
I haven't done a Level 1 giveaway in a long long time. Anyone wants to share their view why it's different from a Level 0 giveaway (which I am doing frequently)?

My impression so far is that people don't need to really invest any money to get to Level 1 (card money is sufficient), so it's pretty much the same.

I am sorry I cannot give you an insight... I'm making giveaways for lvl 0 as well >.<

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, I know how levels work. I'm only curious about what people who limit to Level 1 believe they achieve with such restriction.

8 years ago

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I was alluding to the colum "Approximate Number of users (January 28, 2016)"

Size of Entrant pool (Approx)

Level 0 = 748.118 users
Level 1 = 90.280 users (of course you would add Level 2 - 10 to this).

750,000 Fewer possible entrants = better chances for those who do enter (so the theory goes).

8 years ago

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I like to give people better chance if there's a reason for it (e.g. haven't won a game yet; have good ratios; wrote interesting stuff on the forum), but I just don't see much difference between Level 0 and Level 1 to warrant this.

SGTools allows filtering for Level 1 users with additional qualifications, but on SG itself being Level 1 doesn't really say much. You can get there by giving a 2 cent game like Uncrowded bought for a cheap trading card and even get some change left.

8 years ago

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And that is entirely your choice to do so. I'm just guessing at what the logic is (not saying that I think there is much difference). My more recent public GAs were level 4 or 5. Mostly because I found GAs winners with higher levels tend to have fewer "issues".

If you prefer level 0 GAs then good for you. ;)

8 years ago

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Thank you! ツ

8 years ago

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Even if you do next to nothing for level 1 it is still more then nothing.

8 years ago

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Well, the difference is basically nothing in theory but I believe the amount of rulebreakers (especially alt accounts) and hardcore leechers decrease significantly with level 1.

8 years ago

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I think you're just getting shrewder leechers at Level 1. All they need to do is "invest" a few virtual cents from trading cards to get access to many many more giveaways.

8 years ago

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By achieving Level 1 the entrants will have shown that they're at least willing to contribute SOMETHING to the community, no matter how small.

Also, I feel sliiiiightly safer with a Level 1 winner vs a Level 0 because if a person has gotten L1 then they've had the experience of how giving away a game works on this site. Of course, how much knowledge they took away from such an experience varies from person to person but at least they've been through it once.

8 years ago

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But is it really a contribution if they gave a single 2 cent terrible game like Uncrowded (which anyone can buy with card money)? I think it's just a smart way to play the system and gain access to more giveaways. Of course there are different Level 1 users - you can get there with a 2 cent game, but you can also still be Level 1 after spending $20 of Real CV (which can be close to a $100 worth of bundled games). There's a very big difference between the two, even if technically both are Level 1. With SGTools it's easy to differentiate between the two, though currently I don't do it (my SGTools-filtered giveaways are open to all levels, restrictions lie elsewhere).

I do agree with your second point. The chance that they understand how the site works may be a bit higher. Not sure it means much. I tend to prefer targeting Level 0 users, because it gives me a chance to communicate a few tips about this site to a larger group of users.

8 years ago

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I get your point but I think we would both agree that there ARE some people who gave away a decent game for their entry to level 1. Putting a GA at Level 1 would at least cut out some of the level 0 entries to give those people a better chance... however small that difference may be.

8 years ago

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thx for the chance

8 years ago

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I'm not really sure how the level system work, i am fairly new to this web site and i found this when i posted on a steam forum to give one key from a game i already owned and received in a bundle, then the game devs pointed that web site to me and sugested to give away here.

I understand also that some use the giveaways as some kind of promotional puurpose to get more subs on differents medias. I am not sure if i value more or less someone who give some games from their personals library without any benefits , compared to those who do this because there is a chance that those giveaways earn them money in the long run.

I'm still confused also about the motive to always reach higher level, as i understand so far, you can set the lvl of contributor that can enter the giveaway, but other than that, is there any other benefits to it?

8 years ago

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The main benefit of leveling up is that you can enter level-restricted giveaways, and the higher the levels the better your odds typically are (less people can enter). The other benefit is that you're less likely to encounter rule-breaking winners, so less need to ask for new winners.

8 years ago

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Ok thank you Yirg for the clarification.

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot.

8 years ago

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Its pretty much the same, just a spare key from humble andyou are lvl 1, as you said.

8 years ago

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