So I made this topic for people who wonder when they will level up. I based this list on cg's post days ago and after seeing the Real CV calculator tool that our fellow SG user knsys created here I realized it's pretty much in line with it. The mistake most people make is, that they base their CV on the "Gifts Sent" value, but that one now counts all bundle games with their full value. You don't get 30$ CV anymore from your first few bundle games, they are now always calculated into your CV level with only 15% of their full value. Also you need to have at least 5 entries on your giveaway. For a full explanation of CV Levels and Reduced CV/No CV giveaways click here and here

You can check your Real CV here and compare it to this list (kinda redundant now that knsys added your specific range to the calculator :D)
I try to update the table from time to time, if you need the current live numbers check here at the bottom of the page.

Contributor Level Contributor Value Range Number of users (October 3, 2022) Percentage of Users Percentage of Users (Level 0 excluded)
Level 0 $ 0 980,047 85.088% -
Level 1 $ 0.01 - 25 114,023 9.900% 66.386%
Level 2 $ 25 - 50 18,627 1.617% 10.845%
Level 3 $ 50 - 100 14,062 1.221% 8.187%
Level 4 $ 100 - 250 12,360 1.073% 7.196%
Level 5 $ 250 - 500 5,770 0.501% 3.359%
Level 6 $ 500 - 1000 3,415 0.296% 1.988%
Level 7 $ 1000 - 2000 1,955 0.170% 1.138%
Level 8 $ 2000 - 3000 625 0.054% 0.364%
Level 9 $ 3000 - 5000 518 0.045% 0.302%
Level 10 $ 5000+ 403 0.035% 0.235%

In case you are wondering why these are static & not dynamic like in the beta ?

"We did have dynamic before, but it meant people would lower in levels over time if they're inactive. In a couple of years, we might have to raise them" -cg

So these are correct for now.

9 years ago*

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The calculator is not updated, it's showing full value for some bundled games :)

9 years ago

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i can't wait to reach level 11

9 years ago

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AAhghaghgahgh i need to give like 3 dollars xd

9 years ago

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any chance you will update the table from time to time?

9 years ago

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I can't. This data comes from cg back then. I don't have access to the actual numbers right now.^^

9 years ago

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i see. well, maybe the king himself will provide new numbers at some point. ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You do have access to the numbers, the data is here:

If you parse it you can make new statistics :)

9 years ago

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Just 30026 pages to parse... I'm sure the server will love that :P

9 years ago

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And that's why we need a public API :)

Or at least a way to get the result in "joined at" order instead of username. That way we could do some incremental parsing.

That's why I didn't want to make the statistics parser, and I only update the bundles cache once a day (105 pages and growing).

9 years ago

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Thank you for this post, it should be sticky, because it is really easy to understand.

Thanks again !

9 years ago

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I am the 1%.

9 years ago

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Wow 22 people are level 10 Shit that's a lot of generosity.

9 years ago

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more by now. my guess would be, at least double. that's why i asked if the table will be updated.

9 years ago

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Calculator a bit inaccurate. Games, that was in bundle, always counts as "bundled" game. But site count it at full price, if you gave it away before bundle was released. Your site says my CV 232, but my level is 4.94 (almost 250)

9 years ago

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I don't maintain the calculator. There could be something off right now, dunno. Bundle list changes these days after Shobo got his role back.

9 years ago

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yeah, it's a bit off. when i hit level 10, i think it showed something like 4800$.

and thanks for giving me the hint with your level 4.94. i didn't even know there is this tooltip which shows your level as a floating point value.

9 years ago

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Funny, The Ship - Complete Pack was a steam gift and still it appears has a bundle game D: Nvm, at least im still lvl 1 D:

9 years ago

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9.44 lvl

9 years ago

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Real CV for account Dimus: 3601.06$. What you posted there is the CV with bundle games included. New Site also adds that to your CV.

9 years ago

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Thx for explain)

9 years ago

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contributed 1000+$ and lvl 6 (6.22) hmm

9 years ago

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This one says 611, so fits the table :)

9 years ago

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Doesn't give accurate values for games/packs that are over $100 in value. The point cost is hardcapped at 100 but the CV they give is much higher than the calculator suggests.

9 years ago

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I can't do anything in that case, unless CG wants to tell us the real value for the pack instead of the points needed to enter :)

9 years ago

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It's very helpful, thanks!

9 years ago

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This is so much easier to understand, and makes things a lot more fair than it used to.

Is there a way to tell if a game you're giving away has been bundled, so you know what you're going to get for value?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Awesome, thank you very much.

9 years ago

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So if a game we gave away a long time ago gets put in a bundle, we lose 85% credit for it?

9 years ago

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No. You would only lose some CV if the price on steam gets reduced.

9 years ago

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Ok thanks, just wondering. I was Level 3 earlier this morning and now 2 again, so I just didn't understand why.

9 years ago

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Yeah, also, how can I know what bundle games give only 15% and how much does the rest give? You said: " from your first few bundle games" <- what does this mean? Where's the line between the first few bundles and the later ones? Or am I terribly misunderstanding something?

9 years ago

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You can look up the game @ Bundled or not

9 years ago

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I'm referring to the old system there with the "first few bundle games", because you got full value for those until you reached 30$ of CV back then.

9 years ago

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minus one level 3 and plus one level 4 :)

or bump if you prefer

Wonder if there's a legit way to see the current numbers of users per level?

9 years ago

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Don't think so, only for groups, so for the S.Gifts group for example:
cg might implement a global stats site though:

9 years ago

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If I give a pack away in which all the games are bundled (like XCOM: Enemy Unknown + The Bureau: XCOM Declassified) but the pack itself is not, do I get full CV for it or only 15%?

9 years ago

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As of right now I would say full value because Shobo didn't add that pack to the bundle list. Depens on the bundle and if it's added here:

9 years ago

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I have a question ... if you giveaway non-bundled game and you receive the CV and then the base price of the game in Steam store goes down, does your CV also go down to corespond that price?

9 years ago

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Yes, it was always like that.

9 years ago

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($61.92) Level 1 ?

9 years ago

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Please read the whole post....
also Real CV for account ShooterCrow: 9.3$
You only gave away bundle games.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Real CV for account ShooterCrow: 9.3$

Read the rest of the post mayne

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yeah, gonna be level 2 soon! Thanks for clearing things up!

9 years ago

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Nice! What about a gifts won version?

9 years ago

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You're mistaken about the thread - this one elaborates levels, this one calculates them.

9 years ago

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oh thx

9 years ago

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Good info mate, thanks :)

9 years ago

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Thanks, understanding it better now

9 years ago

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this cant be i think... i have about 350 contributor and im level 4 .. :(

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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wow thx mate now i see really good
I see that many games i buyed (not in bundles) were bundles sad...

9 years ago

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Indeed, happens to many of us. It is how it is though.

9 years ago

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We need an update on the statistics! :P I'm curious how many is where now! ^^

9 years ago

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+1 :)

9 years ago

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+1 again... Who's in charge of this?

9 years ago

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