Hey, dunno who to address to this to, but I joined a day or two ago and the site is cool, if I manage to win something I like Ill throw my extra copy of COH up here probably.

Regardless of that there are three things I noticed which would be quite helpful;

1 - A sorting feature that allows you to sort by time ending, newly added, or by amount of points

2 - A search feature to let you look for certain games and avoid the 3 or so pages or portal

3 - an option to see all of the entries you are currently involved with, not just a 'you are involved in 3' but a link you click that shows them all, so you can see them.

Thanks for your time!

1 decade ago*

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Some of these are already covered

1) Time ending is the default, "open". Theres a "new" filter option as well. Look on the right above the page numbers.

2) Yep would be very nice to have!

3) Go to "Manage Your Giveaways" and click on "Entries"

1 decade ago

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Ahh thanks, some of this site's functions are a bit counter intuitive. I hit the 'new' filter and it was filtering games that already ended and things, it was just confusing

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by smeagolthevile.