When you buy a Humble Bundle, you're paying for a license to be used by one person for each game. Humble is awesome, and set up this cool thing where you get to use your license on whatever platform you wish that's available. You can get a Steam license, a Desura license, a DRM-free license, or even Origin license, but its intended to be ONE LICENSE for ONE PERSON. When you pay for one bundle and then let multiple people access the same games, it's piracy.

I see Desura keydrops here all the time, and I know they're duplicate licenses from Humbles. Now we get Origin keydrops everywhere. Witcher/Witcher 2 GOG backup codes on SteamTrades. Don't Starve Chrome keys. It's piracy. You're sharing a one-person license.

Humble is awesome, GOG/CD Projekt is awesome. Let's stop abusing their awesomeness. Encourage people to buy themselves instead of hunting for keydrops. And for the love of GabeN quit trying to profit off of them through trade.

EDIT: HEY, DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT WITH YOUR KEYS. You're not going to get in trouble, you're not going to get arrested. When you share your licenses, it just makes most people who understand software licensing think you're an asshole. We're not going to stop you, we're not going to suspend you. The two suspensions below were because it's pretty damn disrespectful and stupid to do it in this thread. Have a good day, and thanks for the drama.

1 decade ago*

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"If I already have a game(s) in the bundle do I have the ability to gift the extra copy in the bundle?
Unfortunately, if you already have a game in the bundle you will not be able to gift the extra games to a friend.

Please consider your bundle a "unit", and not to share copies of the games or Steam keys from it.

If you'd like to give a copy of the games away, we have a system in place that allows you to buy a gift key from www.humblebundle.com so your friends can have access to direct downloads as well as any Steam or other keys we have included." - Humble Bundle support

1 decade ago

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BTW...BundleStars...complete opposite stance.
"I already own some of the games in the bundle, can I give these games to a friend?
Yes, you can pass on the individual Steam® keys to a friend to redeem. Please remember that each Steam® key can only be redeemed once."

1 decade ago

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Indie Gala has the same policy. They allow sharing of individual keys, which is nice. Indie Gala is where I've gotten a lot of my key drops from.

1 decade ago

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Good to know, thanks!

1 decade ago

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You're quite welcome. :)

1 decade ago

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Well, BundleStars is charging an eye and a half for every bundle, so it's understandable.

1 decade ago

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Yeah we're all so spoiled. 6 great games (+ possible bonus games) for $1. We're used to this, so BundleStars' 6 to 10 games for $5 is waaaay too expensive!

1 decade ago

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Exactly. I'm glad you see my point. But perhaps I should indulge you into understanding foreign currencies, such as the amazing Brazilian Real, which, right now, makes any purchase made in dollars or otherwise non-BRL currency cost large amounts of extra Cash Dollas Money you wouldn't be paying if the dollar wasn't so goddamn expensive right now, especially when buying anything from Steam is much, much cheaper because VALVe actually understands currency and makes it easier for people that live in sub-par countries.

Thanks, Obama!
(Now this, is for my personal amusement.)

1 decade ago

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just like the deep silver bundle (at least the below avg bundle) they could have made it be 1 single key to keep the games bundled. steam does it as well when you buy those collections. as for giving a set of keys for origin and a set for steam...just have to hope someone has the decency not to give out those when they are kind enough to give you the option for what DRM you wish to get the games.

1 decade ago

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if someone have the code of medal of honor , crysis 2 and mirror edge , i need =/

1 decade ago

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Go to humblebundle.com and give them a freaking dollar. My God...

1 decade ago

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how if i don't have , credit card =/

1 decade ago

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Ask your mom... I gave her 2 dollars last night

1 decade ago

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Bank account through Paypal, Steam wallet, Amazon payments, Google wallet.

1 decade ago

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tell this for one brazilian , without credit card

1 decade ago

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How did "one brazilian, without credit card" get 83 games and 22 DLC? Holy crap.

1 decade ago

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"if someone have the code of XXX , i need =/"

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I have no credit card and have 134 games + 230 dlcs (or so, don't know how steam counts). The holy word is paysafecard.

1 decade ago

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Need? Nope, sorry thats impossible.

