I'm on the fence if I want to upgrade to W8 and I want some opinions from both sides. Could you guys please elaborate how my experience would improve or get worse if I decide to migrate to W8.

Edit: Links from other sources would be ok too.

Gibway: https://www.humblebundle.com/?gift=XPYaRtMhCDk3

1 decade ago*

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Im not gonna talk you in to it - that's your choice.
What I will say is that the issues are largely exaggerated and by people who don't like change. If you hate change, don't upgrade.

1 decade ago

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Win 8.1 is okay, you just have to get used to it, but it ain't that bad. But besides, you are going to kind of have to anyway, since DirectX 12 is coming out around 2015 (it's closer than you think) and it is probably only going to support Windows 8 and 8.1. Also, Windows 8 and 8.1 (64-Bit) use a LOT less ram than 7 and manage it better.

1 decade ago

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  1. While DX12 might come soonish, that doesn't mean all that much. Games that need DX12 as a minimum requirement won't be out for another 4/5 years probably. Look at DX10 and 11, same deal. Only now are a fair bit of games coming out that require as a minimum DX10, and "minimum DX11" games are only starting to come up.
  2. The first iterations of games using DX12 will be using DX12 features that require a lot of performance from hardware only the top segment of PC users own. It's not like when DX12 comes out, and games begin using its' unique features (another issue unto itself - when it comes out likely not many games will even use it immediately, partly due to the point I'm making here), that most of us will have the hardware needed to run games in DX12 mode, anyway.
  3. This means that while an eventual upgrade to Win8.1.1 or higher might be desirable for DX-related reasons, the time it becomes a necessity, or even something worthwhile (due to having hardware capable of using DX12), is quite a bit away. Might as well wait with upgrading and benefit from more work being done on Win8 in the form of security, stability and usability upgrades in the meantime. When you eventually upgrade, you'll do so to an OS that's at least bearable to use, and not in its' infancy.
1 decade ago

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DX12 works on Win 7, too.

1 decade ago

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Its .1 better and windows 8 is 1.0 better then Windows 7, so windows 8.1 is 1.1 better then windows 7.

1 decade ago

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It's not. Windows 7 is better. Windows 8 is on the "off" release of Windows releases. Just like Star Trek films, every other one is good.

If it was that good, they'd stop modifying it to work more like previous versions of Windows. 8 is decent for phones and tablets and other touch devices. Desktops, not so much, especially if you game.

1 decade ago

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How does a UI that is not in any way involved with the games make it worse for gaming?

1 decade ago

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I wrote that too fast and skipped clarity. My mistake. I've tried it on touch devices and this is where it excels in my opinion. I have read of a lot of compatibility issues with gaming and Windows 8. Not sure if they apply to 8.1. If the game is brand spanking new and written with W8 in mind, it will work fine, but I've read a lot of older games have issues, especially pre Windows 7 stuff.

1 decade ago

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The only new incompatibility I know of has to do with games that run at lower than 32-bit graphics. Windows will try to run a compatibility mode for them but some games don't like it or need extra workarounds. But that's almost always really old games, many of which didn't work in Windows 7 either.

1 decade ago

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Small comparison video.

1 decade ago

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Go back to Windows XP! Before it's too late!

1 decade ago

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On what planet do you live? Rate people but not such a nonsense. They do it afterwards also.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Don't jump to Windows 8 yet, give it more time. Windows 7 is good enough, I do not understand why you have the desire to upgrade.

1 decade ago

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Does your computer have a touchscreen?
Yes? Give it a shot!
No? Then stick with 7.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Why would you want a touchscreen for your computer. It's hard enough to try to keep it dust free, I don't want to see also smudges on my screen.

1 decade ago

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Do you mind change?

1 decade ago

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Windows 8 got slightly better with 8.1 but it's still not there if you ask me.

  • If you got a recent computer, Win8 will be a bit smoother and faster than Win7.
  • If you have an older system, chances are you will not find suitable drivers for your hardware.
  • The clusterfuck that is Metro UI ruins any advantage that the underlying OS might give you.
  • Some older games don't run correctly on Win8.

Unless you're still living in the stone age of XP, wait until at the very least the 8.2 update.

1 decade ago

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They better revert everything they ruined in Update 1 in next update. It's a well known fact that when you listen to angry users you get a confusing mess of a program.

