Because a 4 years old was killed by dogs while his grandma was at the shop. Yep, a 4 years old was alone in a park. Nobody says how he could've been kidnapped/raped/ran over by a car, etc, they just wanna kill the stray dogs. They say they don't have money to make shelters and killing them all is cheaper. I personally find this very stupid. There are stray dogs here since 40 years ago and nobody said anything until now, this "tragedy" allows people get a reason to bitch about it. Nobody says anything about the guy around the block that looks strange at you, they are scared of stray dogs. I wanna hear some outside opinions about this, so please, post. I live in Romania btw if anybody's curious.

There are around 65.000 stray dogs only in the capital, and most of them come from abandon. The abandon rate here is huge, so they would raise that number again in a few years.

1 decade ago*

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Get real friends instead of animals, it will be easier to accept things like this. As of in Romania, no offense, but anything they can do to raise public safety should be done.

1 decade ago

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A bullet costs around 4 eur.
Neutering a dog costs around 34 eur.

Disposal of a dog body is pretty much free (just burn them in a crematory)

Keeping a dog in a dog shelter costs 2.5 eur/day. That's 75 eur/month (keep in mind that a kid gets 9eur/month as an allowance here in Romania).

What's better for the country? Spending 260k eur. and just killing all the stray dogs or spending 4.8mil eur/month (not to mention the costs for building dog shelters to accommodate the 65k stray dogs) keeping the dogs alive? I, for one, chose the first option.

Let's do the math for the entire country. You get about 650k stray dogs in the entire country.

Killing all the stray dogs in Romania - 2.6mil euro

Neutering 650k dogs - 22.1mil

Keeping 650k dogs in shelters for a month - ~49 mil. eur

It's not like Romania's treasury overflows with 500 euro's bills and we can just use those bills to take care of stray dogs. We can do something better with 50mil euro's each month.

1 km of highway costs around 11mil (price that has been reported by the TV stations). What do you want: ~4km of highway (monthly) or taking care of the stray dogs?

The best MRI machine (MRI 3 Tesla) costs about 3mil eur. What do you think Romanians need more? Stray dogs or MRI's? (just an example)

We need to get our priorities straight. If you just love those dogs so much, adopt them. I never saw a line of people that want to adopt stray dogs at the local dog shelter.

1 decade ago

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Paying a company about 100k eur/month and they'll keep the streets clean forever. The company will be compelled to pay a penalty of 100 euros after the first 6 months, for each stray dog sighted and confirmed :). From what I care they can sell them into a dog-eating country. Problem solved.

1 decade ago

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90% chances that it won't work. Why? Because they have to pay their workers, pay for dog food, build shelters, all out of those 100k/month.

Above I was trying to demonstrate what is better for Romania (killing the stray dogs/neutering and keeping them in shelters).

1 decade ago

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Take in consideration the budget allocated for keeping alive all the murderers, rapists, burglars, etc, in the prisons. Wouldn't it be easier and less expensive to gas them?

1 decade ago

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The convicts work in prisons. They are allowed to have jobs (a big part of their salary is also kept by the state as a repay). I don't know how stray dogs will later help us with the money we "invest" in them.

1 decade ago

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you seriously don't know what you are talking about and what you are saying is just plain retarded. you got a murderer who killed his wife and daughter, but it's ok to keep him alive, give him a place to sleep, eat and even have a job. i understand why there are so many retards on the face of this planet...

1 decade ago

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Don't compare them to humans; we have a responsibility for those equal to us. They have families and, unlike dogs, are capable of complex thoughts and conscious decisions (at least, most of us, not so sure about politicians though).

Also, convicts are able of doing work and ""helping"" economy. But stray dogs? nah.

1 decade ago

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Exactly. Put them in adoption for a while, and then start neutralising the ones that don't get a home (pretty much ALL of them).

The country doesn't need to pay for maintenance of dangerous wild animals that may have taken the live of or attacked civilians.

1 decade ago

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If it is a serious issue, and it sounds like one then action must be taken. Im sure no one would cry if they decided there were too many rats.
Do i agree that putting down random dogs is the right choice? No! but these dogs arnt random from my understanding. I dont live in the area so this is a 3rd party opinion at best, but if they are responsible for fatal human attacks then begin a process. This wont be an over night thing, and there will need to be stipulations in place, but i agree with a putting down of these dogs.
People are digging too deep here because they are dogs. I love dogs! but these are more like wolves dingoes or coyotes at this point and many people would agree that if a pack of wolves came strolling through killing peeps they wouldnt be around much longer one way or another

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I sincerely hope they vote for killing the dogs if not for the fact that your arguments just make me see why they should be killed

1 decade ago

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Closing thread. It's getting out of hand, and it's apparent that proper discussion cannot be made without insults.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AJ7iNi.