being action heroes might change, but ultimately it boils down to "shoot lots of hostiles, move to the next waypoint extra fast because REASONS".

It's part of the genre as much as it is just this one franchise. If a game is going to do something different (or whether they're just going to use a novelty and pretend you can't tell the difference), then you can normally tell well in advance by looking at the trailer and description. Red flags include "Never plays the same way twice!" and "Hundreds of thousands of combinations!", heh.

When you get into CoD you already sorta know what you're getting into, much the same when you buy a retro-style RPG with 8-bit graphics, chiptunes and a high level cap. Buying the next in any such series is often a "I want more of the same!". If they ever break their holding pattern and do a good job of it, it is usually a pretty big deal and news sites / reviews won't shut up about it (see also : Metal Gear Solid's upgrade to the fox engine, and how rightly awesome MGSV is)

8 years ago

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Many thanks!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway!

8 years ago

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Thank you and happy new year! :-)

I can't answer your question, but I find the other comments interesting. I wish there was a way to subscribe to someone else's thread or giveaway comments.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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When it comes to COD, it's all about the multiplayer, imo.

8 years ago

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There are small changes but nothing really fresh or original. Still really like the series though.

Thank you!

8 years ago

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it must reurn to world war series :/

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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I suppose the changes from one game to the next can be relatively small, but since the last CoD played was probably the very first one... :-D So, thanks for the chance. :-)

8 years ago

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Last Call of Duty I played was the second one. I suppose they have improved after that! Have heard lots of hate though but would like to try the new ones ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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8 years ago

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