Because a 4 years old was killed by dogs while his grandma was at the shop. Yep, a 4 years old was alone in a park. Nobody says how he could've been kidnapped/raped/ran over by a car, etc, they just wanna kill the stray dogs. They say they don't have money to make shelters and killing them all is cheaper. I personally find this very stupid. There are stray dogs here since 40 years ago and nobody said anything until now, this "tragedy" allows people get a reason to bitch about it. Nobody says anything about the guy around the block that looks strange at you, they are scared of stray dogs. I wanna hear some outside opinions about this, so please, post. I live in Romania btw if anybody's curious.

There are around 65.000 stray dogs only in the capital, and most of them come from abandon. The abandon rate here is huge, so they would raise that number again in a few years.

1 decade ago*

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Chiar trebuia sa deschizi acesta discutie? Suntem batjocoriti peste tot in lume pentru cat de prosti si inapoiati suntem, chair trebuia sa le dai inca un motiv sa o faca in continuare?

1 decade ago

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Vrea sa se asigure ca cainii aia vor fi omorati, enrvand si pe cei care inca nu luasera nici o pozitie.

1 decade ago

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Vrea sau nu vrea, nu conteaza . Doar noi ne putem rezolva problemele, chiar de aceea acest topic nu-si are rostul, este doar inca o modalitate de a ne aduce necinste.

1 decade ago

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Orice ziceti voi stiti foarte bine ca solutia umana si normala nu este uciderea acestor caini , iar la faza cu ne-a facut de ras cu acest topic nu vad de ce ar fi cazul de asa ceva , oamenii au dreptul la pareri personale , el nu a cerut decat parerea altora si are tot dreptul sa faca asta.

1 decade ago

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Nu-i ca si cum ar fi alta solutie logica.Poate ar fi fost acum 15 ani,dar acum nu.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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You're an ass.

1 decade ago

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Killing stray dogs AND cats is a good thing, they are dangerous and spread diseases. There are too many to even think of finding them homes, kennels, pounds, and shelters are all over filled already and there are thousands, even tens of thousands of stray dogs in every major city. And don't forget they aren't wild animals, they are the result of centuries of experimental cross breeding and inbreeding of wild animals by humans. If anything they should be killed because they pose a threat not only to humans but also to actual wild animals.

Wild dogs kill 4

1 decade ago

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Save the skags!

1 decade ago

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We need more surveillance to stop people from dumping dogs. That, or have chips installed so when a stray is caught, we would know who to charge for the crime. People shouldn't adopt a dog if they don't want the responsibility. As for the remaining strays, it is probably for the best since they spread a lot of diseases and are a problem. Saying we shouldn't do anything about the dogs because we don't do anything about the criminals is ridiculous... why not do something about both?

1 decade ago

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Why kill fresh abundant sources of protein. Think of the low priced chinese orange or general taos we could have.

Edit: All joking aside I grew up in NYC as a kid,there were stray dog packs all over the place.A few that lived in my neighborhood they were not a threat.As long as you left them alone you got left alone.One of my friends (remember we were kids)lost a dare and walked in the opposite direction heading toward them on the same sidewalk.The dogs for the most part kept moving at him in a pack with the alpha dog in front.Closer they got more cautious they got but they started wagging their tails when they got close enough and saw he was no threat some even stopped to be pet til the alpha dog turned around looking at them and they all went on their way.

People are afraid of strays because of the minor number of attacks people have had that get overblown in the media.Generally speaking more people probably get bitten accidentally by pet dogs then strays.People forget that these "strays" were someone ones beloved yet,abused pet,or tossed pup/dog at some point. Not all of them have psychological issues with humans.However main issue with strays is the possible threat toward children more than adults. Once people fear for the safety of kids its a no win situation for anything people are afraid for the kids.

