
Vote for Gary Johnson!

Gary Johnson is socially tolerant and economically conservative, he is the former two-term governor of New Mexico, he entered the state while it was in financial perils and by the time he left it had a one billion dollar surplus and new highways, bridges, schools, etc. He is currently polling at around 11% and he needs to be at 15% to be in the debates. PLEASE all I ask is that you take 5 minutes and read about his stances on major issues

If you begin to start liking him be sure to join the steam group and make it your primary group so you spread the word.

I kinda like Gary Johnson, he's not entirely INSANE and he's going to fight all the socialism, works for me. The main divide ideologically between me and libertarianism is that they say drugs are fine as long as they don't hurt anyone else, I say drugs are horrible and need to be destroyed.

7 years ago

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Johnson only wants marijuana legalized as of now, but think of it like this should we be throwing people in cages because they did something that only harmed themselves? By having drugs be illegal we force more addicts into the shadows and force them away from treatment.

7 years ago

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I have alcoholic family members, so from personal experience, it does more harm than good. I have a personal loathing of those who distribute drugs, who to me are greedier and more inhuman than any corporation or government could ever be. I understand people need treatment, but I also am sick thinking of endorsing the consumption of a chemical whose only purpose is to destroy the individual mind. How can someone argue for the value of the individual, but also for the antithesis of the individual, a simple chemical that destroys self control and forces you into a state of contentedness, as long as you remain dependent on it? That's the same as a tyrannical government, but even harder to destroy.

But that won't keep me from supporting personal economic freedom, and a candidate who can say something other than "I'm Donald Trump!" or "I'm NOT Donald Trump!".

7 years ago

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I agree, and i'm enjoying this exchange. However, keep in mind everyone thought that banning alcohol was an amazing idea, but once they realized the effects of prohibition and all the senseless death and crime that results from banning a substance they had to legalize it once again, and everyone fails to realize that all these problems are still happening with other drugs such as marijuana, but instead of the mob you have cartels that are magnitudes more dangerous.

7 years ago

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I understand banning alcohol didn't work, and that just shooting cartels doesn't work(as much as I wish it did). But the ideas behind "legalize drugs" has nothing to do with minimizing damage, it's misinforming people that drugs aren't dangerous or harmful. And again, I only see it as marketing suffering to people for the sake of money. Drugs are just more expensive lobotomies with a high.

7 years ago

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Thanks 감사합니다.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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