1 decade ago

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He'll starve if he doesn't get his games!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Humble Bundle says «All keys are for your personal use only», so I guess splitting bundle to separate keys and giving them to different is breaking of licence agreement (piracy if you like this word) anyway.
But almost everybody does it there.

1 decade ago

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I don't think that's the main problem here, it's about "splitting" keys for one game across more users, ie. Steam + Origin + Steam key redeemed on Origin.

1 decade ago

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They are related very closely. Most people here think that splitting bundles is okay, even though it's against the terms of service. Giving away the Origin + Steam key is also against ToS, but people don't think that's okay? The ToS doesn't specify one or another, it only says that they keys can only be used for personal use - therefore it covers both instances equally.

1 decade ago

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Splitting bundle doesn't do much/if any harm, my concerns are about multiplying bundle games/keys across platforms for multiple users and of course the hoarding of bundles for personal profit (resale and trading).

1 decade ago

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The moment you paid for the keys and they are in your possession including the license that comes along with those keys, they are yours. If you personally give away a key you also give away the license that comes with that individual key and have not shared anything, thus no piracy has been performed. The key is now in possession of someone else including the license that comes with it (the new owner redeems key and has used it for personal use and not commercial use) and you do not possess the game or license yourself anymore and the key has only been used by one person and has not been redeemed by 2 or more people. BTW ToS can never bypass the law no matter what they state in them. "Personal Use" just means not commercial so no selling.

1 decade ago

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You're not violating the law. Just spitting in the face of a respectable company and a handful of charities. If that doesn't bother you, then give away.

1 decade ago

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as far as I understand this whole thread states that the people that giveaway some of the keys are performing piracy, which they aren't. not sure how you're spitting in the face of the companies or the charity as they received the donation, but who ever is giving away the keys that they don't use is also a charity itself as they don't gain anything but someone who does not posses that game gained something for no cost. I don't support giving out the 2nd key of a game you received, just stating that they are not doing anything wrong either.

1 decade ago

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Except removing one possible customer from the planet each time it happens...Consider the thousands of possible customers that got keys handed to them for free and yeah, it's creating a problem.

1 decade ago

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And every single one of them, would otherwise buy that product. It is like those people, who say that every "illegally" downloaded MP3 == lost profit.

1 decade ago

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You do realize that the record companies are all but obsolete because of people giving away MP3s, right?

1 decade ago

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"Except removing one possible customer from the planet each time it happens...Consider the thousands of possible customers that got keys handed to them for free and yeah, it's creating a problem."

So basically every single giveaway ever made on this site then?
So you created 2 pirates with your 2 giveaways then?

1 decade ago

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Naw, you have to exclude the regifters and double winners and stuff.

1 decade ago

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No, because he never played the two games he gave away, and he bought them with money. Think about it: There are three people, A, B. and C A doesn't want a game, but B and C do want it. Therefore, in the company's eyes there are two customer. However, if A buys the game to give away and B wins the giveaway, the company has one sale and still one customer left. In the case of this bundle, C bought the game, and gives extra keys to B. The company has one sale and 0 customers left=a lost customer.

1 decade ago

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The problem is not that people give away for example the Mirrors Edge while they keep the others. You buy 1 license for every game in the bundle. Bobas post is about people splitting those licenses for example by keeping the steam key while throwing out the origin key. That is not personal use. You still have only one license,if you use it on steam then you dont get an extra license for origin. they just offer different methods of using the license.

1 decade ago

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That is YOUR point of view. My point of view is that giving away keys that you have or don't want is also a "charity". I paid for those, I gave money to "charity" (because this, donating ones and zeros from my comfy chair, really isn't a actual charity, that is why the quotes)... how is that spitting into someones face?!. It also helps to promote a game or a sequel (or other product from that company), that person might buy in the future.

edit: This has been stated before: Why separate keys, why not one key for the whole bundle?

1 decade ago

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...because they asked you not to give them away. Wait, did you read ANY of this thread before posting?

1 decade ago

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I really don't think half the morons here read the thread.

1 decade ago

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Agreed, I think I'm done fighting the good fight. I really like Humble and will defend their wishes until 1:35 a.m. But that's where I draw the line.

