After a bit of research, I have a suspicion that my HDD has somehow been set to PIO mode which is apparently somewhat slower than the usual DMA mode. However, I can't seem to be able to confirm this as I'm using Windows 8 and all the examples I've found thus far use Windows 7 and having checked Device Manager, I can't seem to find the necessary driver controllers.


I decided to try and move the game from the external HDD to the internal one, but unfortunately, there was no difference in the stuttering. So this definitely has nothing to do with bottlenecks or the external HDD. I thought it might be a memory problem, so I set the resolution down and tried lowering the texture settings, still no luck. In fact, lowering the resolution made it noticeably more jumpy.

I had been using a resolution of 1280x720 before, so I decided to switch to a native 1920x1080 and amazingly the game no longer stutters, but it no longer runs at 60 FPS, but rather at around 30 for obvious reasons. But I'm really stumped as to what caused the game to stutter in the first place, I really would rather play at 60 FPS (which would require setting the resolution back to 1280*720) but the stuttering has evaded all the ini file fixes that I've tried so far. I even restarted the computer before trying and it didn't seem to help. Loading times seem to have increased as well with the game pausing while loading (the Skyhook spinning animation stops) which hasn't really happened before. I'm really at loss as to what's going on and what can be done about it.

Original Post:

So I've got this problem at the moment where some of my games, Infinite for example, is running at a consistent 55-60 FPS as usual (so I know this has nothing to do with my settings or computer's capability to run the game), but the game just stutters every couple of seconds, as in, it freezes or lags making it almost impossible to play normally. This hasn't happened before and the game ran perfectly with the exact same settings just a couple of weeks ago.

This isn't limited to Infinite either, but seeing as the new DLC is coming out today, I'd prefer having Infinite fixed and ready to go by the time the DLC is available. Any idea what could be happening? Is my computer just getting old and this is normal wear and tear (though I doubt this is the case as it's only a little over a year old, but then again, it is a laptop)? Or is this fixable? Any help is appreciated.


I did get a new external HDD which I copied Infinite onto to test the HDD's performance and that's when I noticed the stutter. So I unplugged my new HDD and plugged back in my old external HDD which I'd been using for the past six months without any stuttering or issues and noticed that it had started to stutter too. Could plugging in and using the new HDD have affected the old one?

Both the external HDD and the laptop have USB 3.0 support.

1 decade ago*

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Bioshock Infinite and Batman Arkham City, both using Unreal Engine 3, have this same issue as far as I know.

1 decade ago

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Has this been going on for a while or is it recent? If it's been going on for a while then that may not be relevant as the stuttering only started today.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I did get a new external HDD which I copied Infinite onto to test the HDD's performance and that's when I noticed the stutter. So I unplugged my new HDD and plugged back in my old external HDD which I'd been using for the past six months without any stuttering or issues and noticed that it had started to stutter too. Could plugging in and using the new HDD have affected the old one?

1 decade ago

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Have you installed anything recently or even updated anything? And are you running games with essentially nothing open? I would assume something is using a bit of memory every now and then which may be lowering your FPS, but honestly I know jack shiz so I could be very wrong. I would prob try updating your graphics driver anyway, and checking the resource manager to see if something is up.

1 decade ago

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simple very simple if it started recently check if you installed a newer gpu driver update or any other programma for "accelerations" unistall them and try again.If nothing helped then try to see if your laptop is dust free and if the cpu has enough thermal paste.One of these are 100% sure will work.P.S. one last thing check if your laptop use the dedicated gpu and not the cpu gpu{cpu gpu is intel HD {there goes four numbers usually 4xxx or 5xxx and dedicated is nvidia or amd}

1 decade ago

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My infinite has started to do this as well. It does it mostly when the game starts and you have to press a key to go to the menu. It will lag a lot. Reason for this is heavy heavy HDD load. I should probably just move the game to my SSD.

Try defragging your HDD. I did; it did not have a huge effect, but it may for you.

