14:07 - dude1: how much for XXXXXXXX?
14:08 - trader: 6
14:08 - dude1: its row right?
14:08 - trader: no, only Arctic and Fiji.
14:09 - dude1: realy?
14:09 - trader: yeah, only Arctic
14:09 - trader: :D
14:10 - dude1: you are trooling me
14:10 - dude1: lol
14:10 - trader: no, but maybe North Pole too
14:10 - trader: so buying?
14:15 - dude1: nop
14:15 - dude1: i need row
14:16 - dude1: bye
14:17 - trader: OK :(

11 years ago*

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Oh wow. Who the hell would want a game with such restrictions (provided this isn't a joke topic)? I imagine the selection of people able to use it would be rather small.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by dorimi.