1 decade ago

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Me too, I'm getting tired. But I'll be back in the morning! But until then, we fought the good fight. Fending off trolls and morons!

1 decade ago

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reading through the comments I have to agree...either didnt read or didnt understand

1 decade ago

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And, if someone asks you put your head into oven, you would do it?

1 decade ago

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I would stick your head in an oven if they told me to do it. Joking aside, their request is reasonable, yours is not.

1 decade ago

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This has been an interesting thread so far. Well, except for the ol' drama llamas. -_-
Thanks for sharing your opinion, Bobo. I am not feeling too terribly well, so I won't be sharing my two cents 'cause I really don't have the energy to respond to every reply like I should, but I will continue reading. Hopefully this doesn't get too out of hand for support. ^^;

1 decade ago

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Glad to see a post that's not complete trash like the rest of the shit these idiots are posting here. Get well soon!

1 decade ago

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Thank you! <3

1 decade ago

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What if your personal use is to give it away? ;)

1 decade ago

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That's what I clarified few posts up :P Personal use simply means that you dont use it for commercial purposes. not allowed to profit off it. Giving away a key counts as personal use. If you want to print out the key 5000 times and use it as toilet paper, still personal use :P

1 decade ago

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hi bobofatt, do yo want an Origin key from Humbe Bundle?

1 decade ago

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Sooooo... What's the point of this post? If nothing more than to add to the useless shit that everyone else is posting here?

1 decade ago

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He wants a suspension :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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everybody knows that it's not "legal", but i call this "lightweight piracy". over 1 million bundles are sold from Origin bundle and it's going up, all for charity ... look what did those pirates!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Like I said this isn't even close to normal torrent a game never pay piracy.

1 decade ago

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Did you even read what Dovecoon posted for you? Or maybe you're just that thickheaded and can't fathom being wrong?

1 decade ago

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Jamoke please.

1 decade ago

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I'll take that as a no.

1 decade ago

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I didn't completely read through the huge wall of text on the first page, but I must say that softlifting only applies if you are misusing the licensing agreement. There is nothing that I can find on the Humble Bundle site that specifies that you only get a single license for each game. Therefore, I must assume that each key is its' own license.

1 decade ago

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Maybe you should read into a little more yourself. This is not softlifting.

1 decade ago

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"lightweight piracy"=still piracy.

1 decade ago

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and what is the point of this thread? this will stop the pirates sharing the keys?

1 decade ago

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Well this thread started as a PSA saying that people should not be sharing keys and what not, until all this shit started piling up. Also, just because you think this thread is pointless, doesn't mean you should post meaningless shit in it.

1 decade ago

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that's true. but i think i've payd enough for my own games, even for bad ones and weak supported games. how about waiting for 2 weeks for an answer from Valve and what i've got? Automatically generated answers. They are not perfect and we aren't, that's why i feel no sorry about sharing my keys, the balance of cheek.

1 decade ago

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Ok, after reading this I decided that I'll not give away some game keys and I will let them go to waste instead.

1 decade ago

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You are doing the right thing for corporations!

1 decade ago

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Corporations funding development of games like Skyrim you enjoy to play, evil bastards.

1 decade ago

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I take offense on that.

One can't really enjoy playing Skyrim!

1 decade ago

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You can only really enjoy it with the Real Mare Mod (nsfw?).

1 decade ago

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He forgot to mention charity, morality, and the people that make the games (not just the ones that profit from it).

1 decade ago

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i really want humble orgin bundle and i cant use my card now pls some one can buy this bundle for me ?

1 decade ago

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Delete your post before you're suspended for begging.

1 decade ago

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let him get suspended... its better that way :)

1 decade ago

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Welp I gave him his chance haha.

1 decade ago

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everyone just kill the game market again so nintendo can fix it again

1 decade ago

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I don't really know if PC market can be killed...

But we do have lot of small companies in space so it wouldn't be so bad thing really for big ones to fail. No mega games for while though...

1 decade ago

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As if Nintendo is still the company it was in 1985.

1 decade ago

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How company making sequel after sequel can fix gaming world hated mostly for making sequel after sequel?