1 decade ago

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Ruined? I've seen nothing but improvement, even if only small ones. What did they ruin in your opinion?

1 decade ago

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"It's a well known fact that when you listen to angry users you get a confusing mess of a program."

Conglaturation !!!

You just made my "dumb generalising comments on the internet seen this week" list! :D

1 decade ago

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In the last year I have twice gone from windows 7 to windows 8 and back to windows 7. Save yourself the trouble. Stick with windows 7 and wait for whats next. Microsoft knows they screwed up with the windows 8 interface. And the programs that bring back your 'Start' menu for windows 8 all blow juicy chunks and cause a hitch and delay while they load up and will offset any performance gains you were going for in the first place. There are a few benchmarks that show you might be able to get a small (1 fps) performance with games under windows 8. I personally did not see it. Save your money, upgrade video card instead. Its a cell phone os forced on desktop users. microsoft knows it. now you do to. Stay away.

1 decade ago

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Hm, the problem of Win8 was that Microsoft didn't teach people how to use it and what to do with two interfaces. They have fixed it in 8.1 with tutorials and Help app.

Modern UI (ex-Metro) is the new addition to Win8.x and is basically a full-featured mobile OS attached to a desktop OS, with its own App Store just like on your cellphone and with those same mobile apps. While this may sound awkward, in reality there are some conveniences that come with it.
The new Start screen replaced the old and clunky Start menu, and it's much more useful and organized. You basically now have a fullscreen dashboard where you can pin the most useful programs for your convenience. But Microsoft doesn't explain that this Start screen now also functions as an advanced Gadget panel, as many Modern UI apps can show some useful information on their tiles, acting just like gadgets (Weather, Mail (with notifications), News etc.) You can call Start screen by pressing Win key and go back to desktop with the same key. This works similarly to OS X where widgets are placed on a widget panel that remains hidden until user wants to call it.
The "All Programs" list from the old Start menu is now much easier to navigate and search.
The ability to run mobile games or apps can be considered a nice bonus.
One new feature that I personally enjoy is the ability to take screenshots with the combination Win+PrtScr. This hotkey instantly takes a screenshot and saves it to Pictures -> Screenshots folder in PNG format.
Windows 8.x feels smoother compared to Windows 7, partly due to the absence of hardware-intensive Aero mode, partly due to 60-fps animations that Modern UI introduces.
By signing in with your Live ID you will get cloud synchronization of passwords and personal settings like wallpaper.
You can also reinstall Windows 8.x automatically without reformatting with saving your settings and activation, a feature called Refresh Your PC. You can also do a clean reinstall a similar way, Windows will do everything for you.
Windows 8.x now includes built-in support for ISOs which you can mount into Virtual drive that will instantly appear or disappear as needed. No need for Daemon Tools anymore.
Improved Task Manager and copying system.
Shutdown option is now partially mixed with Hibernate, so startup time after shutdown is improved dramatically.

As for the downsides.
Windows 8.x is something that will take some time to get used to. Dual interfaces are integrated into each other and can be confusing at first. Many functions are duplicated in various places.
No Aero Glass, just plain alpha blending, no rounded corners, shadows are extremely subtle.
DirectDraw is now software-emulated, so some old games that rely on DirectDraw may require a DirectDraw emulator (like WineD3D) to work at full speed.
MIDI Mixer is completely removed so programs without direct MIDI Playback Device selection support will use the first installed MIDI device with no way to change it.

Can't remember anything else at the moment, hope this helps.

1 decade ago

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You can also add that this July-August (tentative release) Microsoft will release the last update they showed in January that will bring back a start menu, pretty much taking any issue anyone may have had with the OS.

1 decade ago

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I was in the same situation as you. But as recently updated my mobo and proc, i decided to give win 8 a chance(although my wife is reluctant).
For me the was boot/shutdown time was the most impressive feature(greatly reduced from windows 7)
Also the new copying system with graphs/pause option
You'll get the hand of the new interface in about a week. I would say go for it :D

1 decade ago

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Thanks for reminding me of the new shutdown feature, added it to my post as well. :)

1 decade ago

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Running Windows 8.1 just fine for months now. The only thing you have to take care is your network cards drivers. I can't really remember where I've read it, but Microsoft have modified Windows 8's network stack and without adapted drivers, you'll get troubles with your wifi/bluetooth cards. That was my case and errors was fixed by using appropriate drivers. So check if there is W8/8.1 drivers for your cards before update.

