
Puzzle Lovers' Advent in Advance: Day 31 of 31, Oct 31, 2019 (Courtesy of HH-Games)

<- day 30, group-only

The game has a limited profile on Steam, so make sure you don't have it in your library before entering. Thanks!

This is the final day of Advent in Advance, hope you enjoyed. More Puzzle Lovers giveaways next Monday.


1, A new giveaway starts every day in October (can be morning, evening, etc.) and runs for about 72 hours.
2, GAs are announced on Steam as group announcements and in our group recruitment thread here on SG.
3, GAs started on odd days (1, 3, 5, etc.) are open to all.
4, GAs started on even days (2, 4, 6, etc.) are only for members of Puzzle Lovers.
5, Please consider leaving a review for the games if you win.

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published every Monday (morning US time, everning EU time) as a group announcement with news, new and upcoming releases, deals, bundles, screenshot of the week and Community Corner! Submit your puzzle-related creations for the next issue!

Any and all feedback is welcome here or there. Good luck with the giveaway!

Thank you very much, muchas gracias Dohi! <3

4 years ago

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How cute :D Thank you :D

4 years ago

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