myb its not a right place to comment things like this, but i see you are giveawaying some pretty fun games that needs group join, is the group public or private? btw ty for ASF i love you <3
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Dude, what? That's far from anything even close to threatening. :P
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Well, maybe it's a language border... How would you call it then?
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I don't call it anything. I just don't see where you see the threatening in ambidot's reply, especially when you were the one to confront ambidot over his threads. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Well, I'd like to explain what I mean, but I'm afraid I lack lexicon for this. Whatever. If you believe I'm confronting him - well, I'll try not to. After all, I can always ignore threads I don't like.
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It's really not my business, and the confronting part of my reply is besides the point, I apologize for it. I just thought saying you were "threatened" was a bit much, but really, I shouldn't get involved. Just ignore me. :P
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To split a paper into thirds, roll it up until one end of the paper reaches to the other end then carefully flatten the paper.
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Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
Couldn't think of anything so I just pulled something from a related poem :3.
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list small things from your childhood
^ Especially those 18+ games I was not supposed to play, kinda fun to say I was big fan of legacy of kain (original one, blood omen 1) when I was like 12 and I didn't even understand English.
^ "Mom please, you'll talk with grandma later, I want to play with friends online!"
^ And how I hated the fact that I didn't have a cable to swap pokemons with my friends.
From some non-gaming things:
teachers insisting that papers not handwritten in cursive would be rejected in middle school, high school, and college
teachers insisting that papers submitted late would be rejected in middle school, high school, and college
All parks, fields and playgrounds being full of children, and magically turning into abandoned the moment Dragonball was being aired in TV (now there is 10x more of all those playgrounds, and 10x less children using them)
Making sugar bombs with friends and planting in the school :3.
Much more but I already forgot majority of that, since I spent actually too much time playing vidya (and I don't regret it).
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I remember playing Galaga when it was new and a big thing. Nowadays I'm still amazed by how well it's simple risk-reward mechanics hold up.
I also remember hiding in bushes and using a blowpipe to shoot berries at passing cars.
And I remember seeing the original Guyver anime series airing during after-school hours. Apparently someone thought at the time that it was a good idea to expose kids to body horror, gratuitous dismemberment and casual straight up murder. Which me in my late teens found kinda funny.
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mom giving me awfully large sums of money (like fiver at max haha) when we were on the vacation at the sea
worrying about school like it really mattered, huh
getting excited about traveling, 'cause that was the only way to stay up really late
reading about sex in Bravo Girl hidden under the table in school day-room
feeling sad and lonely when admitted the first time to the hospital
first mp3 player 96 mb of memory, bitch!
and yellow tamagotchi
and feeding a boy at the camp with m&m's so he could let me play tetris on his gameboy
Turok was my first game
and Pharaoh was the second
and Ford Racing was the third
my undying love for skeletons
my undeniable fear of dentists
exchanging floppy disks with gifs and powerpoint presentations with friends
grandma giving me wether's original; the taste of my childhood
I could go on forever :D
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And yet, amidst all that death and destruction, those moments are still some of the fondest from my childhood. :)
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Since you specifically mentioned Super Mario Bros., you can jump over the flagpole. The screen will simply run on forever until you run out of time.
I remember going to my neighbors houses to play N64. Between the 3 of us we had Goldeneye, Duke Nukem 64, NFL Quartback Club, Super Smash Bros., and Mario Kart 64. Those were good times.
I remember catching Missingno, and ruining my game cartridge before it was a thing. Back then the internet consisted of loud beeps, whines, etc, and was too expensive for most people.
Speaking of glitches Johnny Cage had a secret fatality in the first MK.
I somehow stumbled upon his green shadow kick that went through the person's stomach.
Far too many memories, nostalgia is a bad feeling.
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I remember being baptized to try to be a good Christian because I felt guilty for questioning faith. the water was so cold.
I remember being held underwater by my father and couldn't breathe and being laughed at for calling it almost drowning.
I remember seeing aliens and ufos.
I remember the feeling and sight of spiders I hallucinated crawling all over me
getting in trouble in Cello class for yawning 'cause I had no sleep.
not being able to play flute 'cause "my lips were to big" then crying and choosing to play trombone even though I didn't want to to try to hide my crying from my crush
my only friend and my brother making fun of me for having a girlfriend so I ignored her and broke up with her
being embarrassed when the fact I had diarrhea was overheard by my crush in the clinic
envying girls having periods
being the only black kid in my music class
not getting ice cream on the day everyone was supposed to because I was forgotten about
writing a diary because my mother told me to then finding out she read it and lied about it and learning to never trust adults
riding the elevator in elementery school.
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I wish I had them. I wish I were a girl.
I found a puberty book in my grandparents house that I hid and wished that all the stuff that happened to girls would happen to me.
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I don't want to just be a different gender than the one I was born, I want to be a different sex. I can change how I present myself and be happier with that, but I can't change my body to the extant I want.
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Playing in the woods with my siblings near my childhood home. The house was a log cabin kind of house, and it was on the side of a hill (said hill was covered in old-growth forest). If we were to trek down the hill, through the forest, there was a peaceful pond where beavers lived. We often played in the forest, and when accompanied by the parents, all the way down the pond.
I remember doing something quite entertaining; some young pine trees have these "bubbles" in the bark, containing sticky and soft sap. If you stab these bubbles with a sharp branch or stick, then place the tip on the surface of calm water, the sap will "spread" from the tip on the stick in a thin, colorful layer on the surface of the water. Ever saw oil or gasoline in a puddle of water, and it was colorful, like a rainbow? It's the same reaction.
As the sap spreads away from the stick, putting it in water will also push the stick. Here's one of the only videos of it I could find:
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Standing in the milkbar/corner shop with 20pence and taking 5 minutes to decide what lollies to get (4 or those wait, 2 of those, of that). Would walk out with a bag of treats :) Those owners had a world of patience back then. (Just realised this really shows my age, oh well :).
Bringing back tadpoles in a jar from the local creek to watch them hatch into frogs. Our house was built on an old orchard so we could pick plums for out mothers when they grew.
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