If a countries in general want to see an end to massive numbers of strays then -
1: spayed/neutered of a pet should become standard by law,
2:the allowing of breeders should not be allowed on a commercial level.
3:All pets must be registered as well as the person who purchased and owns the pet should be kept in a public accessible record.
4:The number of pet shops should be extremely regulated and kept to a smaller number then exists today, there are way to many pet stores in some areas to the point where they are almost everywhere like McDonalds.
5:Laws need to be tightened and enforced far more strictly across the board.Fines need to be raised greatly after any incident stipulated under certain events,community service should be a mandatory item for offenders of a certain degree and repeat offenders before jail time is necessary.
6:A strict but firm # of pets per house hold law should be made.If a person wants to open a shelter/sanctum then standards need to be kept at an all time high and people who turn in dogs that they are owner of should be documented that way it is on record this person could not care for a pet after a certain amount of time.That way if that person tries to buy another pet within an amount of time deemed unacceptable because of prior dumping of pet they will be turned down from legal pet ownership.

The items I listed might seem like a totalitarian approach but to me its a start and things can be changed as different situations would arise.Now as far as them killing strays across the whole country,the only other course would be to gather them all,check for ones that can be adopted, and the rest either put down or put in a canine sanctuary.

1 decade ago

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If the number of stray dogs in an area is becoming so problematic that they are forming packs and no longer feeling threatened by humans, then yeah, something should be done. However the fact they only decided to do something as a result of a really stupid human decision means this falls within "retaliation" crap. You know, like how if a dude smears himself with honey, runs through a forest and gets eaten by a bear, suddenly the authorities decide that it's "logical" to go out and try to find the bear that did it so they can kill it. Never did understand that.

You should have linked to the article, OP. There are often little bits of information that others might pick up on. Did she just leave the child in an open park lot, or within a playground area? Were there other people around or was the kid totally alone while she vanished off? Either way, it sounds like a solid case of (continued) human stupidity.

1 decade ago

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The dogs should be killed, along with anyone found abandoning a dog.

1 decade ago

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Why, because they can no longer afford to feed their family as well as a dog? Think before you post.

1 decade ago

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Why, because they're encouraging the death of strangers at the hands of rabid dogs? Think before you post.

1 decade ago

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Kill a human, save an animal.

1 decade ago

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That's a HUGE number, buddy. Gotta kill'em all.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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oh right, like they killed that kid humanely without misery and suffering, by tearing him to pieces and removing his goddamn head. End justifies the means, so I really don't give a crap how they would solve the problem.

1 decade ago

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"Something's troubling me."
"What's that?"
"What does a bloody witcher eat, anyway?"
"Eh, mushrooms?"
"Why spuds?"
"'Cause he's a human, like us. He sweats, he bleeds, prob'ly eats spuds, too."

1 decade ago

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I don't really see why you would put that word in quotes, but yeah, it is a tragedy.

1 decade ago

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Where're those PETA guys ?

1 decade ago

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They would control the population quickly, with a vengeance.

1 decade ago

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They are making games about murdering animals and cooking them.(See Cooking mama,peta edition)

1 decade ago

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I'm also romanian and have watched the insanity they are showing at tv these days , people actually want to kill all the straydogs here, this thing is horrible , i totally disagree with this and hope that someone will do something to stop this madness

1 decade ago

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Having a "dreamland" is not just okay but recommended in today's world,but basing your opinions,solutions and expectations on a "dreamland" makes them worthless,unachieavable and shows a lack of common sense.

1 decade ago

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Welcome to the civilized world. There should not be any stray dogs roaming the city, especially 65k.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Not surprised, stupidity and ignorance it's a common trait of humans; stray dogs saved my GF from getting raped once, they've been in my family for generations, i have nothing but respect for those animals, a better question would be, why the hell would you leave a 4yr child alone, away from your sight, for even the slightest moment? The grandma is to blame.

1 decade ago

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and the dogs aren't dangerous at all...they only ate the kid because they thought he was a gift. she meant to feed them right?

in what kind of shitty third world country do you need to keep an eye on your kids or predators will eat him inside a major city? I'd like to think even most of africa was better off than that. This is technically in europe. holyshit
Humans deserve to be eaten if we're this big pussies to consciously choose not to defend ourselves from predation.

and the op really really needs to spend time in a shelter before suggesting that as a better solution.