1 decade ago

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Also I hope you aren't related to EA. No bundle for you then:

This offer is being issued to you for promotional purposes only and does not constitute a credit, charge, debit or gift card. Offer expires Wednesday, August, 28, 2013 at 11:00AM PST. Valid for new purchases of select PC digital download titles (“product(s)”) from the Origin client available at WWW.ORIGIN.COM/DOWNLOAD. Internet connection, Origin account, acceptance of product and Origin end user license agreements (EULAS), installation of the Origin client software (www.origin.com/about) and registration with enclosed single-use serial code required to play and access online services and features, where available. Online services may not be available for all titles. You must be 13+ to access online services and features. EA online privacy policy and terms of service can be found at www.ea.com. Limit one offer per person. Offer may not be substituted, exchanged, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services. May not be combined with any other offer, Gift Card, rebate or other discount coupons. Customers are responsible for shipping, handling and applicable sales tax. Retailers, distributors and employees of Electronic Arts Inc. and their agencies/affiliates are not eligible. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. EULAs and important additional game-specific information, including applicable content protection technology details, are available at ea.com/1/product-eulas. EA may retire online features and services after 30 days notice posted on ea.com/1/service-updates.

1 decade ago

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EA voted worst company 2 year in a row they are just trying not to go for a third

1 decade ago

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Voted worst company on an >>internet poll<< while Nike and Nestle make fools out of the world.

1 decade ago

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Very much this. While EA might be among the worst companies in the gaming industry, there are countless organisations out there which do very real damage on a global scale, and operate with the sort of ethics that would make even the most villainous protagonists in EA's boardroom blush like a nun in a sex shop...

1 decade ago

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Well, everybody knows putting DRM in games is worst thing ever, enslaving is nothing compared to Origin. But don't worry, they WILL win third time if no other gaming company will be enlisted - reddit and 4chans will take care of that.

1 decade ago

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I don't even know why people are so greedy. I mean- they get games for 16cents, AAA GAMES!, and all goes to charity and what do they do? "I needz gamez for 5-8 centz". That is just idiotic. If EA wanted that to happen, they would hve sold the games for 5-8 cents. And I mean- If you just find a dollar lying on the street you can take it and buy a HOB. one dollar is not much for 6 (and soon 10) great AAA games...

1 decade ago

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ure just plain silly - if they wanted to stop this they would give one key genius

1 decade ago

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THAT comment is just plain silly

1 decade ago

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sry, forgot its internet and not every one here use brain, stupid me

1 decade ago

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Like you? It's for choice, that is all.

Sure Humble could give us 1 set of keys, or Humble could give us 2-3 choices instead since its nicer this way? Also if you're gonna call someone dumb, at least sound smart yourself.

1 decade ago

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You cannot hand out a key that activates on steam and on the same time uses it for origin. That is the problem of this thread. You either lack understanding or you didnt even read through bobas post.

1 decade ago

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Avocados are literally rape!

1 decade ago

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Hear hear.

1 decade ago

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Wait --- wait-- what?

I find this extremely funny that you find sharing keys from the humble bundle the moral issue and not the fact they're using games as an incentive for donating to charity (which is the ENTIRE POINT!!) - Before you go about moral dilemmas regarding sharing a product you bought with someone else think about the fact they are actually /selling/ things so people would donate to charity.

1 decade ago

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The Humble Bundle allows gamers to buy decent games for a ridiculously cheap price. All they ask in return is that you play those games yourself instead of paying a measly $1 to charity and sharing the bundle with your friends. That's not going to sell very many bundles is it? Each person should contribute, for the sake of the companies involved, but mostly for the sake of the charity.

1 decade ago

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It's could be a violation of their TOS but I hardly think it can be classified as piracy since no one stole from them.

It's going into a store and buying a bunch of games in a bundle pack and giving some away.

1 decade ago

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No,its not. Giving away one game of the bundle would be your comparision,but giving away one key for a game while using the other one is sharing a license that was meant for 1 person.

1 decade ago

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Be that as it may, it still isn't piracy. It's a violation of HIB or EA TOS. The worst case scenario is they proceed with legal action against you. But it is not a crime.

