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Great top down co-op shooter, and it's 50% off too. Great price. I picked up the digital deluxe edition a while back, fantastic game! From the same guys who made Magicka and Gauntlet (also on sale)

7 years ago

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2nd anniversary <3

7 years ago

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Too poor ¯_(ツ)_/¯ looks good thou.

7 years ago

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I really want this game but the friendly fire turns me off. While on magicka it was all fun and games and the game kinda expects you to kill your allies, on this game it deosnt seem to be like that. If you could disable it (I researched and dont think you can) I would had bought.

Now when 75% off and I will consider it.

7 years ago

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How works multiplayer system? Do i need friends, or can i pick simply from servers like killing floor,csgo etc.?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I played a lot on its release, it's an awesome game. Managed to make a complete review about it (in portuguese, but maybe google translate will help you):

Local/online/mixed coop for up to 4 players. It's very action-oriented, although you can avoid most combats by killing sentries on sight, so it's very tactical and has a few strategies.

Not as mindless as most twin-stick shooters, but not much strategy as The Red Solstice, for example. Something in-between, and more action-oriented.

The stratagem system reminds a little of Magicka spells system.

I'm a huge fan of Arrowhead Game Studios, their work is flawless.

There is friendly-fire, but it's actually part of the fun. It's easy to kill or be killed by a teammate, but it's also easy to revive. Unless there's some griefing, it's fine.

Ps: it already got 60% discount twice before:

7 years ago*

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