Added: I can see you use an external drive for the game. That would be the reason. It probably uses USB2 right? Unless you can use external sata (esata), you should really have the game on your internal HDD or better yet SSD.

1 decade ago

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It uses USB 3.0 and I know external HDDs are usually a bottleneck, but the thing is, it was running fine from the external HDD a couple of weeks ago, and it seems Warframe which I have installed on my internal HDD is doing a similar thing to Infinite (consistently high frame rate, but stutters).

1 decade ago

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Try using resource manager on the tab Disc (or similar)

Then launch your game... when it stutters, try alt+tab to desktop and see what the load of the HDD is. If it's 100% or the blue load line is maxed out, it means your HDD is bottle necking the game.

1 decade ago

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Check the ini. Look for something called "Allow Streaming" and set it to false.

1 decade ago

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If your laptop has USB 2.0 ports, you're screwed. The data rate on those is awful. You really need USB 3.0 or ESATA connection to be able to play a graphics-intensive game from an external drive. Also, preferably a flash based drive rather than standard mechanical disk hard drive.

1 decade ago

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Both my laptop and the external HDD have USB 3.0 support, so that's not the problem, the same HDD was running Infinite at the same settings perfectly a couple of weeks ago, that's the problem.

1 decade ago

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search google, there are ini settings that will remove level streaming. But it might break some levels

1 decade ago

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Could definitely be the USB drive going out on you that's connecting the external HDD, but there are a lot of other possibilities as well!

1 decade ago

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The mystery has deepened after further experimentation.

1 decade ago

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Bump for help.

1 decade ago

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I used to have the exact same problem with Arkham City Goty.I tried to tone down textures,resolution but nothing worked at all.The game was laggy although never freezed,just impossible to play.I am not sure about the frame rates I have been getting before or after the fix so can't help you with that.Turning "Directx 11" on helped me play this smoothly.That option can be found in the game settings dialogue box that you get when you click "Play" in the steam library.

1 decade ago

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I had the same stuttering problem a while back, but I fixed it by doing this:
Start > Computer > Select your main disk > Right click > Properties > Tools tab > Check Now button > checkmark the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors option.
I hope you'll manage to resolve your problem.

1 decade ago

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I had problems with Bioshock Infinite, it crashed always when I met the Fireguy. I found out that it depends on the nvidia Geforce, there's a optimize option. After I deleted the .config and didn't use optimize all went well.

1 decade ago

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why you so sure about hdd? stuttering can have different nature.

  • try downgradin video drivers
  • try tweaking threading and graphics optimizations (eg. nvidia has some predefined tweaks for some games to optimize them but sometimes this leads to stuttering/corruptions)
  • try changing vsync mode in game/drivers
  • check your cpu/gpu temps
  • check for any suspitious apps with high cpu load in background

and about streaming... heavy hdd load? don't listen to that jokes.

you know this means the engine can get textures/models asynchronously in realtime - yep that means when it loads something it doesn't lead to slowdowns and stuttering just because it does that in background (not in rendering thread) and it can even load lower resolution models/textures first and load same textures with higher resolution only when it's free :)

1 decade ago

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I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the HDD as my laptop's performance seems about the same and there isn't anything hogging the resources according to Task Manager and this only started after buying and using a new external HDD.

1 decade ago

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It's laptop, so check power saving settings and temps. Also try closing all open apps (the ones in tray too), firewalls, AV etc. Have you checked for viruses/malware?

1 decade ago

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I've checked everything and the laptop's performance seems fine. As I've mentioned, the FPS is a relatively consistent 60 (it never goes below 55), so it has nothing to do with performance but rather something to do with streaming from the HDD.

1 decade ago

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I'm guessing there's an issue with your ram. Same thing happened to my desktop when one of the ram slots broke. Switching out to a different slot or using a different piece of ram might help.

Since you suspect it is the hard disk, you might want to uninstall the drivers using device manager and then do a quick restart.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by sp202.