1 decade ago

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I... I don't think you know what piracy means.

1 decade ago

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Yeah I don't. Kindly enlighten us.

1 decade ago

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You are apparently able to use the internet, and I assume, google. But I honestly have no idea how to help you so you could understand what you read.

1 decade ago

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When you see that there is a game in a bundle that has keys for redeeming on multiple platforms, you now know that you will be given those keys for "personal use" upon buying the bundle. You are paying for all the keys you receive. Nowhere on any bundle site does it say that those keys cannot be split apart. This isn't an ethical matter of "not pirating things." It's strictly, and only a matter of fact. You purchased the keys you received fair and square. The end.

1 decade ago

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key /= license

yes,you pay for 2 keys,no you don't pay for 2 licenses. When GOG enabled backup copies of Witcher 2 with steam keys on GOG GOG was not giving you an extra copy you could either keep or give to others,it was still simply a "hey,if you dont like steam get it here."

1 decade ago

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No not really true.. Here's from the Humble Bundle Terms of Service

(xiii) except as otherwise specifically set forth in a licensor’s end user license agreement, as otherwise agreed upon by a licensor in writing or as otherwise allowed under applicable law, distributing, transmitting, copying (other than re-installing software or files previously purchased by you through the Service on computers, mobile or tablet devices owned by your, or creating backup copies of such software or files for your own personal use) or otherwise exploiting the Products (defined below) in any manner other than for your own private, non-commercial, personal use.

1 decade ago

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Where exactly did people get chrome keys + somewhere else?

1 decade ago

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Don't Starve

1 decade ago

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I don't see nothing wrong with giving away some extra keys you might not need to some buddies.

The thing that sickens me is the people trying to profit off of these keys, lots in my local area too, just sad.

1 decade ago

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I couldn't agree with you more!

Edit: Oh, I thought you were talking about people splitting a bundle between several people. You actually meant people splitting a single game, giving Steam keys to one and Origin keys to another person. Who the hell is daft enough to do that?!

Another edit: It is, in fact breaking the law. Jaywalking, for example, usually won't get you arrested but is against the law nevertheless.

1 decade ago

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Wrong Wrong and Wrong. I'm sorry but you can try again next time!

1 decade ago

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But jaywalking is illegal in some countries...

1 decade ago

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If you'd explain yourself, it would facilitate starting an honest discussion.

1 decade ago

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It is, in fact breaking the law.
Incorrect. Nowhere on the Humble Bundle site does it state you are getting a single license. In addition, the ToS are not easy to find on the site, and are not given to you when you purchase or reveal the keys. In fact, Humble does not make you read the ToS anywhere, anytime when you use the site. You know how sometimes on other sites you get a checkbox that says you agree with the terms of service when you purchase something or create an account? If I remember correctly, Humble doesnt do that. I am not a lawyer, but I doubt this would hold up in court. At worst, it's unethical to split up the keys, but it's definitely not "breaking the law"

Jaywalking, for example, usually won't get you arrested but is against the law nevertheless.
Again, incorrect. Jaywalking is not illegal in many, many countries. In the US, it's usually only an infraction, against city ordinances. This is thus only a ticketable, but not arrestable, offense.

1 decade ago

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I agree that I was a bit too emotional and rigid in my wording there. I also agree that Humble could make their ToS more prevalent and more easily understandable.
None of this will most likely ever hold up in any court. This whole discussion was and will remain "in theory".

As for jaywalking, it was a lousy example; but still, there are laws other than the ones you get arrested for, it really does depend on one's definition of "law". It is true, when I said it's not allowed, I was referring to the specific countries where it is, in fact, not allowed. But let us not dwell on that, it's way off topic.

1 decade ago

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I thought this whole thread was about Bobo saying that people who give away extra keys are dicks because Humble intended people to not share. People are trying to justify sharing from a legal standpoint, but it's morally wrong.

1 decade ago

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You're being overly pedantic. You're not a lawyer, but you're just as sick as one.

1 decade ago

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Hey I resent that

1 decade ago

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Breaking T&C is not breaking the law, as T&C are not laws. Neither is it piracy. Just cheap.

