As some of you may know, ChronicDiscord used to do trivia in S.Gifts chat, of which many of us are very grateful for. He provided some excellent questions and fun nights. As some may also know, after his departure from the event it's been continued in some fashion in a different chat, through this group. We had a few weeks of off time, but I hosted last week, Samsterz will be next, and Avenar or I after that, and so on.

So, for anyone who would like to win games, this is the place to come. The top ten participants get a chance to enter a private giveaway. Check out all the rules here.

However, for this to keep going forever, we need more people involved. More hosts for variety, and because we've had to lose a few weeks because I can't always be there. You can write the questions for someone else or host it yourself. More sponsors, because it's basically all falling to Deiru on that end. And of course more participants.

So, join if you want, invite your friends who are interested, and above all let me know if/when you can host or sponsor.

And most importantly, have fun!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If that trivia is on steam chat, perhaps I could spend an hour or two to code some useful things into my ArchiBoT, in order to make it easier for you to host the event.

I was thinking of something like simple live putting of the questions and possible answers, then on chat people could guess and bot would say if somebody guessed it right.

Let me know if you're interested, I'm always happy to help and share my knowledge if I see a potential in some event.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the offer! At the moment, I don't think it would work because we tend to accept typos or alternate spellings etc relatively generously, so it's sort of easier to do it manually.

But if we ever need anything I'll definitely let you know!

8 years ago

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We alerady have a bot for that.

8 years ago

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