1 decade ago

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"Pussies". Wow. Yeah. Okay. Because a four year old kid is really gonna be big on the fight to survive? :V

Also, don't think that just because an animal is domesticated that it loses all of its instincts, and that it comprehends all the boundaries and ethics of human societies. It's not uncommon to hear of a family pet eating another animal, or even attacking unsupervised children. Guess why. They're ANIMALS. That isn't about being in a "shitty third world country", this is about not being so mentally deficient as to leave your defenceless child alone in an area where any reasonable harm could be done to them.

1 decade ago

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no, you misunderstand. Its the whole "its not the animal's fault. the killer dog deserves the right to exist too. who are we to judge which life is more important" crowd who deserve to be eaten into extinction

and yes. not being eaten by predators is an important part of not being a shitty thridworld country. Its up there with having drinking water that isn't actual mud, not having guinneworm and being able to feed yourself.
questionable as it is to leave your kid unattended in a city "taken by wolves" shouldn't need to be among your fears.
If you've got problems like that you're refusing to deal with you may as well have warlords believe in witches and piss in your own wells until you die of dysentery.

this is about not being so mentally deficient as to leave something capable of bringing a reasonable expectation of harm on your children able to do so. animals are as you said dumb animals incapable of knowing better, so its up to people to deal with them

1 decade ago

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there are 65000+ feral moderately large potentially dangerous carnivores roaming around the will you allow them the means and opportunity to cause harm? or will you either render them harmlessly dead or relocate them? now since thers nowhere else acceptable to put roving packs of wild dogs its all about finding a way to get rid of them. Kill what you have or prevent them from generating more in the future.
Euthanize or sterilize. Don't stick your fingers in your ears and go lalala, don't go pacifist noninterference and decide animals have as much a right to eat as you do to exist and make somebody else(somebody defenseless) die for your principals, and don't get lazy and easily distracted and forget about this issue the moment the shock fades from the headlines. If you've got wolves inside your fences you deal with the wolves..and only in the shittiest places is that metaphor literal. It isn't the kid or the grandmother's fault for misstepping and giving the animals the opportunity. Its everybody's fault for that situation even being possible. Shrugging and going "thats the circle of life" stopped being a thing in the stoneage.
(And only a total idiot would pick feral animals over fellow people so I didn't even list that one.)

1 decade ago

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and +1 again.

1 decade ago

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don't forget that we are ANIMALS too.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Probably better than kennels.
Kennels normally are just short term holding areas as they get around to killing them always, and they often do not kill them at all humanly. This way, as I see it, at least you have a chance that they will be put down in a relatively quick and painless manner.

1 decade ago

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I just agree with you. this is stupid really stupidddddddddddd. If he want to kill dogs then he should start killing himself? LOL. also with those who are in the government.. e_e

and wtb. That was grandma fault really who left a kid alone in the park just to buy something in the store?...

1 decade ago

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Yes, the grandma is at fault here, that for sure, but you shouldn't have to defend a kid or yourself from hunting packs of dogs, not in a civilized city anyway.
I would sterilize the persons that abandon dogs on the street as well.

1 decade ago

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65 thousand dogs is a lot. I bet they cause a lot of trouble (besides killing small children). The authorities really should control their population.

1 decade ago

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So this kid could have been kidnapped or raped, but instead he was eaten by a pack of dogs. Doesn't that make dogs more of an issue than kidnappers and rapist?

1 decade ago

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It's more like, he got killed by dogs, but could've been a kidnapper, a drunk driver, etc. You don't leave a 4 yr child alone, whatever the country.

1 decade ago

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In my country that kid wouldn't get eaten by a pack of dogs at least, that's for sure :3

1 decade ago

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If he was hit by a car would've we killed all the drivers and banned the cars?

1 decade ago

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You can do what you want in your country bro, here I'm safe and no stray dogs will attack me and eat me when I go out jogging in the evening :3 Maybe if less people made retarded comparisons like this one above and more people actually did something/think of something better to do then the whole situation wouldn't be that bad?
P.S. And by "did something" I don't mean starting a friggin online petition or getting likes on fb page...