1 decade ago

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Don't do it, seriously, windows 8 sucks...

1 decade ago

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You've never used it im asuming

1 decade ago

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I find W8 good for touch devices but not for laptop/desktops. I find it confusing and full of useless things.
Windows 7 is essential and tidy, much more usable in my opinion :)

1 decade ago

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I'm using Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit and it's better than Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit performance wise, by a long shot. But if you want poor performance and ugly looks just because you can't get used to new things then stick to 7.

1 decade ago

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Its up to you. But when it comes to games Everything works. I can play tf2 , jazz jackrabbit and zdoom games without any trouble. dosbox for older games still works too.

1 decade ago

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lol just install u will love it

1 decade ago

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After update from 7 to 8.1, my laptop lost 2.1gb from 4gb ram available and the cpu always runs at 40-45% even when idling =_=

1 decade ago

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I upgraded to windows 8 on the first week it was available (I upgraded for free from my school), I have pretty much always liked it. I find that everything on my pc ran smoother, the task manager is way better, boot times are much shorter, and game performance improved slightly. Other than in the first few weeks, I have had NO compatibility issues with any programs/games that I use. I never really understand why most people hate it, I literally only see the Modern UI when I first start the computer, and it only took me about a day or two to get used to not having the start button available and get used to the other features available.

1 decade ago

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Just do it, it's the future.

1 decade ago

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Windows 8 has no problems unless you're too lazy or stupid to learn how to use it like most people who complain about it. Most of the haters don't even have it, they're just mindless sheep who believe everything they read on the Internet. I've been using it since it was released and have zero problems with it, it took me about a week to get used to all the changes to the UI but the core OS is just as good if not better than any other version of Windows.

1 decade ago

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Translation: anyone who doesn't like what I like is an idiot. Hurr durr.

1 decade ago

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No, I didn't say you have to like it, but there's nothing wrong with it. The only difference is a different UI, which some people will and some people won't like, that's fine but the OS runs great, as I said. Learn to comprehend what you read and quit trying to be a smart ass.

1 decade ago

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I think it was due your first sentence, problems can be read as in actual failures/flaws of whatever it was or things that come up during use that can be annoying. The first is what you meant(though I wasn't sure until you mentioned people liking or not) and the second is basically what he said.

To give an example people are less likely to be up in arms about and straightforward enough that there isn't much to argue: New browsers in general tend to hide menu bars by default but I personally tend to use them pretty frequently so I put them to show again, most people I know rarely use it so for them it was either a nice or completely irrelevant change.

If something as ridiculous simple as that can have such a huge variation in reactions then a huge change like windows versions tend to have every other version are bound to fill the entire spectrum. It is why my advice is to try it out and see for yourself.

1 decade ago

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Try reading his comment one more time. That's not even close to what he said.

1 decade ago

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"Windows 8 has no problems unless you're too lazy or stupid to learn how to use it like most people who complain about it." So, most people who find problems with Windows 8 and complain about it are too lazy or stupid to learn how to use it? Read like an insult to folks right out of the starting gate.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well if you want my personal opinion then I will give it to you but the other paragraph is probably more important really. In terms of performance w8.1 is the best overall so if you like to push to the limit in what you run(AAA games newly released for example) then you kinda need it unless you have money to blow in hardware. I used it for a while(not that much about 2 days in actual hours used spread over a week for 8 and then again for 8.1) and I personally don't really like the interface it has as it is basically a grouping of all of them I go out of my way to mod programs that update to go back to and while I could change/disable quite a few of those it wasn't all. But then I also don't like to use mobiles much either restricting myself to using them as actual cellphones only or reading so keep in mind that is my point of view there.

That said my actual advice is to go and try it out. If it bothers you then don't upgrade, if it doesn't then upgrade. Everything else is horse shit really. Haters gonna hate and lovers gonna love and all the bickering in between is a waste of time. For things like this personal experience is what actually matters.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Ick, no. Windows 98 was unstable as hell. Windows 2000 maybe, but fuck going back to Windows 98.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by gabaeba.