Besides, if they had wanted to, they could have provided one Origin and one Steam key to cover all games. They chose not to. Kudos to them.

1 decade ago

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The one key for steam and one key for origin does not affect the problem boba mentioned.

1 decade ago

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It does, as not all games are provided on either platform.

1 decade ago

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Still someone could use the steam key for himself and give the origin key to someone else thus sharing a license meant for 1 person.

1 decade ago

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It doesn't, since the point of the thread is splitting the games per platform, not giving away leftover keys for a game you already have.

1 decade ago

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I apologise for using the word "law" so liberally.
The word piracy is wide enough in its meaning. It can be used to describe unauthorised distribution of software which in turn could be considered copyright infringement. If one breaks Humble T&C by distributing bought keys, it can be considered unauthorised distribution.
There are also plenty of countries with actual laws against copyright infringement.

I guess in the end, what baffles me is the need to nitpick all this over a $5 bundle, which is already at least a 98% discount from retail value. Want to gift some games to a friend? Buy another $5 bundle, who really cares?

As far as "actual piracy" goes, why wouldn't you just support the content creators whose work you enjoy?

Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure most countries have laws that state what is and isn't a binding contract between consenting parties and what happens once a breach occurs. T&C itself may not be law, but there are laws that govern one's compliance to T&C once one agrees to them.

1 decade ago

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This is one of the most poor ToS I have ever seen. As explained above, Humble never makes you read them - in fact, I would guess that a large majority of purchasers don't even know it exists.

1 decade ago

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ToS won't hold up in any court. Giving away something you bought is not illegal nor immoral. People giving away keys from bundles is not against the ToS anyways...

1 decade ago

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it's not piracy to start of with, the most it can be is breaking the T&C of humble.

1 decade ago

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It is. He's talking about keeping the Steam key for oneself and then sharing Origin/Desura keys or DRM-free downloads with someone else.

1 decade ago

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You would still be using a Valid license, The term "piracy" has been used to refer to the unauthorized copying, distribution and selling of works in copyright. Doing this is none of this, each key for each platform is a valid license.

It may be breaking the T&C of the where you buy it from, however since it is a valid license you are using then its not piracy.

1 decade ago

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As I currently have no source to prove you wrong, I have to respectfully bow out of this argument. =)

1 decade ago

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I'm not a lawyer, and don't know the details about the licenses... but why do you assume everyone pays for only 1 license? The humble site clearly states that you get Origin AND Steam version (for below average games at least), so I'm pretty sure I'm paying for both. It's not my problem they sell 2 in 1.

1 decade ago

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Even tho bobafatt is probably right, I think the same as you. 2 keys feel like 2 licenses so it doesn't feel like i'm doing something wrong when I give them to a friend, it's not like i'm spreading DRM free copies to everyone :x

1 decade ago

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Although it def. goes against the spirit of the bundle IMO, I think this sounds correct.

It explicitly states that you are buying a Steam AND Origin copy under each (applicable) game. To me that looks like I get two copies of each. It may be against their TOS to split them up (and I won't be doing it myself), but it looks like technically each license is it's own separate entity, no?

1 decade ago

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I don't care at all. Piracy is when you steal something, not when you give what you own. A license is like the proof of owning the game, no matter what you say. I bought 2 sets of those games, I can give my origin or steam keys to anyone I desire because I OWN them. If they wanted you to get ONE license, then you would CHOOSE, not get both of them... Idiots. Think with your head, not with other companies' wallet... BUT, I don't encourage people who CAN buy the bundle, NOT to buy it... Seriously, I would give my 1.60 Euro PaySafeCard for the bundle (without the extra games), but I know nobody will trust me. And I also know that I can't use credit cards (AND PREPAID cards) or paypal... Only PSCs... Also, reselling a game isn't piracy either. You clearly own it. It's a license, like the license of the car, the only difference is that you pay for it every couple of months because politicians are greedy as fudge... And because civilians (or humans) are stupid as fudge...

1 decade ago

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Actually, Origin's wallet is not really involved here. Charities wallets are.

1 decade ago

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No,in law there is a clear difference between piracy and theft. A license does not mean that you own the game either.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.