1 decade ago

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welcome to modern media, most of north america doesnt even know the pacific ocean is just filled with radiation, just the local media at its finest, miley twerking is more important then life threatining issues (SRY if it was said i didnt read much)

EDIT i agree killing stray dogs is a tagity

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wtf indeed.

1 decade ago

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Damn that Miley and her twerking

1 decade ago

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This is kind of ridiculous, I mean, two dogs attack a unsupervised child, blame should be on the Grandmother, and those who who abandoned the dogs, I mean, you hear of people killing/robbing to survive, well, this seems like the exact same.

In addition, you get lots of people who murder, rape, etc and they barely get anything, certainly not put to death, let alone put every convicted / suspicious person to death, so again, quite ridiculous.

I don't know, I am an animal person, so perhaps that clouds my judgement, but at the same time, we have high number of homeless that fill the cities, should be kill all those while we're at it too?

Anyway, this won't solve jack, either the problem will rise up again, or next time they'll take it even further, until you know what? They'll be nothing left.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Lol, I misread, thought it was the grandfather, my bad.

1 decade ago

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Wild strays of animals wandering cities are a public health problem.

1 decade ago

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Yes, because the Romanian government is capable of eradicating all dogs.

1 decade ago

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Heath problem is a factor, but again, they always are in third world countries.

But who is to say you have a loyal dog in the future, if this goes through, and someone just doesn't like the look of it, or make some bullshit up, will they destroy that one, too?

I don't know, people are very closed minded, guess I am just curious to the long term repercussions of such actions..

1 decade ago

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oh yes. lets do that internet thing where something leads to random hypothetical bullshit that depends heavily on several other unspoken things being things when they aren't currently things or things resulting naturally from the other thing. You've opened my eyes and now it looks crazy :) well it would if that made any sense at all

put human lives first and destroy dangerous animals and next thing you know musicians will be shot in the streets. And then the internet will be banned and jetpack hitler will rise from the bowels of the hollow earth to walk once more among the living feeding on the flesh of the very children you sought to protect

1 decade ago

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Huh? Not sure how this is relevant to what I said.

1 decade ago

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well....I donno. do hobos eat children?

1 decade ago

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Yeah, well, I am getting bored now :D

Unless, I understand now.. THERE IS A GIVEAWAY SOMEWHERE IN HERE!!!!

1 decade ago

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First comment i agree with, glad to see there's people capable of seeing how stupid this solution is.

1 decade ago

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Also this incident seems not to be something isolated but part of a bigger problem Here's another death caused by those stray dogs

1 decade ago

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its all a conspiracy. Like the op said that woman didn't exist either. Its all something cooked up so the mustache twirling dog hating politicians can embezzle all the dog killing funds and then hunt strays for sport running them down with their cars and making dalmatian coats and being cruel to these poor innocent 4legged people

1 decade ago

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Poor dogs noone takes their opinion into consideration. I demand that a comitee is created and a vote is casted so that the dogs can decide about their future.

1 decade ago

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The problem is that no one seems to care until something like this happens.We had a good number of stray dogs for more than 40 years.The statistics show that tons of people are bitten,injured etc every month.But when a 4 year old dies all hell breaks loose.This problem feels like it appeared out of nowhere.When the kid got killed no one even cared.They all acted like the dogs aren't even there.But now suddenly they care.Well it's too late now because the kid is already dead.From my experience in this country the problem will just get boring and will vanish from the news in a few weeks.And no one will do shit.

I remember when Ukraine and Poland hosted the Euro 2012.The Ukrainians had tons of dogs on the street and they suddenly started to care about that problem.They spent money to kill/catch and lock up any dogs they could find so they will host the tournament and look good.Now I think no one cares and the dog population is starting to grow again.

1 decade ago

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This is the 3rd death caused by dogs in Bucharest in the past 20 years. I feel sorry for the kid's parents but I cannot agree with killing the dogs. Most dogs in Bucharest (70% or more) are actually dogs abandoned buy owners.

The whole system is a problem here as well as the people.

Things go like this: the dogs are caught and taken to some shelters for a limited period of time (30 I believe). From that point on people or NGOs can adopt dogs and raise them in private shelters, homes, yards etc.

