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WTF there's a Fort Boyard game???

4 years ago

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looks that way XD

4 years ago

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After reading Scarwiz's msg I had to stop and think if I recognised Fort Boyard. Was like oh yeah!!...wait no, that's Chef Boyardee. As you can see I just woke up from only a few hours of sleep. :P

4 years ago

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Well it highly depends on how old you are, but there was a Fort Boyard game show in the 90's, which was revived several times. It was a German/French production if I'm not mistaken. So I am not sure how popular it was in the US or the rest of the world.

Edit: the game seems to be about the show as far as I can tell.

4 years ago

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Ohh right I never saw it when it aired but I actually watched a couple episodes about 2 months ago (the UK version). Just completely forgot the name of it, that's pretty funny. :) Had no idea the original was French!

4 years ago

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Well I only know it was orginally French since it was aired in French with a German dub here in the early 90's. And now you know that I'm old XD

4 years ago

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Yes it was a french game show, I don't know where it aired originally but we had a version on TV in Quebec in the 90s.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You are welcome :)

4 years ago

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