Yes, swat 4 is better ! But i love both, both are amazing games !
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I honestly prefered the first Vegas, something about the maps were better
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Pity nothing like it will ever likely come out again.
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Ah, SWAT 4, now that's a quality game. Hidden & dangerous was also great.
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I meant that is anyone holding onto the IP and actively selling and distributing the product.
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I bought RS3 also!! I like it, I wish SWAT 4 was on Steam though!
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Tried the multiplayer. Couldn't find a non-modded server without any lag. A pity.
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Sad pretty much all the games you've listed there are dead.
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It is those things you collect in your Steam Library and idle for cards.
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Yip. Seen people doing Terrorist Hunts on RS3 with a USAS 12G and basically clearing the entire map before AI can even react.
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Can you play this on a modern OS like Windows 7? A lot of these old games don't work on newer OS.
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Yes, I got RS, RS3, Ghost Recon working on 64 bit Widows 7 and 8 and 32 bit Windows 7.
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I don't mind getting Ghost Recon if there is a package deal for it. But it seems Steam removed the package deal.
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Ubi also removed Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2. Probably why they removed the package. Someone in the Steam hub said they removed them in the Ubi shop too.
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Yeah, I remember that hustle over that Tactical Whatever game that was supposed to be like these games but absolutely terrible. Each attempt recently to go back to the Tactical Shooter has really failed miseribly due to half assing it or horrifically bad AI coding.
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Probably some reason. Most likely you pissed off someone else, begged, made a shit thread, or broke some other guideline.
People do get removed from it when they post excellent material though.
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I honestly hope that if I take a trip to Ubisoft's head office I see a room full of executives snorting cocaine, meth and other hard drugs. It would honestly explain so much. If it didn't it would raise even more questions.
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I'm currently playing through Rainbow Six 3 on the hardest difficulty with some friends (usually we go three person squad but sometimes other friends join us to make 5). We're addicted! It really is difficult to beat and we basically memorize the map and location of every enemy by the end of the mission. We have names for each enemy too like "Crane guy" "red truck guy" "trailer guy" :P
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How did you set up a server? Is it hard, I would like to do the same but I am having problems? Was it simple?
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Ugh that is what I thought, setting up servers are a pain! I would rather eat beetroot! .. and I HATE BEETROOT!
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hawaiian shirt guy is annoying since that shirt is horrible.
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Vegas 1 while it was a long departure from Rainbow Six series was fun in it's own right. Very hard to rank up since you only got xp for winning and co-op campaign plus T-Hunt was fun.
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Raven Shield is waaay more tactical than SWAT 4. That and there's way more customisations and options for the missions. SWAT 4's a great game, but Raven Shield wins hands down I feel.
How much you played? Some of the later levels are pretty amazing. I especially loved the bank mission.
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Played it donkeys ago, just got it installed and basically sorting my settings at the moment. I checked online and couldn't find a good non-modded server to play. 200 magazine PSG-1's turn things into a bit of a joke.
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Quite a few servers don't work. Ones that do work are either modded or laggy as hell.
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SWAT 4 you could run around with beanbag shotguns and do every level guns blazing. It broke the game to immersible levels but could be fun.
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I really miss SWAT 4 (I don't miss getting tased and handcuffed in multiplayer though). The Stehckov Syndicate expansion had Bulgarian criminals, so I was really suprised when a thug started shouting at me to let him go in my native language. Eh, too bad I quit pirating, because you can't buy it anywhere digitally. Anyway, Rainbow Six Siege seems like a fantastic return to form for the R6 series and tactical shooters. I really hope Ubi doesn't manage to fuck it up somehow. If it sells well enough, perhaps we can see the return of the tactical shooter genre.
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From what I've seen of Siege it has as much in common with the original Rainbow Six as a pencil sharpner.
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Forgot to note don't have any Siege Keys at the moment. Sorry about that.
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Okay so the person I reserved a Siege key for never got back to me, still want it?
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Wow thanks, but I can't even run the game probably.
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Got the following or better?
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, x64.
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core.
CPU Speed: 3.3 GHz (Recommended), 2.6 GHz (Minimum)
RAM: 8 GB.
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 / R9 280 X.
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Seems i have been blacklisted but that is fine,i can still say thanks for sharing they are great games and Swat 4 was pretty good but i am not sure i wold hold that to the best Tactical game ever like some,but it just my opinion.
Anyhow good luck to all and here is a bump
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Probably some reason. Most likely you pissed off someone else, begged, made a shit thread, or broke some other guideline.
People do get removed from it when they post excellent material though.
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Well i know it was not for begging that is for sure.
I do not think it was for a shit thread as i really have only started a couple.
So i am leaning toward maybe pissed someone off,though it is never my intention to do it,i know it will happen as that is how life goes,you can not make everyone happy and you will not always agree with everyone.
I know i have not called anyone names though or other wise.Like i said it is alright i am not mad that i am blacklisted,I just only use my blacklist for people who really deserve it, like re-gifters,being racist and so on.not because what they say i might not like as that borders to much on being a bigot.
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Well bugger me not enough given away, got two E3 Bundles keys to giveaway still. Go into the Giveaway if you want to ask for something. I'll see if I can send you the keys.
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SWAT 4 is better.
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