So, got a school project and its in music. We had a choice of producing a song of our own, whether we create it by playing instruments, or creating it digitally. I went for digitally as I can spend more time on producing it.

Im basing mine on a 'Old School Piano Mix'.

I've started the mix off with "Holding Out For A Hero". My plan is to add other songs to this (Obviously with Piano Melodys). Now im not sure if I should keep the Bass Melody from Holding out for a hero through the whole song, or to go from one to another.

This is where I need your help guys.

If I should keep the bass melody the same, Could you help me find other oldschool (Possibly Popular - 80's/90's) piano melodys which would fit this. If not, then what other songs would fit it well in general when switching between the two?

This is what i have so far if it helps:


9 years ago*

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Do you know what key Holding out for a Hero is in? General tempo? Also, less of a thing, but what DAW are you using?

You Soundcloud link doesn't work either, it says it can't find the track. Is it private or has it been deleted?

9 years ago

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I belive its in A Minor, And im using a Tempo of 130.00 on FL Studio.
Try the link now, should work, had it on private.

EDIT: It starts in a C. (I believe haha)

Heres a screenshot of the Piano Keys I have placed for the melody, shoud help:

9 years ago

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Yeah it works now. I would maybe move what is currently the bass piano, to a bass synth, which would free up your lower piano to do something else without getting too cluttered in the mix. Maybe do the vocal line? Or arpeggiate the chords of the bass, on the piano maybe. With it being a really common key and progression, you've can do pretty much anything with it.

9 years ago

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Right okay. So its definitely safe to use the same key and progression. Is there any good songs from the 80s/90s you could reccomend possibly?

9 years ago

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As long as you maintain the key, yeah.

That being said, if you're programming everything in MIDI, you can set the piano roll in FL to only let you use notes of a particular key, so you could transcribe pretty much anything into C/Am.

My 80's pop music knowledge is limited at best, I was 4 when it ended, ha. Maybe something by Bon Jovi or Elton Jon (Saturday's Alright For Fighting springs to mind, I know the chorus is in C, I think the verse is in G, though.)

9 years ago

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Okay :) - Cheers for the help. Just need to start getting some songs together now :D

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Lewis2212.