Here, the dogs are to be sterilized after they are caught (or at least they should be) but if you are fast enough you can adopt a dog, provided that you are willing to sterilize it and take good care of him. You even have to provide a proof that you did it.

Now, the so called animal lovers think that keeping dogs in shelters is animal cruelty so they decide do do "good". This being said, they go to a vet, pay him good money to provide them with the necessary paper that the dogs are sterilized and so they can take it home. Same for NGOs that technically they should keep the dogs in shelters (like the dog that killed the 4 years old boy actually).

But most of the people simply let the dogs go after they take them from the shelter, without even sterilizing them (this again, is cruelty). Same thing goes for the ONG that take money from donations but do nothing for the dogs.

So if you ask me the problem is not the dogs but the humans. They refuse to let the dogs in shelter, because it's cruelty. Most of them refuse to donate money to those NGOs that actually do something (we do have a few that actually do their job), preferring to give money to the church, because "the church is poor". If asked about the dog problem they complain that the politicians do nothing to fix it yet when they do, everybody says it's cruelty. Now a kid died and of course, the government is the problem but killing dogs is a no-no. (again, I am against this but those people don't know what they want).
Another stupid thing is that those who have dogs don't sterilize them (even though the law says they should) and leave those dogs 'have fun' with stray dogs every time they see fit because "you cannot deny this to your dog".

I myself have a neighbor that "adopted" 20 dogs just to let them go the next day in the park across the street. Moreover, she feeds them (not a bad thing of course but...) and she leaves food all over the park so now I have 40 dogs across the street. :| Sure, they don't bite me but I have to escort all my friends that come in visit to make sure they are not attacked.

So first they should sterilize the dogs. All those that try to stop this process should be fined but the fine should be so high so that they think twice before they act. Of course, the law exists but is not enforced properly.
Then, you should not be allowed to grow dog packs in a residential area. Again, the law exists but is not enforced properly.
Also, you shouldn't be allowed to have too many dogs and you should be forced to sterilize them, to control the population. And again, the law exists but is not enforced properly.
Abandoning dogs is illegal as well but 80% of those who actually own a dog did it at least once.The most common case is when a female dog gives birth to 10 dogs, the owner keeps 1-2 max and the rest are thrown on the streets. But nobody enforces this as well.
Then, all public and private shelters as well as all NGOs running them should be severely punished if they don't do their job and keep eating public money for nothing.

Of course, there is another big problem with Romania and it seams most Romanians here refuse to say it so I will.
Romania, like most Easter European countries, is a very religious and superstitious country. So instead of building schools, hospitals, shelters for homeless people and stray dogs/cats, research facilities, infrastructure etc. we build this piece of shit that already exceeded that 400 million euros budget twice, mostly with public money (Romania is the country with 18k orthodox churches - BBC & IMF studies show we build 1 church every 3 days :| - and only 1800 schools and 420 hospitals).

So, they could take some money from that middle age building, build some real shelters, not shelters that cannot host more than 100 dogs, gather all the dogs there, sterilize them and take care of them.
Some of those dogs could be trained to do some serious work (lots of NGOs trained dogs to work with sick kids, save people in danger, look for drugs and so on and it worked just fine), some other dogs could be adopted FOR GOOD, by serious people that won't throw them on the streets again and the rest could die in peace there.
Meanwhile, you should actually have a Animal Police/PETA organization to make sure all those things mentioned above are properly enforced. The punishment should be sever, to stop retard people (those so called animal lovers) from risking the life and health of animals and humans.

In a few years the problem will be solved for good. And this is the best way to solve it. There is no fast solution to this. All those that claim killing all the dogs is faster are either stupid or ignorants. There is no way to gather 65k dogs fast. No matter how you take it, this will take months, if not years.

1 decade ago

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I actually read this and yeah, as usual the biggest problem is human ignorance and stupidity >.< Hopefully, someone with enough smarts and balls will solve the problem, at least partially (like this killing of dogs - now that people have led to this state, is there any other reasonable way? ).

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AJ7iNi.